Eight - sadness

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Chapter 8- Sadness

Alyssa's P.O.V.

Last night was hard enough knowing Jake didn't feel neutral towards me. My heart ached knowing he felt anger. I hated every second that passed by knowing that. Never did I like knowing others were angry because of me. My brain hates it too because every time someone gives me a mean glare I immediately start hating myself along with them. I don't like feeling worthless.

Since the feeling wouldn't go away no matter how hard I tried, I went to go check on Jake himself. The only way I'm going to feel less crappy is if he feels better with me around. "Jake?" I peaked my head at the end of the staircase. There laid on the couch a bored Jake flipping through every channel available.

"What do you need?" He didn't bother to add emotion or look at my eyes with worry. All he did was sit.

"Are you still mad at me? Because in my defense-"

"Just a bit," He cut me off half way to avoid hearing the rest.

I've been unwanted so many times at home when my so called father was in the same roof. Whenever he would tell me I should leave the house or something I would just shrug it off until I got to my room. There I would cry until my mother comforted me. Shît, I hope she's okay.

"I bet she is. Forget about Jake you have me." Finn appeared next to me biting down an apple. The only guy who is actually welcome in my life right now is here. It's great to be friends with someone you trust and the best part is they trust you back.

"I guess , but I really want to-"

"Save your mom? Yeah I know. You said it like 100 times!" He exaggerates while laughing a bit in the end. I give him a glare meanwhile my arms crossed on my chest.

"I need a cookie," I mumbled and started making my way to the kitchen when Finn grabbed my arm to stop me.

"You know what? I have something to tell you," he said confidently, earning a brow raise from me.

"Make it quick. I really need to go pee." I make a mini dance to make it more dramatic otherwise he'll tell me to hold it in. I'm not trying to explore.

Finn looked at me with a weird face. "Ew...."

"Just kidding, but seriously hurry up because my cookie isn't going to eat itself!" I said snapping my fingers in the begging. I like doing that for no reason.

"Jake has some type of vampire trick that controls people. He used his vampire trick to control the police to take your dad away and to make justice for your mother." He explained and my eyes widened in shock. Why would Jake help me? Is this a lie or a joke?

I looked deep into his eyes to find any weak points that could lead me to believe he was lying to save my worries. The guy didn't even flinch or blink excessively. He's actually saying the truth.

Knowing the information that Finn told me, I walked over to Jake. "Thank You!" I said randomly blushing. Jake just looked at me confused.

Why would he be confused? Oh wait, I forgot he has no idea what I'm talking about and Finn could be lying after all.


"Making justice to my mother, what else silly noodle." I continued to smile even though I instantly regretted even coming close to him in the first place. The air got thick as seconds passed by with me smiling like a weirdo. He gave me one last weird glance before looking at the TV ignoring what I had said before.

The main door opened soon after with Dylan holding two girls on each side. They seemed to be drunk judging by how they would stumble side to side. Nevertheless, their clothing could attract any male.

"Finally," Jake breathed out and walked over to them. The red headed girl walked to him and got ahold of his arm. He lead her upstairs just like Dylan , but with a blonde one.

"They never learn do they?" I voice behind me spoke up and I jumped by how sudden it was. Finn chuckled and I playfully punched his arm.

"Stalker much," I mumbled. 'Only in your head' a voice said inside my head. So Finn is talking to me in my mind. Well who can play at his little game.

'Ahhhhhhhh!!!!' I screamed in my head making Finn make a hurt expression on his face. He covered his ears , but that won't do any good because I screamed in my mind not out loud. And that's why you don't disturb or read my mind with my knowing, but I did like seeing his reaction.

"That's it! I'm never reading your mind ever again." He walked away and I smiled meanwhile doing my victory dance.

"Nice dance." I turned to see Jake smirking. Wasn't he with the red headed chick? I saw the girl run down the stairs and storm out the door. She looked mad as ever. What did Jake do to her? Whatever he did I'm actually kind of happy he made her leave. It's a weird feeling.


[ Was edited on 12/26/17 ]

I got a new phone!!! XD

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