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(Lots of u didn't want me to kill them off and I don't really feel like getting killed by Zarrin so.. they are alive for now)

- Kio's POV -

Bryce left to go pick up Kalia. We just kept on partying . A few hours later we headed home and we were drunk out of our minds!

Well Blake, Josh, And Jaden. I was tipsy and Noah being the good boy he is (wtf) was not drunk at all.

Bryce still hasn't come home yet and Noah and I were worried. Jaden was smoking out side and Blake and Josh were passed out on the couch.

Kio: "Where do u think Kalia and Bryce are?"

Noah: "I have no idea." A few second later Dixie came stumbling through the front door. Noah looked up and saw Dixie's state.

Noah: "Baby. You promised you wouldn't drink."

Dixie: "I dId'Nt." She hiccups and then giggles. Noah slings her over his shoulder.

Noah: "You are going to bed now." He carried her upstairs. I decide to head to bed. I tripped over one of the steps and face planted onto the next stairs. 

Kio: "Ow fuck!" I grab my nose where I banged it. I felt something wet dripping down my nose. I touch it and pull my hand away. 

On my finger tip is red blood. The blood comes more and more. I put my finger by my nose so it will stop the bleeding for now. I hurry up to my room and grab a piece of cloth. I think it was a towel but all I know, it was one of Olivia's shirts.

I place the cloth on my nose and turn on the light. I can see now that it is Kalia's hoodie. 

Kio: "Kailua is going to be pissed." I whispered to myself. Rush over to my bathroom and grab Kleenex 🤧 and shove it up my nostrals. I put Kalia's hoodie in the sink. I turn in the cold water and soak it.

My Kleenex is dripping.

Kio: "Fuck." I switch out Kleenex.

- Noah's POV -

I take Dixie upstairs. She smashes her lips on mine.

Noah: "Dix. You are drunk and not in the right mind set." She ignores me and starts kissing my neck. I groan.

Noah: "Dixie." 

Dixie: "Mhm." She takes off my shirt. She puts her lips on mine. Her tounge slides in my mouth. I moan. I would want this to continue if she was not drunk. I push her off me.

Noah: "Dixie. You are drunk. I am not going to take advantage of u."

Dixie: "CoUlD yOu StAy WiTh mE?" I nod and I am about to lay down, but I hear a thud.

Noah: "I will be right back baby."

Dixie: "Nooo." She whines.

Noah: "Real quick I promise." She finally let go of my arm and I make my way out to the hallway and don't see anyone there. I also see Kio's light on. I walk over to his doorway and hear the sink water running and his bathroom light is on.

Noah: "Hey Kio, you good man?" He peaks his head out of the bathroom door way and he has Kleenex stuffed up his nose.

Kio: "Yeah I am fine ." It sounds weird since he has Kleenex stuffed up his nose.

~ time skip to 1 hour and 30 minutes ~

Kio's nose stops bleeding but since he lost a lot of blood, he is woozy.

Noah: "Lets get u to bed Kio." 

Kio: "Yessir." He stumbles. I help to his bed and he immediately falls asleep. I head back over to Dixie to see she is passed out as well. 

I grab my phone to text Bryce because they are still not home yet and I am getting really worried.


Hey man, are you guys alright? And is Kalia okay?

I put my phone to the side and lay down next to Dixie. I kiss her forehead.

Noah: "I love you." 

I close my eyes and drift off to sleep.


not exactly the update u guys were hoping for but hehehehhhee

I will update agin today



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