One Person is Sick (Maerin/Yuki Maeda x Yuri Kagarin)

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(Warning: spoilers for sdra2 chapter 1! Does being injured count as sick? Well, it does now, so watch out for that!)

"Yuri, hold on while we get the hook out!" Sora ran closer to the spaceman with two leg injuries and a hook in his left calf. 

"No, no, don't touch it. Someone finally went after my life. I wonder who it was." Yuri hummed in thought. "Adorable Hibiki? No, maybe my sweet Kanade. Or perhaps Yoruko, who was talking about feeling strange... Well, it doesn't matter. Not just anyone can have the honour of being killed by a cute classmate, after all!"

"Th-This isn't the time for jokes! Stay still, I'll..." Yuki ran towards the spaceman's legs frantically.

"I am truly content." The boy smiled as he sighed. "Being born a man and achieving my dream-"

"Shut the fuck up, Yuri!" Sora shouted, joining Yuki over by Yuri's legs. "Hold his calf still on either side, I'll get the hook out!"

The lucky student did as he was told to, and on the count of three, Sora pulled out the curved hook in one smooth motion. No sooner did it leave his flesh was Sora raised about five feet in the air before she let go. Outside, they heard something hitting the ground and a lot of cussing.

The albino turned back to the boys with fiery eyes. "I'm gonna go check what the fuck that was and get some answers." She pointed to the ginger. "Yuki, bring Yuri to the infirmary and tell everyone what happened. I'll pay for Syobai's services as soon as I find this asshole." She then looked over at the other boy. "And Yuri, if you don't cooperate, I swear to whatever god you pray to that I'll shove my foot where the sun don't shine."

"A-Alright, I'll go!" With some difficulty, Yuki mustered up what meager strength he gained from training with Shinji and hoisted the spaceman onto his back, Yuri reluctantly wrapping his arms around the other boy's neck. He began running at top speed to the exit with Sora on his heels, but he turned in the direction of the Monocruise while the girl went to search around the bell tower.

"Normally, I would be opposed to a man doing this, but if it's dear Sora's wishes..." Yuri sighed, holding onto Yuki tightly.

"What do you mean? You messaged my e-handbook first!" Yuki panted. "If you never messaged that you were in the bell tower and needed saving, than I wouldn't have even known!"

"What?!" The spaceman exclaimed. "Preposterous, I don't know what you're talking about..."

"If you don't remember, then I can show you when we get to the infirmary. You definitely asked me for help." The lucky student ran onto the beach. "Oh god, I better watch my footing here."

"Impossible, why would I ever wish a man to save me? That's just unthinkable!" Yuri protested. "I'm not desperate for rescue, especially with my offer yesterday!"

"Maybe you just wanted to be saved deep down, unconsciously not caring who it is." Yuki pondered. "Well, no matter what the reason was, Sora and I found you and I'm going to get you to the infirmary. Please hold on!"

As the lucky student ascended the stairs to the Monocruise, Yuri quietly frowned and looked at the ground, holding onto Yuki tighter as troubled thoughts passed through his mind.

Art credit: mirangsataraxia on tistory

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