Chapter 27

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Chapter 27

Jake's P.O.V.

"Hey! This isn't the way home!" Alyssa complained next to me while I drove. I'm not actually taking her home more like running away with her to somewhere safe.

"Yes it just probably forgot the way home" I tried to lie to her, but she raised an eyebrow and looked at me.

"I'm a vampire not Stupid"

"That's a surprise" I joked , but she took it to seriously. She crossed her arms and looked out the window.

I tapped the starring wheel making a rhythm to break the awkward silence.

"Dude, you can just turn on the radio. No need for a horrible made up rhythm song that isn't even catchy"

"Well I'm sorry if I want to express myself" I said playing along. I know she enjoyed my mini rhythm tapping song. She's just jealous to admit it.

"Express yourself by driving faster because my throat is starting to burn again" She said grabbing her neck slightly. She squinted a little trying to hold the pain in her throat.

"Don't worry. We are almost there" I told her and she relaxed a little. I have no idea why, but I feel like I want to scare Alyssa. Its a crazy idea , but I want to do this!

I took a deep breath and yelled "Oh My God! I'm losing control of my car! We are so going to die!"

"Nice try Poop brain. Vampires can't die" Dammit! She's smart.

Ashley's P.O.V.

I walked all the way home because stupid Jake left me alone in that restaurant parking lot so save his stupid soulmate. I hope Jordan completed what he said he was going to do.

Honestly, I don't think its fair that Alyssa gets to be a vampire and I don't!

I wanted to be a vampire more than her so why couldn't i?

As I was walking I was looking down at my shoes that Jake bought me the other day. I think I need new ones.

I wasn't really watching where I was going so I bumped into someone. I landed on my butt making me feel pain immediately.

"The fuck?" I said and looked up seeing Finn. Well at least he can take me back home .

"Oops! Sorry" He offered me and hand to help me stand up. I gladly took it and soon I was up on my two feet.

"I need to go home. Can you take me back home?" I asked hoping he said yes because I'm not walking.

"I came to walk for a while"

"So you have no car with you right now?"

"Nope" He said popping the "P"

"Well your useless to me" I turn my back at him and started to walk away.

"I might be useless" He started getting my attention. I stopped my foot steps and listened. "But at least I care about people. You only care about yourself." I turn around this time to face him.

"Your point is?" I asked.

"Your going to go down. Evil never wins so just to let you know, you won't last that long with your little trick" He spat at me and looked at me with disgust.

"I'm not evil!" I snapped back at him.

"Yes you are! I know about you and Jordan trying to destroy Alyssa and Jake's relationship! That 'dancing accident' wasn't as accident wasn't it?"

I stayed silent

"Answer me!" He yelled and I flinched. I have never heard him yell like that ever.

"Yes! We planned it okay? Happy!?"

"Very." He smirked and I kept on walking.

"Oh and Ashley?" I turn to look at him.

"Yeah?" I asked slowly.

"Get a new place to stay because mine and the guys place is not welcome for you anymore" That's all he said and walked away from. I cursed out the wind. Now I need a stupid place to stay, but where?


Anyone expecting any Frickle Frickle time? ;)

There will be some , the next few chapters....

not saying when though!


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