One Person is Drunk (Soranade/Sora x Kanade Otonokoji)

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"Iroha, do you need a hand with Kanade?" Sora inquired. "It looks like you're having quite a hard time holding her."

Coming back from the party, Iroha was struggling to help the heavily intoxicated Kanade walk back to the Monocruise. those two were lagging behind, so Sora walked back to offer his assistance.

"Y-Yeah, please take her." The painter transferred the drunk guitarist to the taller girl before quickly picking up her pace and running to the ship.

Sora looked down at Kanade with a smile. "There, now you'll get to the Monocruise faster." She declared.

"Gh... Why does Hibiki have to be such a bitch to me..." Kanade slurred, looking around at her surroundings. "Did the island lose its goddamn batteries or something?"

"The island doesn't have batteries." The albino chuckled. "It's night now, you drank way into the evening."

The smaller girl suddenly started leaning into Sora's torso. "Mmm...comfy..." She mumbled.

"Uh, I'm really not..." Sora protested, but just sighed and let the guitarist snuggle into her. "Yeah, you're plastered. You're going to have the worst hangover tomorrow. Let's get you back to your room first."

"Aw, can't I go to your room?" Kanade drawled, a hint of blush forming on her face. "You look way much more competent than these guys anyway, I wonder what more you can learn? Your plain face just looks so useful."

The taller girl's eyes widened. "A-Are you flirting with me? It's such a strange way to do it though..." Sora hummed. "What do you mean that I'm useful?"

"Ehehe, you look like you'd listen to me really easily, maybe you'll be able to assist me one day!" The guitarist giggled, pushing herself off Sora's torso.

"Okay, you're going back to bed." The albino sighed. The two of them continued their walk towards the Monocruise, and Kanade was put back in her room before Sora returned to her own.

Art credit: akanetaira on tumblr

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