Sharing Scars (Tsureiruya/Tsurugi Kinjo x Rei Mekaru x Teruya Otori)

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"I keep telling you, Teruya, you can't keep throwing yourself into danger like that." Rei scolded, putting peroxide on the merchant's wound.

"I know but- Ow! But I couldn't leave my squadron like that!" Teruya protested, wincing from the sting.

Rei sighed and shook her head. "You really need to know the difference between bravery and stupidity." The professor reminded. "Those guys were in a position that they could take care of themselves, and now you have a wound that looks like it'll scar because you weren't watching."

"That's Rei-speak for 'I was worried about you'." Tsurugi laughed, wheeling himself over with a battle report and putting it on the desk beside Rei. "But in all seriousness, please be careful. We're the only three left, and we can't lose each other."

"That, and people keep saying that you're the most important person in the foundation." Rei chuckled. "I wonder why."

"Probably because I can keep you two from bickering for five minutes at best." Teruya laughed. His smile didn't last as he looked down at his wound. "Aw, I wasn't planning on getting a scar from this. Damn."

"Heh, at least you can cover yours up. There's a reason I wear my hat like this." The director gestured to his right eye with a resigned smile. "And Rei probably has a lot more from the missions I send her on."

"Damn straight." Rei replied, putting the first aid kit away. "Look at you, working us like slaves while you're just sitting around."

"...I'm in a wheelchair, Rei." Tsurugi spoke in response, eliciting some chuckles from the merchant. Rei and Tsurugi looked at each other and smiled, happy that Teruya was cheered up now.

Art credit: OQ0q9 on twitter

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