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- Kalia's POV -

Noah comes out in sweats and and t-shirt.

Noah: "Ok now can I have a hug."

Kalia: "I think I am comfortable the way I am." I smile at him

Noah: "Well, sucks to be you." He picks me up and hugs me. I laugh and so does Noah, Josh, and Dixie. Suddenly Dixie rushes to the toilet.

Kalia: "What is up with her?" I ask Noah and Josh.

Josh: "Hang over."

Noah: "I would never know."

Josh: "yes because you are an angel Noah." Noah flips him off.

Dixie: "NOAH! Kalia is still here!" And then I hear her throw up again. I get off Noah.

Noah: "Hey!"

Kalia: "Chill I am just getting breakfast."

 Noah: "You better hurry."

Kalia: "I will." I hear Bryce filming for YouTube but I just ignore it. I walk into the kitchen and grab the milk, my bowl and a spoon. The ceral is to high so I end up just jumping up and down.

Jaden: "Here." He grabs the ceral box for me.

Kalia: "Thanks." I whisper.

Jaden: "I am sorry for being rude earlier, I was just stressed and everything."

Kalia: "It is fine. Can I have the cereal?" I ask. He looks confused and then remembers he is still holding the cereal. He hands it to me and just... walks out. I pour my cereal and then my milk. I sit down.

~flash back to 6 years ago~

Mom: "Kalia hunny, Joe is gonna take a picture of me and dad okay? Stay here."

4 year old Kalia: "Ok momma." I smile and stand to the side with my brother 

(lets pretend your brothers name is Louis. JANELLE, ZARRIN, MARY I KNOW WHAT YOU ARE GONNA SAY. DONT SAY IT)

Louis: "Sissy?"

4 year old Kalia: "Yea?"

Louis: "I wuv you."

4 year old Kalia: "I love you too." I turn to Joe.

Joe: "3, 2,..." He walks closer to my parents.

Mom: "What are you doing?" He doesn't say anything.

Dad: "Joe?" 

Joe: "It was nice knowing you." And he shoves them both off the cliff. I hear their scream and then I don't.

4 year old Kalia: "Mom! Dad!" Louis is still oblivious to the whole situation. Joe approaches us.

Joe: "Your turn."

4 year old Kalia: "No." I have learned that when you kick or hit a guy in the nuts, it hurts. I swing my leg and hit his nuts. 

He groans and folds over I grab Louis's hand and we run down the hill.

Louis: "What is going on?"

4 year old Kalia: "Just run." He doesn't question and we run down the hill. Joe is coing up from behind us. 

We finally make it down the mountain. I see a group of tourists.

Tourist1: "Hi are you lost?"

4 year old Kalia: "That guy pushed my mommy and dad off the cliff." She looks up and sees Joe. If you told someone this, they probably wouldn't belive you. But since I looked so scared she believed me.

Tourist1: "It is going to be ok." She pulls out her phone and calls the cops while the other tourists comfort us. 

I didn't them, I wanted my mommy and dad.

The cops get here and arrest Joe. They ask us to show where our parents got pushed off the cliff. I lead them to where we last saw them. I look down and see 2 bodies covered in blood below us. Louis and I are both in tears.

Cop1: "Sweetie, it is going to be alright."

I fell asleep replaying my mom and dads last words in my head

What are you doing?


Kalia hunny, Joe is gonna take of me and dad okay? Stay over here.


yeah imma leave it right here

stream drivers license by olivia rodrigo for clear skin



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