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- Josh's POV -

I take Kalia's plate to the sink. I hear a thud and drop the plate. I look over to Kalia and see her collasped. I run over to her.

Josh: "HELP! SOMEONE CALL 911." The boys come running down and see Kalia. Bryce runs over to her 


Bryce: "Kalia! Wake up!" Jaden calls 911 while we try to wake her up

Operater: "Hello 911, what is your emergency."

Jaden: "My little sister passed out."

Operator: "What is your address?"

Jaden: "***********"

Operator: "What could have caused  her passing out."

Jaden: "Her drink was drugged last night."

Operator: "What was her drink."

Jaden: "Vodka and some white powder."

Operator: "Check her pulse." 

- Bryce's POV -

I hear a crash and then Josh shouting for help. I sprinted down and see Josh squatting down next to Kalia, who is unconcious. I shout at her to wake up and try to shake her. The operator tells us to check her pulse. I put a hand over my mouth and let out a sob when there is nothing.

Quinton: "I know CPR." He shoves us out of the way. After about a few rounds of CPR I check again. It is barelly there.  

The ambulance gets here. They come threw the door and put her in a stretcher. I hop in the ambulance with her and hold her hand. They run her over to the emergency room, they have to pump her stomach . 

The rest of the sway boys are there with some of the hype. LARRAY, Charli, Dixie, Thomas, Taylor, Alex, Kouvr, Olivia, Nessa, Avani, Amelie and Addison. 

The line goes dead and I collaspe. Addison catches me, Noah is sobbing into Dixie's shoulder. Thomas is covering his eyes but we can tell he is crying. Taylor has is head in his hands. All the others aren't hiding that they are crying.

We hear beeping again, we all look at each other in shock and relief. Everyone's eyes are red and filled with tears. 

Doctor: "We thought we lost her but she sure is a fighter. You may see her now. But only 4 people at time." 

Taylor, Thomas, Charli, and Dixie go first. LARRAY, Addison, Quinton, and Kouvr go next. Alex, Nessa, Olivia, and Jaden go 3rd. Blake, Amelie, Anthony, and Avani go right after. It is my turn. You can still tell I was crying. I go in with Noah, and Josh. 

No parent wants to see their kid in the hospital unconcious. 

- Kalia's POV -

I open my eyes and see my dad, Noah, and Josh. They look shocked at first and then they smile at me with puddles in their eyes(I am having a brain fart lmao). Bryce brushes the hair out of my face.

Kalia: "What is going on?"

Noah: "Nothing it's okay."

Josh: "DUDE! SHE JUST WANTS TO KNOW!" A ear shattering noise rings threw my ears.

Bryce: "Guys, don't shout."

Josh: "You know how you were drugged by Sabastian." I nod
Josh: "Well, he gave you a poisonious drug that killed you."

Kalia: "How is that posiable. I am still alive." Bryce's eye start to water.

Noah: "That was not the case 2 hours ago. You died for 5 minutes." Bryce shakes his head while tears fall. (Bryce is a huge softie when it comes to Kalia LOL). I reach out and grab his hand. He looks at our hands before looking at me. I squeeze his hand.

Kalia: "But I am here now aren't I." He laughs.

Bryce: "Just never do that again." He hugs me.

Kalia: "I don't plan on it." It feels like bricks fell on top me.
Kalia: "I knew you guys were heavy, just not this heavy." They laugh and get off. I am about to fall asleep when I hear a voice.

- Noah's POV -

She is about to fall asleep but we hear a voice. OH NO HE DIDN'T!

- Josh's POV -

I choke on my spit when I hear him.

- Everyone outside's POV -

BRUH.... Bryce about to flip his sh*t

- Bryce's POV -

I play with her hair when I hear his voice. Kalia hears it too cus she looks up at me with fear in her eyes.

Sabastian: "So... hi."  Noah and I stand in front of Kalia while Josh calms her down.

Bryce:  "GET. OUT."

Sabastian: "Why the sour mood Bryce."

Bryce: "Idk maybe because you almost killed my child."

Noah: "What do you want man."

Sabastian: "I just wanted to visit."

Alex: "Cut the bullsh*t."

Sabastian: "What do you mean?"

Jaden: "Why are you really here to see my sister."

Blake: "And don't say 'I just wanted to visit'" Sabastian sighs.

Avani: "Well..."

Nessa: "You gonna say anything?"

LARRAY: "I might not seem like the type to this but, you have 2 options. You either tell us why you are here or I get the police to arrest you."

Kalia: "I vote on the last one just a few broken bones thrown in the mix."

Quinton: "How do you have a good view on this!"

Kalia: "Cause unlike you. I am an ✨optimist✨"

Avani: "Periodt sis"

Addison: "You gonna tell us or...."

Sabastian: "Fine........ I came here to give her this." He pulls out a bag of cocanie. We all look at him in shock.

Thomas: "Bro!"

Jaden: "What the actual f*ck."

Noah: "That is my 9 year old sister! She almost died cus of you and then you are about to give her COCANIE!"

Josh: "You gonna do anything Bryce?" That snaps me out of my trance. 

Bryce: "WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS?" Sabastian shrugs.

Bryce: "NO TELL ME RIGHT NOW!" I shove him against the wall. He punches me so hard I stumble back.

Kalia: "DAD! STOP PLEASE!" She is at the verge of tears. I look between Kalia and Sabastian. I know I shouldn't have done this but, I punch Sabastian back.



I still suck at spelling so sry for the errors.



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