six -Adventure Time

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Chapter 6 - Adventure Time

Edited 5/ 17/16

- Alyssa

I wanted to get distracted by anything that could help me forget about the painful memories. Being trapped in the same house for over a day frustrates me so much I swear I can feel my blood pressure getting high. When I turned the corner and saw Finn watching some casual television, I decided to join in.

I sat on the couch and Finn jumped up in surprise. “ Hey, what you up to?” I asked in my most innocent voice I could possibly think of.

“ Watching my favorite channel. Today we watch Chris Vampvine try different human blood. I want to see which blood type tastes good, you know?” He talked to me like if I would understand. His whole talking about blood just makes my skin crawl.

I gave him a small nod and his whole attention went to the television screen. Even I, myself, started to pay attention to the news reporter who kept on talking about society's problems now. It freaked me out when I saw the news reporter had fangs. “ Can you possibly change it to a human channel? ”

Finn raised an eyebrow, “ That boring stuff? No. Vampire News is way better. Here nobody dies because we either have magic or we are already dead. So, all that goes on is hero stories." He explains.

I crossed my arms, “ Let's see one of those amazing stories. ” I added air quotes.

His smile let his fangs poke out a bit. I wanted to move back a bit from him, but I also didn't want to be rude.

(Today a young vampire risked his own life to save a wonderful pixie cat trapped in the fire. Reports say that the house fire started when the dragon, Mr.Filop, accidentally fell on the sidewalk and blew fire out of his mouth. Authorities are calling it an accident, but further investigations are being performed. John seems to be in the hospital recovering from the huge flames falling on top of him. The pixie cat is now with its rightful owners. I'm  Varina Lampina and you're watching Vamp five news.)

“ What an amazing story.” I quoted with air quotes, laughing a bit of the exaggeration.

Finn shot me a glare, “Hey, if you don't--"

" shh!" I shushed him with my finger on my lips and my attention to the television screen. Turns out Finn accidentally flipped the channel to a human channel when he was accidentally sitting on the remote. My mom's face became visible with worry and desperation.

All I could hear was her pleading to the people watching the channel to help find me. It hurt so much seeing her almost cry when I know she's braver than what she is showing right now.

Finn noticed my gaze fixed on the television screen with almost to be tears pooling in my eyes. He quickly took it as a signal to change the channel to something less sad than now for me.

“ Hey, um, look! There's some cartoons on!" Finn tried to fake his voice to sound more cheerful than before. He was kind enough to cheer me up, but I didn't really care in the end.

I need to get away from this place even if it ends up killing me in the last battle. There was no way I was going to stay here just so my mother can suffer more. Tonight is the night I'll run away.

Finn was kind enough to show me to my actual room, so the little accident in Jake's room wouldn't happen again. In my defense they never really gave me a good clue where my own bedroom was until now.

He set down a couple of pillows and folded blankets onto my bed. One last look at this place was impossible when it was breathtaking. “ If you need anything else, please don't hesitate to ask Jake or Dylan because I'll be sleeping. ”

I laughed and nodded. “ Got it.”Finn waved goodbye to me and closed the door behind him on his way out. It was a huge shame I couldn't stay in this cute room for long.

It was around one in the morning when I finally found the strength to come out of my room and quickly walk down the stairs. You could hear the squeaky stairs scream at every step, but I did it quickly enough to stop it in less than 30 seconds. With my own luck, I wouldn't be surprised if the door was locked.

When I turned the door handle that lead to outside, I was so happy to feel the whole knob turn. So this door is not locked, and they actually trust me. Trust is something I've lost a while ago. I have to take the risk to get away from all of this.

When I walked out of the house, my whole mouth we agape at how different this dimension was compared to the other side of the world. The trees looked very colorful, and the grass smiled up at me. The sky was red, the opposite of blue.

Werewolves, pixies, other vampires, and more walked along the streets like it was nothing. All the fantasy characters came alive in one place.

I was about to take another step outside but a large force pushed my whole self down to the ground. At first I thought it was Jake until I saw an unfamiliar face looking at me with hunger.


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~ Mary

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