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Your POV

You woke up from having a dream about you and FBI Agent Brown doing sexual things but you thought to yourself why are you having a dream about this man. You get out of bed, all refreshed from the sleep you had and then you started to think about Joshua. You thought about how he really seems to be like a good man but yet does the most horrible things. You saw on the digital clock that it was 10:30 in the morning and yet you are thinking of an convicted felon. You walk out of your room, down the hallway to the stairs and when you got to the stairs, you saw the maid working in the kitchen.
Maid Justice: good morning y/n, how did you sleep?
You: I slept amazing justice, I'm glad to see you this morning
You came down the stairs as she was making breakfast in the kitchen.
Maid Justice: Well I see you are in a good mood, is it cause the case you are working on?
You: No actually, it feels like the case is going horribly
She looked up at you in concern as she still cooks the breakfast and you sigh.
You: this case has been going on for almost a month now and it just feels like new leads come up but don't really follow through to anything.
Maid Justice: There's many of cases that you have gone through that are like this. So what makes this one different, hermosa?
The maid finished cooking, she had two plates out on the counter so she grabbed one and put food on the plate then giving it to you. She did the same to the other plate.
You: I mean you aren't wrong but the person that we are going after is like FBI most wanted and it's annoying working with FBI
The maid came and sat next to you as you were eating the breakfast she cooked. She began to eat as well. You guys talked while eating breakfast together. You were enjoying your breakfast with the maid until suddenly your phone began to ring. It was all the way in your bedroom so you got up and ran to your phone. Your phone was still ringing and you picked it up as soon as you got to your bedroom.
You: hello??
Detective Harmony: Good morning Detective, captain said she needs us ASAP in her office!
You: I'm sorry but why are you calling and saying this?
Detective harmony: oh okay Ms gotta here it from the captain first
She hung up the phone and you were shocked when she did so. You started to get ready for work. You dressed up nicely for work then headed out the door to your beautiful 1969 yellow with black racing strips Dodge Coronet Super Bee. You open the driver side door, getting inside, closing it and starting it. You drove out of your driveway listening to million dollar man by Lana Del Rey. You drove all the way to work, walked inside, got in the elevator and got off on the floor you work on. You walk to your desk seeing FBI Agent Brown leaning on your desk with his arms cross and that's when he looked at you licking his lips.
FBI Agent Brown: You are a bit late today-
You: I'm not late, you are just nosey so what's going on?
FBI Agent Brown: I talk to Joshua a little bit, he's still claiming innocent on the murders and the bombing. Detective this is starting to look a cold case to me
You: Then take your lousy ass back to Virginia!
You walked away from him as he stood up straight concerned looking at you as you saw your captain open her office door. She peaked her head out, noticing you walking her way that is when she gave you a grin and she started walking to her desk. You arrive to her office door, walk in closing the door behind you and go sit down as she was already sitting down.
Captain Crowell: I don't know what you have against FBI Agent Brown or any of the other agents but you need to get along.
You: Did you hear what that man just said to me?
Captain Crowell: Detective, I don't like your attitude but you are lucky you are one of the best detectives in this building and I don't appreciate the way you think you can talk to me!
You: I'm sorry captain, I just don't want this to go to a cold case as Agent Brown said.
Captain Crowell looks at you with an upset look. You were upset inside but straight face.
Captain Crowell: He has no right to say that, we have leads on this case!
You: Captain, the leads of the location of where Natalia father is getting no where, we have already talk to the brothers and they claim they know nothing. My friend family and friends don't understand why he was murdered when he was a great guy so-
Captain Crowell: I have heard enough detective! Now get out of my office and get to work
You: Yes ma'am
You walk out her office, closing the door as you walk out and that's when you sigh as you walk back to your desk. You hear a male voice say detective y/l/n so you turn around seeing a male police officer walking towards you. You guys met halfway
Police officer: Joshua wants to talk to you
You: Okay
You alone to the holding cell room and that's when you see Joshua in the holding cell standing there waiting for you. He licks his lips as you walk closer to him and you start to blush a little.
You realize you blush so you gave him a stern look. He smirks at you as you finally get to his cell.
You: What the hell you want, Hong?
Joshua: For you to get me out of here detective precious devil of sin
You: Shut up, you make horrible life decisions that's why you are in this cell
Joshua: why can't I be on house arrest or something
You: You would have to go to court for all that, Hong. Would you like to get processed to jail already
Joshua laughs and shakes his head.
Joshua: You sure are funny, detective. What makes you think any of that will happen
He looked at you with this anger look in his eyes, it was kinda frightening to see the look in his eyes but at the same time you really didn't care. You heard footsteps coming down the hall that's when he stopped giving you that look and you turn to see who was coming. It was his lawyer, Mr Salazar.
Mr Salazar: Don't say another word, detective you are talking to my client without me around and I'm going to have to ask you to stop.
You: Wow I wasn't aware he called you, excuse me so would you like to go to the interrogation room now?
You say with a stern look on your face as he was stern face as well then he chuckled.
Mr Salazar: Yes of course detective, you never back down!
You walked away from him with a stern look as you walk farther away, you smile and leave the holding cell room. You walk to the interrogation room with confidence. You see a female police officer outside the interrogation room you use so you tell her to go get the Joshua Hong case file so she leaves to go do so. You go in the interrogation room, sit down and wait for the file & the lousy lawyer with the felon. Eventually, the lawyer and Joshua with a male police officer entered the room. The lawyer and Joshua sat down. The cop took out the keys to the handcuffs to unlock them, he did so then took the cuffs and left the room.
You: Me Salazar, your client here has some very serious charges he will be facing if this end up in court... Which, well, is looking that way!
Mr Salazar looks at Joshua as he gives him this look so the lawyer leans over. Joshua began to whisper in his lawyer ear. Suddenly, the door began to open, it was the female police officer that you sent to go get the file and she gave you the file. You took the file and put it on the table.
You: thank you, officer Longstern
Female police officer: your welcome detective
She leaves the room closing the door behind her. That's when you go back to looking at them and there was no more whispering going on. They were looking at you as you were looking at them then you opened the case file.
Mr Salazar: Joshua here understand that there is a possibility for this going to court.
You look up from the case file with an concern look.
You: Well I guess your client confess to the murders?
Mr Salazar: No, just the breaking out of the cell, assault on a police officer, driving recklessly, and all those charges
You: Well that's sounds so pleasant to hear but that doesn't help with the dead bodies
Mr Salazar: Well detective go find the person that actually did it. Now if you excuse me, I believe my client has the right to be free now
You: The only free he gets is coming to this interrogation room or going to the bathroom so I hope that's what you are talking about cause otherwise this man staying in my cell till he gets his court date.
Mr Salazar chuckled then looked at you with a stern look.
Mr Salazar: You sure are lucky detective but once he gets his court date and goes to court. You can't do much.
You: that's what you think
You walk away from him, two male police officers escorted Joshua to his holding cell and you were mentally over today so you decided to go home early. You went home and did your self care treatment than went to sleep.

One Ordinary Day || Joshua Hong SMUTOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora