One - Gates Of Hell

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* Written 2013-2014

* Edited 2015-2016

Gates Of Hell




People say that my family isn't normal. I have to agree with them. Every night I heard the same arguing coming from downstairs. Part of me feels like it is my fault my parents are having issues with me. Most times I want to run away. I know that plan is selfish of me. Leaving my mom behind isn't going to make me happy. Leaving my stepfather is going to quickly cure my sadness.

" I don't care about Alyssa! She isn't my real daughter! How many times do I have to tell you that!? She probably goes out to be a whore like you were-"

"Shut up!" My mom snapped on him. She never liked the idea of woman being called something offensive towards their nature. As a foolish teenager, curiosity got the best of me. I slowly slid out of my blankets to tippy toe over to the staircase. Shadows of my two parents were the only thing I could see from my view.

A loud crash and scream haunted my ears. The laughter of a drunk man filled the air in seconds. My poor mother's shadow didn't seem as high as before. I could tell she fell down to the hard ground. My stepfather stepped away to get some fresh air- or possibly more alcohol. I ran down the stairs as quickly as my feet could take me.

I wasn't wearing any shoes or socks, so the cold floor was my least worries. My body stopped moving when I saw my mom on the floor holding her cheek. Her head was set down, so I couldn't see her face clearly like water.

I hated the way he treated her like trash. Her health matter to me more than my own. If I lose my mother because of this man... I'll lose it. All that man ever does is get drunk to satisfy the pain. He's been doing drugs ever since he got fired from his last job. My mom works, but sometimes it isn't enough to pay the bills. My stepfather always uses to money to buy his drugs. It was never like this. He used to be a normal nice guy back then. Guess he decided to join the devil as his wicked schemes.

My mom tried divorcing him, but he would always kick her ribs when she mentioned the topic. She gave up days after she was badly injured. "Don't worry about me, Alyssa." She said weakly. Her head slowly looked up to seek my eyes. I gasped at the red blood coming out of her nose. How can I not worry? We are living with a drunk person who abuses us. Yes, I said us. He would slap me sometimes for not being his real daughter. I think it isn't fair since I had nothing to do with not being his real daughter. I am an innocent person with no fault in anything.

"Mother, you're bleeding from your nose." She placed three fingers below her nose gently. Touching the blood only made her cringe at the feeling. She sighed. "You know, being slapped and kicked all the time didn't let me feel the pain from my bloody nose. I guess you can say I'm use to it." She half smile to create a positive vibe to her sentence.

"Mom we need to make justice and bring him to jail. It's the only way he would leave us alone!" I tried convincing her, but she shook her head.

"No Alyssa, It wouldn't do anything."

"What? Of course it would! It's our only escape!" My mother looked down. Why does she protect him so much?I know she probably still loves him , but for crying out loud he hits us until we bleed! In my opinion, that isn't healthy. How can we succeed when we don't even try to get away?

My mom's warm hand laid on my shoulder trembling. " How I wish we could escape. Unfortunately, he would find us. You don't understand my point of view, darling. Please try to understand."

I sighed giving up on trying to convince a hopeless case. Aren't parents suppose to teach you the right path not the coward way around a problem? Why am I even taking all of this? This has to end at some point. "Okay, mother. Perhaps I can tell the police for us. They have to believe a teen with bruises!"

My mother shook her head. " Alyssa, please go to your room. I have to cook dinner." She stood up to brush away the dust. Her bloody nose stopped bleeding. The extra blood was still sticking on her skin. I know she isn't going to cook dinner fairly like all the days I've starved. Father has told her clearly to give him the big meal instead of me.

Locked into a room with a sandwich is all I get. I don't blame my mom for my starvation. I blame the man who ruined our lives. Part of me feels like she still loves him. I'm guessing love is what is keeping my mom strong.

"I'll go for a walk then." I grabbed my jacket and headed out the door. Seems like mid August isn't doing me such a favor right now. Usually the sky would be full of stars and the air would be steamy hot to bear with it. Today was stranger than normal. No stars only a full moon; no warm air only really chilly winds blowing on me.

What's going on?

It could have been my imagination playing tricks on me. God knows I've been hit in the head multiple times. I sigh looking down to my feet moving at the normal pace as any human.

Right left first.

Left left second.

Surprisingly this is very entertaining.

As I was walking, I felt a hand slapped onto my mouth. I started to panic quickly at the thought that this wasn't normal. The person dragged me to a black van near us. I refused to enter the van ,so the person pushed me in.

I ended up hitting my elbow on the door.


Now that hurt.

I noticed there was three people in the car with me. One was driving, the other one was sitting on the front seat, and finally there was the one next to me making sure I wouldn't open the car's door to run away.

The guy next to me blindfolded me and tied my hands and legs together; so I wouldn't try something like hit him or kick him. That was a ashamed because I really don't want to be here around these men.

"What do you want from me!?" I asked with my voice being a little shaky since I was frightened. What will my mother think or do when she finds out I'm not home? Will my stepfather even care? All these questions and more popped into my mind.

I felt something on my mouth that wouldn't let me talk. I can't believe they placed a stupid piece of clothing on my mouth so I wouldn't talk.

They kidnapped me so the least they can do is let me talk, right?

Soon I felt the car stop. They opened the car doors and then slammed it shut. One of them pulled me out of the car; taking me bridal style to somewhere I don't know.

"This will be your new home, forever." I heard one of the say and I shivered a little. This can't be my home. My home is with my mother and abusive stepfather. How will I make justice for both my mother and I if I'm not in the house with her? They better have a good reason for Kidnapping me.


Hello! For those of you who has read this story before.... There will be changes made. I decided to continue this book, since many people wanted it to be continued.

I was also told the ending was rushed, so here I am trying to fix this book.

Thanks for reading! :)

Date Edited: November 14, 2015

- Mary

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