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chapter six

       THE MILLENNIUM FALCON RATTLED violently as Amora entered the cockpit, asteroids battering the sides of the ship

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THE MILLENNIUM FALCON RATTLED violently as Amora entered the cockpit, asteroids battering the sides of the ship. They glittered like stars in the vast darkness, and probably would've been pretty if not for their ambush on the group.

"What's going on?" Luke questioned worriedly from behind the girl. The three travelers dropped into the back seats of the cockpit.

"Our position is correct, except no Alderaan!" Han exclaimed.

She furrowed her eyebrows in confusion.

"What do you mean? Where is it?" Luke protested in shock, speaking Amora's thoughts.

"That's what I'm tryin' to tell you kid, it ain't there. It's been totally blown away."

Blown away? But that's impossible! Unless-

"What? How?" Luke interrupted her thoughts.

"Destroyed," Obi-Wan stated. "By the Empire."

Amora's blood went cold. Obi-Wan's words confirmed her prediction. Only one thing could have taken down an entire planet, destroying millions of innocent lives and a beautiful culture of peace. She opened her mouth, but no words came out.

The Death Star.

"An entire starfleet couldn't destroy the whole planet," Han disagreed. "It'd take a thousand ships with more firepower than I've-"

A frantic beeping interrupted him.

"There's another ship coming in!"

"Maybe they know what happened." Luke suggested.

Two shots were fired by the other ship, soaring past the group. It revealed itself to be a TIE fighter.

Amora swallowed. "I think I know-"

"It's an imperial fighter." Han stated, not listening to the girl.

"It followed us!" Luke insisted.

"No," Obi-Wan explained. "It's a short-range fighter."

More explosions burst outside the ship.

"There aren't any bases 'round here. Where'd it come from?" Han questioned.

"It sure is leaving in a big hurry," Luke spoke, glancing over at Amora. "If they identify us, we're in big trouble!"

"Not if I can help it," Han asserted. "Chewie, jam its transmissions." The Wookiee reached behind Luke to do as he was told.

Amora looked over at the man with a shake of her head. "I don't think that's a good idea, Han!" she protested.

HOPEFUL ☼ LUKE SKYWALKERWhere stories live. Discover now