Beach Picnic (Setsusoruko/Setsuka Chiebukuro x Sora x Yoruko Kabuya)

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Setsuka placed the picnic basket next to the beach towels, stretching from the long car ride to get to the ocean shore. "Whew, that took at while! But we're finally here!" She announced.

"That's always a good sign." Sora agreed, opening up a beach umbrella and positioning it so that the laid-out beach towels were in the shade.

To the billiards player's surprise, a plastic bottle-shaped container was placed into her hands. "Don't forget, you have to put on sunscreen before you get into the water." Yoruko reminded as she was finishing up with rubbing it into her own skin.

"Sorry, Ruko, I got carried away." Setsuka chuckled. She put a bunch of sunscreen on her hand before handing the bottle to Sora, applying the sunscreen as soon as the albino took it from her.

Soon, all three of them had finished applying their sunscreen. "While we wait for the sunscreen to dry, why don't we have our lunch now?" Sora suggested. "We spent a long time in the car, I'm sure I'm not the only one starving."

"Good idea! I'll hand the food out!" Yoruko replied, sitting down on her beach towel and opening the picnic basket. When the other two had sat down on their towels in the shade, Yoruko handed them a bento of homemade sushi and a set of chopsticks each.

Setsuka put a piece of salmon sushi with spicy mayo in her mouth and her eyes lit up. "Wow, this is amazing! Which one of you made it?" She asked.

"Ruko made it, you should turn your attention to her." Sora spoke up, looking over at the hostess with a sly smile.

Yoruko immediately turned away with a flushed face. "I-It's not THAT good, you know..." She protested.

"Sure it is. After all, you're the one who made it." The albino flirted, embarrassing her even more.

"S-Stop teasing me!" Yoruko exclaimed, burying her crimson face in her hands.

"Now, now, Ra-ra. As amazing as Ruko is, we don't want to make her pass out." Setsuka wrapped an arm around the hostess. "After all, we're here to have some fun at the beach!"

"Th-That's right! So eat your sushi before we go in, you don't want to be hungry!" Yoruko frantically tried to save face.

"Of course. We better hurry up before the beach gets too crowded." Sora looked around, seeing a few more cars start to arrive. 

With that in mind, the three of them quickly finished their sushi before they happily went into the water to enjoy their time at the beach.

Art credit: houki04 on twitter

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