Bad Dream (Sorarobi/Sora x Emma Magorobi)

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(Warning: PTSD attacks!)

Sora slowly opened her eyes in the middle of the night, nudged awake by her bedmate's restless sleeping. "Emma, could you settle down a little there...?" She mumbled. Upon hearing a sudden whimper, the albino grew concerned and sat up in bed, looking over at the actress.

Emma's face was scrunched up in fear and pain, and she looked like she was doing her best to curl into herself. Her body seemed to reflexively protect her forearms, and the other girl could help but feel terrible for the blonde.

Sora reached over and began to shake the taller girl's shoulders. "Emma, it's okay. Come on, wake up. It's just a nightmare." She encouraged as she jostled the actress.

Soon, Emma slowly opened her eyes, though she wasn't focused on reality yet, still trapped in her nightmare. "N-No, I'll be a good girl, please don't hurt me!" She cried, her panicked eyes watering.

Sora took her roughly by the shoulders and shook her again to bring her back to reality. "Emma, look at me. Can you recognize me? What's my name?" She calmly spoke, trying her best to ground the actress.

"You...Sora. You're Sora." The blonde replied, trying her best to catch her breath.

"Good." Sora smiled. "And where are we right now?"

"We're my bedroom." Emma's breathing began to slow down as she recognized the familiar trophies and posters on the walls. Finally, she come back to reality. "Ah, what was..." She wondered, tears slipping down her cheeks.

"You were having a nightmare, and it woke me up. Thank goodness it did, or else you would've been like that for longer." The albino then yawned and stretched, her sleepiness still prominent. "You wanna watch a movie or something? Maybe something like a disney movie?"

Emma sniffled and wiped her tears. "Y-Yes, I would like that..." She sat up from the bed on wobbly feet. "Can we watch Hercules?" She whimpered.

"Of course, just let me get it started up." Sora hummed, dragging herself off her side of the bed and wandering to the living room. "I think you should get yourself a glass of water, you look like you need it."

"Alright..." The actress left to go to the kitchen, and the sound of the faucet running could be heard as Sora set up the movie.

A few minutes later, Emma was watching the movie with a snoozy albino on her lap and her glass of water on a side table. As the smaller girl slowly drifted off to sleep, the actress held her tighter in her arms, promising herself not to let her go.

Art credit: pipipyoco on twitter 

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