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~ 2 days later ~

- Kalia's POV -

Bryce: "Princess?" I look up from my show.

Kalia: "Yea?"

Bryce: "The boys and I are going to be out for about 2 hours. Jaden will be home with you."

So if Sebastian breaks in, I have chopstick to protect me

Kalia: "Why are you guys going?" I ask.

Bryce: "Kio is mad about us leaving for Disneyland with out him so he is making us go to ice cream."

Kalia: "Cool." I say turning my attention back to my show.

Bryce: "Do you wanna come?" He asks.

Kalia: "No I am good." I say.

Bryce: "Oh, ok. Um, then see you later?"

Kalia: "yea. Bye dad."

Bryce: "Bye princess." He says and then leaves. I hear them get in the car and leave.

45 minutes later, my iPad dies and I suddenly feel bad for blowing off my dad. I sigh and get my fat butt off my bed and head downstairs to where my phone is.

I hear voices just as I am about to round the corner to the kitchen. I shove myself against the wall and listen in. I can only hear whispers and after a few minutes I hear foot steps retreat from the kitchen. 

I pick up my phone and start heading back upstairs when the lights start flashing. I look up confused.

Kalia: "What in the wor" I am cut off by a hand  shoving over my mouth. I feel something hard and cold pressed against my head.

??: "Don't say a word." Jaden comes down the stairs.

Jaden: "Kalia? Are you- KALIA!" He yells and runs to me, but falls to the ground. There stood another person, it looks like a lady. She dusts her hands off.

Man: "Make one move and a bullet will go straight for your head." I slowly nod my head.

Oh dear Jesus, what is the crack do I do?

I could knee him in the balls 

But what if he pulls the trigger

Then you will be with you brother and mom and dad

But I don't want to leave Bryce and the boys 

Just knee him in the balls

It is worth a shot

If  I die it is all your fault.

I take a deep breath and swing my leg and hit him in the balls. He pulls the trigger but it goes into the wall in instead of my head

Now that wasn't so bad

I run to the front door and in my hurry to get out, I go face first into the door. I hear a loud crack and blood starts dripping out my nose. It gets on the floor and the door.

Another bullet comes flying by me and into the door. I don't waste anymore time and swing the front door open. 

It once again comes colliding with my face. 


Blodd is gushing out my nose and getting every where. I just hold my nose and sprint outside. I just keep running and don't stop

My nose is dying, there are 2 criminals inside my house, and I have no idea where I am going. Just perfect.


50k READS? WTFFFF! I am rereading and wondering why y'all are still reading



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