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(Oh yeah just a heads up. This chapter is trash, i ran out of ideas)

(anthony is with avani at hype house)

- Kalia's POV -

I wake up and see a Bryce sleeping next to me. 

I thought he slept in his room.

I shrug my shoulders and cuddle him. About 30 minutes later he wakes up and his hand immediately goes to his forehead.

Kalia: "Headache!" I shout."

Bryce: "Ow."

Kalia: "You big baby." I get out of bed and then get an idea after Bryce takes his aspirin.

Kalia: "Can I wake up the boys?"

Bryce: "Sure." I grab my mega phone. Don't ask. I walk over to where Blake and Josh are passed out on the couch and Jaden is on the floor.

Kalia: "GOOD MORNING!" I yell into the mega phone. Blake shoots up and rolls out off the couch. Josh screams and Jaden hits his head on the coffee table.

Bryce is laughing behind me. Blake sees me once he gets off the floor.

Blake: "Your gonna get it when I take a aspirin." Bryce hands him a aspirin along with Josh and Jaden.

Kalia: "No! Dad why did you give them that?"

Bryce: "They have headaches."

Kalia: "Now they will tickle me." I pout.

Bryce: "I would start running now." I nod and take off with the boys close on my heels. I am picked up and thrown on the couch.

Blake: "This is what you get." He starts to tickle me and I start laughing uncontrolably.

Kalia: "Ahahah sto- ahahah." Now Josh starts tickling me. This goes on for about 5 minutes before I am laughing so hard I can't breath.

 And when you can't breath, you cough and when you cough people think your sick and when people think you are sick, they stay away, and when people stay away, you get lonely and when you get lonely you become depressed. When you become depressed, you kill yourself and when you kill yourself and when you kill your self, everyone else might become depressed, and when they become depressed, they kill them self. 

Why was I thinking about that?

Bryce: "Woah woah ok. That is enough." The boys get off me while I cough trying to get air. Bryce pats my back and my breathing gets back to normal.

Kalia: "Why would you do that?" I cross my arms and make a pouty face.

Josh: "Cause you woke us up." He pinches my cheeks.

Kalia: "Fair enough, but that is what you get for drinking. You are 18."

becoming a hall - part one of two (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now