Fourteen- Starting to fit in

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Chapter 14 - Starting to fit in

Edited 3/31/18

Alyssa's P.O.V.

After a few careless steps, I bumped into a figure. Their long hair ended up all over my face causing me to close my eyes shut. Before I knew it fear took over my face features. She was rubbing the side of her head just looking straight at me in confusion. " Sorry about that."

She just smiled. " Don't worry about a thing. It's not like you could kill me right?" She grinned at the attempt of a joke. Her fangs caused me to shriek in surprise.

Noting my fright she frowned deeply. Instantly I felt guilty for doing that knowing it was a normal thing here. It was like screaming for seeing two eyes. " Oh no, I'm not dangerous. Here let's get to know each other more. My name is Liset and yours?"

" Alyssa, basically the human slave." I didn't sound too thrilled knowing that.

She gasped and covered my mouth shut. Liset looked both ways before uncovering my mouth with an apologetic look. " Sorry, but you shouldn't be around here. You're only allowed in the basement or kitchen."

" I got lost and ended up here." I tried to explain.

She giggled and nodded in understatement. Part of me is glad she knows this place is huge. " Totally normal for a first time here. Take my hand and I'll lead the way." At first I hesitated before actually grabbing onto her small hand. She softly squeezed it before saying, " To the kitchen!"

After a lot of turns and hallways I didn't recognize we arrived to a cooking place. There stood a woman with her back facing us. She heard our steps and immediately turned to see what was making that noise. Her eyes locked with mine and in the moment all she could do was smile. Same fangs Liset had. " Hello you must be the replacement. My name is Judy, but of course by respect I prefer Mrs. Green."

" Hey name is Alyssa." Liset spoke before I could open my mouth. A bit annoying yet I didn't pay much attention to it.

Mrs. Green walked closer holding an apron. "What a nice name! Now Ashley loved to help out a lot especially to be on our good side. However she wasn't exactly the nicest. I am predicting you're a sweetheart though."

Suddenly my stomach started to ache knowing Jake was in the same house as Ashely now. She could be seducing him or anything like that really just to be on his good side. Remembering his face or saying his name in my head made the ache worse. I shouldn't do this to myself.

Liset noticed how I clenched my hand on my stomach as my face showed pain. She quickly went to a tall cabinet to get a bottle of medicine. The pain became insane in a matter of seconds making my vision blurry. She handed it to me and with the force I had left I took it. " I'm guessing your stomach isn't having a good time. The medicine will make you feel better though."

Mrs. Green handed me a silver spoon since she said the measuring cap was nowhere to be found. After taking a spoon full, she proceeded to tell me how measuring caps on medicines they buy just randomly disappear in the house. Don't blame her for saying that, this place is big.

The good part is that my pain is slowly going away. Whatever medicine they gave me I hope it's available until I die. Stomach aches are common for me. Just thankful these people are nice.

Jake's P.OV.

I wanted to throw everything to the floor. Every single thing reminded me that Alyssa was gone. This was my fault for sure, but goodness sakes I want to blame her too. I should have kept a better eye on her or locked the doors a certain way. Maybe just maybe my brother could have never gotten to her.

Two years without her is insane. Imagine going to jail and never seeing the outdoors for two years. I wish I could punch my brother right now probably smirking that he got what he wanted. Such an ässhole.

" Still blaming yourself and wishing your brother was somehow here for you to punch him?" Finn looked at me with cold eyes. He was trying to hide his sadness that his only female friend was gone. They got along well.

" Yeah it's hard not to when you look back at your mistakes." I sighed loudly.

Ashley leaned on the wall close to us. " Totally don't want to interrupt this whole bro thing, but where is my bedroom?"

" Finn will show you." She nodded not exactly too happy with my decision. Finn gave me a lazy, hesitant look before I shoot him a glare. He gave up and guided her upstairs to her new room. The same room Alyssa used to sleep with when she was still here.

I went to the kitchen to get a drink of water, typical, and I reached out to get a glass. Before I could fully grasp the glass, my stomach burned and ached.

My breathing quickened as I rushed to drink medicine for this stomach ache. As soon as it finally kicked in, I could breathe normally with no trouble.

Vampires aren't a fun creature to be. When you find your mate, it's a party celebration in your head. When you're away from them, aches and pain become a sign of you better do something to be close again.

I'm worried Alyssa is in pain as well. I'm praying my mom knows she's hurting and will help her. I know dad is a lost cause.





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