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chapter twenty-seven

       EVEN WHILE SHE WAS by herself, soaring through hyperspace towards an unknown threat, Amora couldn't be happier

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       EVEN WHILE SHE WAS by herself, soaring through hyperspace towards an unknown threat, Amora couldn't be happier. The rich memory of the kiss (or two) played over and over in her mind like a broken record and she didn't want to fix it. It was the brightest light she had in the unbearably dim world. She found it hard to be sad, even knowing that she left Luke behind for who knows how long. Hope was a powerful thing when used correctly. They'd be together again. She truly believed they would. Her faith in hope could sustain even the slimmest glimmer of happiness. Memories would be enough.

       The only thing that pulled her out of her thoughts was the sudden flashing light that blinked madly on the control panel.

       She slammed down on the button next to the flashing light, the zooming stars around her slowing to a stop to reveal the orange gas giant that was Bespin, an average-looking planet that was anything but. Her hyperspace exit was a little late and she ended up much closer to the planet than she should've. It was only seconds before she was fully immersed in the planet's atmosphere and had a full view of Cloud City.

       Maybe it was just because she'd been living in a swamp for the past few weeks, but the city was absolutely gorgeous. The buildings swayed miles above Bespin's surface and peeked out of the fluffy clouds like spring blossoms blooming in a lush, emerald meadow. Small specks in the form of fellow ships cruised in and out between the buildings with ease and created a lively image of bustling excitement.

       The city may have been stunning, but she nearly groaned in frustration at the sight of a sunny blue sky fresh after sunrise, a generous yet unsatisfying distraction from her previous daydreams. It should be nearing nighttime on Dagobah right about now, meaning she'd be off to sleep soon. But traveling to Bespin to find a bright and chirpy morning meant she had to experience another full day without sleep.

       Amora flew a safe distance above the city (and not just because she was afraid of crashing). She wanted to scope out the city before just choosing a random hub to land in. This wasn't exactly her best plan, hoping to rescue her friends when she had no clue where they were, but it was the best lead she had. If she found the Millennium Falcon, she'd at least have a vague idea of where they were.

       However, as unlikely as it was, Amora easily located the large, flashy ship, parked onto a landing bay in the center of the city. It stuck out like a sore thumb amongst all the smaller, short distance ships. But the problem was that she didn't know why they were here. Were they discussing alliance on behalf of the rebellion? Did they run out of fuel and have to stop? Or maybe they just really wanted a vacation?

       As she flew steadily in range of the landing platforms below, a screeching buzz brought her attention to the dashboard where a small white light turned on.

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