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(Why did I have a 20 year old adopt a kid?)

- Kalia's POV -

Noah tackles him to the ground and the knife slips out of Sebastian's hand. It slides across the floor.

I run over and grab it, but my ankle slides out form underneath me.

- Bryce's POV -

Bryce: "Yo!" I walk into the Hype house. Thomas looks up from his phone.

Thomas: "Hey man! Where is Kalia?"

Bryce: "So you aren't excited to see your own brother?"

Paper: "Yes."

Calvin: "Shut Paper. Nobody asked you."

Paper: "Oh you wanna try me you dumb shit."

Thomas: "eh, no fighting."

Bryce: "Kalia is at James's house with Noah and them."

Thomas: "Mkay. Why are you here."

Bryce: "Rude much?"

Thomas: "I didn't mean it like that."

Bryce: "It is fine man. I just got bored so I wanted to annoy your ass."

Thomas: "Thanks a lot."

Bryce: "That is what brothers are for dumb fuck."

Thomas: "I am about to film a bit of you wanna be in it."

Bryce: "What do u have to do?"

Thomas: "Be a dumb ass."

Taylor: "He is basically saying be yourself." 

Bryce: "Fuck u."

Taylor: "Love you too." I flip him off. Nessa comes down the stairs and Taylor goes up.

Nessa: "Oh hey Bryce."

Bryce: "Hi." I stay downstairs for 30 minutes , filming a bit for Thomas, and stealing their food. I want to go and annoy someone so I head to Taylor's room. He is cuddling with Charly. I jump onto him.

Taylor: "What the fuck man!"

Bryce: "Hey charly." She laughs. I see her legs shaking.

Bryce: "OoOo did y'all fock?" Taylor pushes me off the bed.

Taylor: "Shut up bitch."

Bryce: "So ... did you?"

Charly: "No of course not."

Bryce: "And I am a virgin."

Taylor: "Still?" I wack him. I have an idea. I grab Charly's phone and stand on the other side of the bed.

Charly: "Hey! Give it back." She reaches for it but I move it  farther away.

Bryce: "Come and get it." I tease. She gets out of bed and tries to take a step but she falls. She tries to take another but she falls again.

Bryce: "Ha Taylor, you blew her back so hard, she can't walk!"  Charly blushed and Taylor put his head in his hands and blushes like Charly. He grabs a pillow and chucks it at me. It hits my head.

Bryce: "Owie." 

Taylor: "Shut up man."

Bryce: "Nah." 

Bryce: "And his name is John Cena." I do the John Cena move.

(Shut up I am stupid).

He groans.

Taylor: "Get the fuck off fat ass."

Bryce: "Make me daddy."

Charly: "I am the only one who calls him that!" We laugh.

Bryce: "Damn Charly is really exposing her self." Taylor shoves me off the bed and I hit the floor with a thud.

Bryce: "Taylor you hurt me." I whine.

Taylor: "Shut up bitch." And we all start laughing again.

- Noah's POV -

I tackle Sebastian and the knife slide across the floor and out of his hand. I punch him once.

Noah: "You bitch." We exchange a few hits and Kalia is running for the door. I look up and see Sebastian grab her ankle. She falls.

She falls on the knife.


should she get stabbed
or na

if she does get stabbed
should it be bad or sm



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