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Your POV

You see this woman on top of Joshua, they were both naked and you honestly thought you interrupted them having sex. She turns to look at you, she gets off Joshua still naked as she stares at you. You honestly wanted to punch her in the face. She looks at you with a smile.
The woman: Would you like to join?
You: No! I'm detective and I have a few questions for Mr Hong here
You say as politely as possible even though you honestly wanted to cause a scene. She began to put on her clothes, you had no idea who she was but honestly didn't want to know.
You: When you finish putting your clothes back on, you can wait in the hall, I won't be long with Joshua
She didn't look to happy that you said that but you didn't care. She proceeded to put on her clothes, Joshua was putting on his hospital gown and she finished putting on her clothes. She left the room and you looked at Joshua mad.
You: Sorry to interrupt-
Joshua: Y/n it's really not what it looks like.
You gasped than laugh.
You: Oh, really?? I just happen to walk in both of you naked with her on top of you doing god knows what!
Joshua: Damn it Y/n we weren't fuckin!
He said in the most aggressive tone, he had an anger look in his eyes and he shook his head. You sigh wanting to cry but should have known what kinda man this was.
You: Well the sure the hell look like you guys were!
Joshua: So did you come here just to be like this?
You: No Josh! I'm here cause you were shot and I need to know who shot you!
Joshua: Okay well lets this get this over with!
You: Can you tell what lead up to the shooting?
Joshua: I was in my own living room, I was super drunk and high-
You: of course you were!
Joshua sighs and shakes his head. The door opens as it's a nurse coming in with a tray.
Nurse: He has to take his medicine
She says with a smile so you let him take his medicine and she leaves the room with the tray afterwards.
Joshua: So as I was saying, I heard a noise coming from the room Natalia was murdered in so I grabbed a gun and went to the room ...
You were writing this information down on your notebook as he was talking to you. You make sure to look up at him at times to make him know you are listening to him talk.
Joshua ... Me and the person struggled a bit on the ground and that's when the gun went off. The person escaped. Just left me there...
You could tell he was becoming sad talking about this so you grabbed his hand to give him a little bit of comfort.
You: How about for now, I will take this information! Thank you for telling me.
You say with a smile as you get up and leave the room. You see the girl in the hallway waiting by the door and you gave her a glance. That's when she walked up to you.
The girl: You are pretty hot, too bad you didn't want to join but if you ever do. Let me know
She says with a smile as she walks into the room where Joshua was staying in. You just walked away not really knowing how to take all that in. You walk out of the hospital to the parking lot to where you parked the patrol car. You get in the passenger seat cause FBI Agent Brown was driving.
Chris: So what happened in there ? You get a golden winning prize answer?!
You look at him a little pissed cause what you got definitely wasn't no golden winning prize. You put your seatbelt on, he pulls out of the parking lot of the hospital as he looks at you wondering about if you were going to answer his question.
You: Honestly I don't want to talk about it
Chris: Oh c'mon, I take you all this way and you can't tell me if I was right about him just shooting himself so he could get your attention
He laughs to himself as you weren't in the best of mood and you honestly didn't want to work no more today. You sigh in sadness fighting back tears and anger.
You: I honestly wish he would have just shot himself!
You were so pissed, you didn't like what you walked into in the hospital and you weren't in the best of mood because of it. Chris looks at you concerning and could tell you were upset about something.
Chris: What's wrong with you?
You: Chris I really don't want to talk about it
He grabs your inner thigh, which was pretty hot and looks at you for a min while he drives. You noticed he wasn't driving the way to the station.
You: Where we going?
Chris: We ain't going to the station with you acting the way you are.
He drove into this neighborhood that wasn't too far from the hospital, there was an alleyway so he pulled into it. He turned off the patrol car and looked at you.
You: Why the fuck we here ?
Chris: Why you got to be so damn angry for?
You sigh then look away from him as he draws you back by having a few of his fingers move your chin to look at him. He looks at you in your eyes as you do the same. You honestly felt butterflies in your stomach, he licks his soft lips as he still looks into your beautiful eyes.
Chris: You are the most gorgeous woman in the world and if he can't see that fuck him
His voice was soft which was surprising now Chris can be an angry person. Chris sighs
Chris: that's why you should have never fucked him
He shakes his head as you began to shake yours. You honestly became upset again.
You: Thanks Chris
Chris: Y/n you really should've known better
You: It's not like you going to do something about it
You both look at each other in the face in silence.
Chris: Who the fuck said I won't ?
You: Look can we just please forget this and move pass this, please?
Chris: Honestly no, I have been holding too much in for you, y/n. You are going to have to do something for me!
You: Oh no! We aren't fuckin kids here, Chris!
Chris: Damn Y/n you could do the most for Joshua but could do the slightest for me ?
You: Oh no, don't fuckin go there!
You roll your eyes shaking your head as he just looks at you in concern. He proceeds to licks his lips.
Chris: Seriously Y/n just this one time!
You: Fine! What is it ?
Chris: I want you to kiss me!
You: Chris!!! No!
Chris: Wow Y/n! You could have your mouth all over a man that isn't worth shit but not me!
You: You take that back!
Chris: Kiss me and I will think about it
You: Damn it Chris no
Chris: Just one damn kiss Y/n!
You close your eyes, proceed to lean towards to him as you feel his soft moist lips hit against yours. It was just one kiss, after you opened your eyes looking at him as you leaned away from him. You thought to yourself it wasn't so bad and maybe wish it proceeded so I could get back at Joshua but instead you just sat there in silence. Chris started the car and drove to the station.

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