Sunrise (Hajisora/Hajime Makunouchi x Sora)

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Ever since Sora began spending her free time with Hajime, she made it a habit to join the boxer for his and Shinji's morning jog around the island. She never stayed for the other training afterwards due to her needing to report to the other Ultimates that she was alive via the breakfast meetings and investigate the island.

One morning, she walked over to the entrance of the Monocruise, but she only saw the boxer there this time. "Hajime, where'd Shinji go? I thought he'd be joining us." She inquired.

"Shinji said that he was feeling under the weather, so I told him to rest in his room until he was feeling better." Hajime informed. "No matter, we can do our morning run with just the two of us."

"Yes, we should get started." The albino agreed, following the blonde out of the ship as she worried about what happened to Shinji.

The two of them jogged throughout the island, passing the U-Mart, Uehara Bell Tower, the park, the guest house, and the water houses. Finally, the duo arrived back on the beach and witnessed a gorgeous sight.

"Wow, look at that sunrise!" Sora called out, pointing toward the horizon.

Hajime looked towards it and stopped jogging, breathing heavily as he gazed over at the array of colours. "You're right, that really is beautiful." He agreed.

"I've never seen a sunrise like this before. Of course, I probably have seen them in my past, but I don't remember it." Sora turned to Hajime with a smile. "When we get off this island, could you show me more sunrises like this?"

Hajime returned the smile and nodded. "Yeah, of course. We'll escape soon, so don't worry. You'll see a sunrise free from the stress of this incident." He promised.

Sora nodded, feeling a bit giddy inside. "Well, I better head inside for breakfast or else the others will worry about me. I'll see you around, Hajime." She spoke before departing onto the Monocruise.

Hajime waited until she entered the ship before sighing, taking off from the beach to do another lap around the island.

Art credit: pipipyoco on twitter

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