Ballroom Dancing (Magochiesannoyomi/Emma x Setsuka x Mikado x Nikei)

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(Warning: spoilers for the members of Void!)

As the calm orchestral  music resounded through the elegant ballroom, two girls wearing ballroom dresses glided elegantly across the floor, dancing with each other. At the side, the boys accompanying the duo watched them silently, unsure what to do.

Setsuka stopped her dancing with the actress and went over to the other pair. "Hey, why aren't you two dancing? You guys did say you wanted to come." She pointed out.

"Well, um..." Nikei muttered, looking away with embarrassment on his face.

"We don't know how to dance." Mikado finished. "He never had time, and I never learned anything about social trends and constructs."

"Hm, that's a problem." Emma joined in, walking over. "Well, we are just going to have to show them!" Grabbing Nikei by the hand, the taller girl pulled him out onto the dance floor.

Mikado watched as Nikei stumbled after Emma, caught off-guard by her pulling, and walked to join Setsuka. He let her lead the dance, and the two of them swayed peacefully. "Y'know, for all being in the same group, I thought Emmy would've taught you how to dance." Setsuka wondered.

"...We Voids usually don't have much leisure time on our hands." Mikado sighed. "We have to focus on the plan, we're all running out of time."

"In that case, we'll just have to make the time you have left as best as possible." The billiards player smiled.

Meanwhile, Emma was having more difficulty teaching Nikei to dance. "Nikei, dear, relax. Let the music guide you." She instructed.

"If you're about to drop a pun, I will kill you." The journalist grumbled. "How can I relax? I don't know what the hell I'm doing!"

"Then just leave it all to me. If you let me guide you, then everything will be much more enjoyable." The actress felt the boy stiffen and sighed. "I know you may not like it, but there are times when you are allowed to give up power and not have any bad side effects. Please trust me."

Nikei looked at her for a moment before relaxing himself and allowing her to take the lead. Soon enough, the girls switched their boys and began dancing with them instead. "I take it you had trouble calming Nikei?" The wizard asked.

"You know how he is. It was bad enough when you took power in our group..." Emma trailed off into silence.

"Well, I gave him enough important responsibilities that he would be otherwise occupied, so he's warmed up to me a little...I think." Mikado explained. "Well, we wouldn't be dating if he didn't, but I hope that he feels at least a little confident in himself. Inferiority is quite a terrible thing."

Setsuka had better luck with guiding the journalist thanks to him relaxing himself right off the bat. "I guess you're finally starting to find your rhythm, eh Nik?" The girl laughed.

"Shut up..." Nikei blushed and looked away from the billiard player.

Soon enough, the girls went back to each other and let the boys dance together. Mikado led the dance between himself and Nikei, with the journalist thoroughly flustered from the situation. Emma and Setsuka only looked at the two in amusement, making a note to themselves to teach them at home next time.

Art credit: irl_.mikadosannoji on instagram

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