Theatre (Makusanniuri/Hajime Makunouchi x Mikado Sannoji x Nikei Yomiuri)

821 12 6

(Warning: spoilers for the members of Void!)

With Mikado as a highly-wanted criminal by the Kisaragi Foundation and the Voids wanting to remain hidden, he couldn't be taken out into public places, even when Emma wanted him and his boyfriends to be more cultured in the art world.

To compromise with their circumstances, the trio decided to instead watch bootlegs on Nikei's laptop at home. Whenever Emma and Iroha were away, they enjoyed having theatre days in their living room with the lights off like an actual theatre.

"Woah, 'Last Midnight' was a cool song! And the witch just disappears into the ground after that too!" Mikado gushed, bundled in a large blanket within Hajime's arms.

"Heh, the special effects and video quality are better in the movie. You know, the one with Meryl Streep." Nikei added, lying against the other side of the boxer. "We gotta show you that one afterwards, see which one you think is better."

"Did Emma star in that movie?" The wizard asked.

"Nah, she was too sick to audition at the time. It's a shame, she would've made a nice Cinderella." Hajime chuckled.

Nikei looked over at the boxer. "Wait, how do you know that she was sick? I didn't think anyone interviewed her about that."

"Oh, I was her bodyguard at the time. Dealing with her puns was a full-time job." He joked, and the journalist's eyes seemed to light up. "Yes, you can get an interview after theatre day is over." The boxer sighed.

"Yes!" Nikei whisper-shouted, and the wizard chuckled at his enthusiasm.

"The next part is starting, could you please quiet down?" Mikado requested. "Hm, what's the baker doing? Where is he running to?"

"Well, he's-" Nikei's mouth was suddenly covered by Hajime's hand before he could say anything more.

"Sorry, spoilers." The boxer told Mikado, and he nodded in understanding. The wizard nestled himself further into Hajime's arms, relaxing in the warmth as Nikei struggled with the boxer to get his hand off his mouth.

Art credit: pipipyoco on twitter

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