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- Kalia's POV -

He was wearing a red t-shirt, black sweatpants, and white Nike's. Bryce stepped in front of me.

Bryce: "Why are you here?" He growled.

Sabastian: "Oh just to get in on the 20th birthday fun." He does jazz hands. 

Noah: "Well, party is over, so you can leave."

Sabastian: "Not quite yet." And then he leaves. We all look at each  other confused.

Kalia: "I am gonna go to bed."

Blake: "Imma clean up a little." I head up stairs for the night. I turn off my light when Bryce walks in.

Kalia: "Happy Birthday."

Bryce: "Thanks princess."

Kalia: "Now I can call you an old man."

Bryce: "Not quite."

Kalia: "'Night."

Bryce: "There is one more thing."

Kalia: "And that is?"

Bryce: "Can I stay with you for a little. I don't know what Sabastian meant." I don't say anything, just make room on my bed. He slides under the covers (I am so sorry), wraps his arms around my torso, and kisses my head. (why does this sound wrong😭)

Bryce: "Love you princess."

Kalia: "Love you too dad." I fall asleep to his heart beats.

-1 week later-

Today is my first gymnastics competition of the season. I get my blue competition leotard on, pull my hair back in a tight bun so it won't fall out.

Bryce: "You ready princess?" I hop and stand by his side. Josh is about to mess up my hair but I grab his arm.

Kalia: "This took me an hour to do, mess it up and you are a dead man."

Josh: "Noted." I let go of his hand and get into the car. Bryce, Josh, and Noah are coming (ew that sounds really wrong). The others wanted to come but their managers said they had something to do.

I do my routines and it is time for places. I get 1st, 2nd, 1st, and 3rd. I see Noah and Josh jumping up and down. I hug them

Josh: "You did so well!"

Noah: "Wait till the boys hear about this!"

Kalia: "Thanks." I see Bryce standing there. 

Bryce: "I didn't think you make me any prouder, but you always prove me wrong." 

Kalia: "O shush. I think there are some fan girls over there." He turns around and see r girls who look like they are about to explode. 

~ time skip till morning cus i am lazy ~

I get up and see nobody around. Always someone would be here, but the house is dead silent. There is not a note or even my dad texting me. 

I start to worry. 

??: "Don't tell me you forgot." Then everything goes black. I am still conisous cus I can hear everything and feel. Like someone put a blind fold over my eyes. Someone is holding my wrists.

They uncover my eyes and I see Bryce and the boys. They look as relived as I feel. I run over to them but somebody grabs me.

- Blake's POV -

We see Sabastian behind Kalia.

Blake: "Kalia! Watch out!" She looks at us confused but she relizes what we mean when Sabastian grabs her. She fights back, but he shoves her against the wall. (basically the Enola Holmes fight scene at the Lime House Lane) He shoves her head in a bucket of water.


Jaden: "We will give you what ever stop!"

Josh: "Stop!"

Sabastian: "How about.. no." Kalia is still struggling to get air.

Bryce: ''Stop!" He is struggling to get past the barrier between us.

Kio: "Seriously man, this isn't funny."

Sabastian: "I would seggest you stop struggling." He is shoving Kalia's head farther down.

Bryce: "Or what! Anything is better than you seeing  drown my daughter!"

Noah: "SABASTIAN!" He tightens his grip on her neck. I hear her scream in pain.

Blake: "Stop!"

That is when my heart stops.

Everything becomes a blur

Tears well in my eyes.

Kalia's body goes limp.

Bryce: "NOOO!"


ha i left you guys on a cliffhanger

have fun

i legit started this early and now it is the next day
what the fuck is wrong with my life

sry for spelling errors

thx for 91 votes



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