Chapter 26

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Chapter 26

Alyssa's P.O.V.

I woke up little by little not recognising the place I was in. The room seemed familiar, but I bearly know where I have been doing here.

Then it hit me. I was bitten by Jake. Holy guacamole! I'm a vampire aren't I?

I look over to my side seeing Jake sleeping. His messy hair covering a little of his eyes made him look hot.

Oh cheese jacks! I can't think of him like that.He has Ashley after all.

I felt a wave of thirst in my mouth. I was feeling very thirsty for some type of drink.

My throat was burning and that's when I knew I need a drink fast! I shook Jake a little for his to wake up. He didn't even feel it. Great. While I'm here dying of thirst he's sleeping in his wonderland dream of unicorns and rainbows probably.

"Jake!!! Wake up!! I'm thirsty!" I yelled at the top of my lungs. He quickly sat up and looked around frightened seeing if everything is okay.

Once he turn to see me he smirked.

"So your thirsty" He said in a raspy voice which is really attractive.

I finally got the message and my nose crunched in disgust. I punched him in the arm and said "Not like that pervert!"

He chuckled. "Well explain yourself better woman!"

I rolled my eyes and in two seconds my burn in my throat returned. It feels like its on fire and I need a fire truck to take out the fire.

I grabbed Jake from the collar of his shirt and pulled him close to me. "Just get me something to drink because my throat it burning really bad right now!"

"Oh...your a newborn Vampire. You need to drink blood. Good thing I packed a bottle of blood back at the car" He got up from the bed and headed out the door to fetch the bottle of blood for me.

Whoever thought that I would be turned into vampire like this? I always thought that Jordan would bite me making me a vampire. Well always expect the unexpected.

Six minutes later, Jake came in the small cabin with a bottle of blood in his right hand. I'm not sure if I want to drink blood. Its kind of nasty.

"Here's your blood." He said handing it over to me. I gave is a quick glance and looked away.

"Can I have water instead?" I plead.

"Nope. Blood is now your new drink." He said shaking the bottle in my face. I observed as the blood liquid splashed everywhere inside the bottle.

I took it with defeat and opened the cap from the bottle.

Here goes nothing

I told my mind. I lifted the bottle up to my lips. Little by little the liquid got close to my mouth. I closed my eyes shut and waited for the nasty flavor in my mouth.

The blood slowly poured into my mouth. The flavor wasn't that bad surprisingly. I kind of wanted more.

I kept drinking until the bottle got empty.

"Jake, I want more" I said a little embarrassed.

"Later. Right now let's take you home" I agreed and he offered his hand to help me up from the bed. I gladly took it and we both exit the small cabin.

Bitten For Love ✔ ( Major Editing )Where stories live. Discover now