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chapter eighteen

       "I REALLY DID IT! I mean, I'm here, in space, in an X-wing by myself, and I'm flying it! Can you believe it?!"

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       "I REALLY DID IT! I mean, I'm here, in space, in an X-wing by myself, and I'm flying it! Can you believe it?!"

       Needless to say, Amora was beyond excited about her accomplishment. She had flown ships before, just not well by any means, but she'd never left a planet. This was a huge step. But she actually did it.

       "Of course I believe it!" Luke laughed from the crackly intercom. "I always believed you could."

       And that's how they went for hours and hours, talking and joking and Amora piping up about her achievement whenever possible. They avoided all talks about a plan or whatever they would do when they reached Dagobah. That was too far in the future. Neither of them had the capacity to focus on anything but each other.

       That is, until a large, green planet drew into view, which Luke flew towards. Amora didn't have any form of navigation. She was just following him. Based on his veering, she assumed that this was Dagobah. So she turned her ship as well to approach the planet.

       It grew larger and larger until they finally found themselves entering its atmosphere. The green mass became more defined, transforming into a wide expanse of trees and water.

       This can't be too bad.

       "Amora, listen to me, you need to start your landing cycle," Luke's voice broke through her thoughts.

       Amora nodded even though he couldn't see her. "Uh, okay, okay, I'll try..."

       But the intercom automatically shut off before Luke could reply. That should've caused Amora's worry to increase, but she brushed it aside to push all the proper buttons to do so. She could do this. She's done it before.

       She lowered herself closer and closer to the ground, which should've made the journey easier, but it only made it harder. There seemed to be dense jungle everywhere, meaning there was nowhere clear to land. Before she knew it, she was at tree-level, fighting to slow down.

       The ship shook violently as branches and vines slapped and scratched against its side, then rumbling as it skidded against the planet's surface. Amora's heart pounded, but she wasn't sure how to stop it. None of the buttons or switches she frantically touched seemed to have any control. Her fate was up to the Force.

       The rattling slowed down to a stop, creating an eerie silence that almost taunted her. Amora's heavy breathing was the only sound present in the confined space. The windows were coated with dirt and grime, blocking any view of the planet's terrain.

       With a grunt, Amora reached up and pushed the cockpit window off. She was immediately met with thick, humid air and the sights of a dull, unwelcoming planet.

HOPEFUL ☼ LUKE SKYWALKERWhere stories live. Discover now