Chapter 28

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Chapter 28.

Alyssa's P.O.V

"How much longer till we get home?" I wined because my butt was starting to hurt from sitting on the car seats.

My butt cheeks probably disappeared. Great now I won't have a butt. Thanks a lot Jake!

"Like 15 more minutes" He simply answered not taking his eyes off the road. I sighted and looked out the window with the colorful figures passing by.

"Wait, we aren't going home aren't we?"I asked

"Nope. I thought you figured that out already." He said smirking.

"Well no because I didn't feel like it. Its a free country and technically I'm not a slave anymore" I said proudly.

"Whatever"I hear him mumble. For the rest of the drive I kept imagining what the future could hold for me. Would it be a nice future or a horrible future? Will I even see my mother again? Oh this just isn't fair anymore.

My thoughts broke when Jake called my name to inform me that we have arrived to our new house I guess since he wouldn't take me back to the old house for no reason at all.

The house was small and white. It wasn't the best thing in the world , but it's better that nothing.

"So...your staying with me?" I asked biting my lower lip because I was nervous of what he was going to answer.

"Obviously. Seriously, your brain Is not working today" He laughed and I just glared at him. I opened the door and got out of the car.

I turned the knob from the door of the house , but it wouldn't turn.

I turned my head glancing over Jake who was leaning over his car with the keys in his hands. "I think you need the keys to open a house Alyssa. Unless you want to be a bad girl and break in" He chuckled.

"You wish." I rolled my eyes.

"Careful, your eyeballs might roll off your face." He informed me. So now we are joking around? If you ask me...this man needs a good hit in the everywhere with a baseball bat.

"Shut up and give me the keys"

"Alright" He threw them towards me and I flinched afraid it would hit me. To my surprise, it did.

"Right on the nose!" He cheered. Asshole.

I covered my nose and looked at him with hate. "You should never hit a girl"

"I didn't. I hit you with the keys which is totally different" Okay what's with his humor today?

"Don't talk to me" I mumbled and got down to reach the keys asshole boy threw in my face. I got up and put in the key in the hole. I turned the key and the door opened.

As I entered, I noticed that this place was dirty and old. There was some furniture , but it was cover in a big plastic bags.

I felt a cold hand on my shoulder which made me jump in surprise. I look up to see Jake smiling down on me.

"Like it?" He asked.

"No...its dirty"

"Way to ruined the moment" He then walked away and left me there. I remember living in a small house before I moved to the house I had.

"Alyssa, sweety" My mother called me from the living room. I was 15 years old and I was watching the Simpsons. It was a really good episode so I ignored my mother.

"Alyssa!" she yelled again.

"Uh...I'm not available right now!" I yelled back making sure she heard me.

She then opened the door of my bedroom. I jumped and turned around to look at her. She had her arms crossed on her chest and a annoyed expression on her face.

"Alyssa, I expected better from you" She started "Now come to the living room. I have a surprise"

I smiled big and walked to the living room. A man who looked young sat on the couch looking at me with a wide smile. He crept me out a little so I stepped back a little.

"Alyssa, this is Bob. My new boyfriend" She said smiling and walking over to him giving him a kiss.

My world just stopped because I found out the harsh reality. My mom found another man that isn't my real father.

I came back to reality. "Are you okay?" Jake asked. "Yeah" I assured him. I hate my past.

Bitten For Love ✔ ( Major Editing )Where stories live. Discover now