Four - Blood

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Four- Blood

* Edited 1/29/16

- Alyssa

My eyes squinted at the air blowing on me as I ran it of their sight. I was panicking really bad at the fact that these people might actually cause me a lot of harm. Quickly, I locked the door behind me in an unknown bedroom. This has to be a man's bedroom because the whole blue wallpaper with posters of cars is enough to make me think that.

This is really crazy. A house full of hungry blood thirsty vampires is too much to handle right now. I don't want to end up dead by the time they decide my neck is very tasty.

What's funny is that most girls would kill to be in my place right now. The myth doesn't lie, vampires are pretty hot. 

A knock on the door broke my thoughts into pieces until they slowly lead me back to reality. "Alyssa, open the door! I can smell your scent." Finn informed me.

I wasn't sure if I should trust one of them. Finn sounds nicer than the other guys around here, but should he really be trusted so easily? He doesn't seem to be a pervert like Dylan or has a father who supports slavery like Jake.  For once in my life I took a risky move. I opened the door, pulled him inside, and closed it behind us.

"Are you completely certain that you guys are Vampires? You aren't faking anything? Because that would be sick." I whispered.

"Of course I'm sure, Alyssa. By the way, they can still find us even if you whisper or not." He chuckled and I blushed. If Finn could find me because of my scent, so can the others. I feel so stupid even thinking it would work in a house of Vampires.

"But vampires aren't real..." I said quietly, still trying to process everything that's happening

"Well...we are is just that humans don't know we exist so we won't worry them. You see we go out to catch-"

"Catch," I mock the last word I interrupted him in, "You mean kidnapped because I don't feel caught at all." I huffed.

Finn chuckled admiring the way I kept whining about the situation over and over again. "That too, but there is a specific rule future slave owners need to know before owning their very own person. You can either catch a wild human or buy one at the human shop. I believe in earth you guys call it pet shop or shelter? Well, that's similar to the slave shop."

I feel so bad for all those animals in cages now.

Giving it a few opinions of myself, I came to realize these guys could have just bought someone to spear me the trouble. "You want to know something? You all could have just bought one instead of taking me. Totally unfair for people who are free. I would have started the freedom speech, but we aren't in America only in some underworld place."

The door opened as soon as I finished telling Finn my sentence. "That wouldn't be any fun would it?" Jake smirked at my direction.

"That and well we don't have enough money to pay for one in the store." Dylan walked into the door having the same stupid smirk as Jake.

"I got kidnapped by cheap vampires. What a great deal I got," I said sarcastically, walking farther away from everyone.

"Hey!" Dylan whined, "We aren't cheap, we are money savers." Dylan was twisting the words out of his own mouth to make it sound better than before.

I laughed. "Like there's a difference."

"Shush it you two," Finn walked in the middle of both of us, giving us glare warnings. "Alyssa, do you know how to cook?"

I raised one eyebrow in surprise someone actually wanted me to cook for them. Last time I tried to cook, I almost burned the kitchen. "No, but we can maybe order Chinese food."

Both their foreheads crunched up in confusion. "What's that?" They asked in the same time.

I gasped, clenching my hand against my heart to make it seem like I was about to have a heart attack. "You seriously don't know what Chinese food is!?"

"Is it similar to Wolf food? Because I don't like it very much," Dylan confessed, getting him thinking about the food he has eaten lastly.

Jake gasped, hitting Dylan on his arm. "How can you say such things!? Wolf food is amazing as hell."

"It isn't as great as pure blood." Finn stepped into their conversation.

"You better hope you got a good lawyer because I'm about to sue you for not liking wolf food." Jake threatened with a hint of a playful tone.

Dylan groaned as he clenched his stomach with his arm and shut his eyes tightly. He groaned at something bothering him. "Guys...." He managed to cough up.

Finn's eyes widen at the realization of what was happening to his friend. Jake then opened his curtains to only be as scared as Finn was. "It's nighttime."

"Yeah, so?" I shrugged.

"So," Jake emphasized the word, "We are hungry for blood. You have to get away from us or else...."

"Or else what?" I encouraged him to continue.

"We will kill you..." Jake mumbled.

"Or hurt you." Finn corrected confusion.

"Hurt me and I swear that I will haunt this place." I snapped.

"Guys! I-I can't hold it in much longer!" Dylan announced, holding his head in pain. His eyes turned bloody red when he looked over to me. I gasped, hiding behind Finn to protect my own self.

Jake was next to feel the same pain Dylan experienced a while ago. Finn quickly threw me into the bed and pulled both the boys out of the room as fast as he could. I sat up confused after a while, feeling drowsy as the process sipped me up into my own mind.

My own body fell onto the white sheets with my own eyes completely closing without a single word. Not a question on who's bed it was. Only the comfortable sound of my breathing.

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