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Thank you for reading this book it has come to an end but there is a sequel. Like in the announcement this book will be under editing because of poorly typing skills, I will reread this story and make some changes so far some at the beginning of the book I recommend reading those edited ones to understand the other book I will be making talking about kaneki's and Annie's past.

There will be two sequels.

One where Kaneki's kids meet their half-sister

One talking about Kaneki and Annie's past also telling how they met to having children and getting married. 

Once again thank you for reading this book I also thank you for the reads and votes!!

Please pick which one I should publish first.

Love you all stay safe and be blessed!! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧❤❤❤❤❤❤

                                                              -----Your not so good author KC

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