Back to my kingdom

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Sorry for the wait it's just been school school school and then I've been in America with school skiing (I have a huge bruise😞!)
Once again I only own a few things but most goes to j.k.Rowling and some to c.s.lewis

Jades POV
I ran. I don't know where I was going but I knew where my destination was going to be. Narnia. Aslan would take me there I know he will.
I found I cave and ran through it until I saw daylight on the other side. I started to slow down. I reached the end of the cave and stopped. I saw 4 kids playing in the sea. The 4 I wanted to see. My siblings. Edmond noticed me and stopped.

"Prove you are who I think you are!" He yelled at me.

🎵say something I'm giving up on you🎵 I sang whilst making a dog run around my feet made out of fire.
He smiled as he realised it was me and I ran towards them ripping of my cloak and taking of my shoes,socks and tie. I jumped into my twins arms as the others joined in for a group hug which ended up with us falling into the water making me laugh.

"How?" Asked Susan.
Then I told them about how I have lives in different world and all about the wizard world. Then Edmond noticed some ruins so we decided to go check it out. I went over to my robes and picked up my wand.

As we wondered around the ruins Lucy seemed to realise where we were and took us to what looked like a raised platform. She told us where to stand and then it all came back to me. I was standing in the ruins of cate paravel. It was attacked. That's it someone destroyed my home and they will PAY!

Then we went down to the underground cellar type thing where hopefully our cloths and weapons will be. I lit the way with a fire ball. We got down and found our stuff. I put on one of my old dresses from when I very first came to narnia.

Edmond came up to me.

"I'm so pleased your back" he said to me.

"I'm so glad to be back now let's find out what happened here" I said picking up my gun and my wand.

Then we headed out to find out what's happened to our kingdom.

Love and loss (a harry potter love story)Where stories live. Discover now