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Days later: Joshua Hong POV

It was 1:15 pm, lunch and lunch break basically passed so now I'm back in this damn cell. I hate being stuck in these damn 4 walls, locked up inside of here and sometimes I just wish I could break free. My cell mate was on top the bunk getting ready to take a nap as I was sitting there thinking about y/n. I just think about how she just let me sit here and rot in this damn jail cell. I'm sick and tired of this place. I tend to think about Y/n a lot while being in here. I fuckin hate being in here because of her. I sigh as my cell mate began to snore. I feel aggravated and feel like planning my revenge towards y/n.

Your POV

You close Sunwoo's front door behind you as you leave, you walk to the nearest staircase and speed down the stairs. From the stairs, you started walking towards your 1969 Ford Mustang and that's when you see Chris leaning upon your car. You gave him a dirty look as he stops leaning on your car and he shyly chuckle.
You: How the hell did you find me?
Chris: Well I am an FBI Agent, we kinda have the same job as you do, detective.
He gave me a stern look as so did you. You sigh, rolling your eyes and crossing your arms.
You: You realized I haven't even been to the station yet today and that MY captain sent me here by myself for a reason.
Chris licks his lips as he began to laugh.
Chris: You are so full of it, Y/n. Could we just proceed to get in your vehicle?
You: How the hell did you get here ?
Chris: well detective there's this thing called a cab or also known as a taxi-
You: Stop! I will let you in my damn car but if you keep it up, you are going to end up in the trunk!
You walk up to the passenger side of the car and unlock the door. Chris watch you do so.
Chris: So you seriously about having me in the trunk?
You start to walk over to your side of the car, unlock your door and get in as he do so as well.
You: Of course but why do you always got to keep meeting me in these weird situations?
You and Chris put on your seatbelt, you put the keys in the ignition and start the car. He chuckled and you looked at him weirdly.
You: what? Don't like my car ?
Chris: No detective, it's not that!
You: Good cause you have a tendency to be by my damn vehicle.
You aggressively put the car in reverse as you look behind you to drive out of the parking spot in the little garage and driveway of Sunwoo's condo. You put the car in drive when on the road and turn the wheel to drive straight to the station.
Chris: So what was Sunwoo's statement?
You: His day was perfect till he got stabbed!
Chris: Okay well no shit Sherlock Holmes but there has to be a full statement besides that little sentence.
You: Well he said that when he was stabbed he was finishing up in the bathroom and his attacker wasn't Joshua!
Chris: what do you mean his attacker wasn't Joshua?
You: I showed him a picture of him and he said "no ,that's not the man that attacked me". So now I have to tell captain there's a possibility that person is still out there.
Chris slapped the dash board of your car aggressively as you look at him in concern than pissed.
You: You ain't gotta hit my car man! The hell wrong with you?
Chris: sorry!
You: Do some shit again and I'm pulling over!
He calm down quickly after you said that with all seriousness. The car ride to station was silent with Lana Del Rey playing in the car. Once you arrive to the station, you parked in your usual parking spot in the employee parking lot and you parked your car. Chris got out of the car first, you got out seconds later as some officers were outside watching us. You were disliking getting out of the same vehicle of FBI Agent Brown and especially your own personal vehicle. You locked both doors of your car as you finally caught up to everyone outside. The time was 2:30 in the afternoon as you were called into your captain office. She had a stern look on her face. You thought to yourself this doesn't seem to good.
Captain Crowell: Detective, what's your relationship with FBI Agent Brown?
You look at her in compelling.
You: I'm sorry, what?
Captain Crowell: Well it seems you and Mr Brown have been seen quite often together and I just wanted to ask if there's something I should know about?
She crossed her arms as she tilted her head than started rubbing her chapped lips together. She tilted her head back up as she looked at me in concern. You honestly were so grossed out how she's honestly assuming that you and Chris having any form of relations. You scoffed as you began to chuckle.
You: No ma'am, Chris and I are just two people that love our job! No relationship is between us and with that being said there's something you need to know about this case!
She became happy to hear that there's something in the case so she looked at me with a grin.
Captain Crowell: What do I need to know?

ou: I took Sunwoo's statement, he said he remembers almost everything from that day, it was a good day until he became stabbed and when I began to start talking about the stabbing. I mentioned Joshua Hong with a picture and he said "no that's not the man that attacked me".
She began to sigh and shake her head. You didn't like to see this as her response to anything. She became with a face of disappointment as you just wanted to get the fuck out of her office.
Captain Crowell: That man can't be at his house if the killer is still out there! If Joshua didn't stab him then who the hell did?
You: that's the thing we don't know!
Her eyebrow raise as her facial expression became mad and you really didn't want to be in there.
You turn quietly and quickly walk to the door as she turned around in complete anger. She began to close her blinds to her office as you were walking out of the room.  She slammed her office door having every window covered as almost everyone was looking at you in complete silence. You walked to your desk as people were still in silence, stunned and looking at you. That's when the captain door flew open as she stepped out.
Captain Crowell: BACK TO WORK!
Some people were smart enough to keep working as some just got screamed at to work. She went back into her office, closing the door aggressively and that's when you sigh to yourself. You flop back into your chair, you hated what just happened and wanted the day to be over.

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