Scary Movie (Sorayoruyuki/Sora x Yoruko Kabuya x Yuki Maeda)

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"...What the hell is this?" Sora asked, holding a DVD case of Slender in her hand.

"Big Bro gave it to me!" Yuki explained. "He said that the movie was good, and that I should watch it."

"For the record, I'm only watching it too in case Yuki gets scared and starts crying." Yoruko remarked.

Yuki turned to her with embarrassment on his face. "Th-That's not going to happen! Well, maybe the scared bit, but I'm not going to cry!" He denied.

"Well, I'm not very fond of horror movies myself. The jumpscares get too much for my heart sometimes." Sora explained.

"Yet chugging an americano every morning doesn't add to that?" Yuki chuckled.

"Regardless, I'm not going to watch the movie." Sora turned around and started walking to her bedroom. "I'm going to sleep, so please keep the volume down.

An hour later, after a shower and a snack, Sora was reading by herself in her bed, feeling drowsy enough to put her book away and slip off to sleep. Suddenly, she heard a knock at her door. "Come in." She called.

Opening the door, Sora wasn't surprised to see Yuki and Yoruko pale and fearful-looking. "H-Hey, do you mind if we stay with you tonight?" Yuki asked.

"It's not like it was the movie or anything, but we just want to stay in your room for the night." Yoruko justified with a flushed face. "You're a comfy person, alright?"

"And this is why I don't watch horror movies." Sora hummed with a smile on her face. "Alright, come over here. I'll keep you safe from whatever the hell you watched in that movie."

The albino moved over to let her two lovers get on either side of her. Yoruko turned out the light as she got into the bed, and both her and Yuki clung to the sleepy girl in the middle. "Good night, guys." Yuki softly spoke, nestling his head into the crook of Sora's shoulder.

"G'night..." Sora mumbled as she wrapped her free arm around the hostess. The three of them fell asleep together in one bed, their bodies entangled with each other's.

The next day, Yuki gave the movie back to Shinji.

Art credit: qrti_DD on twitter

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