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Your POV

You are now sitting in the interrogation room with a file, staring at Joshua and his lawyer.
You: So your client here is part of a-
Lawyer: He didn't do it! My client is innocent
You: Why was the woman found dead in his house while he was in bed with her then?
Lawyer: My client here might have slept with the victim but that doesn't mean he had something to do with her death!
You: The murder weapon was found in your client safe along with firearms and ammunition.
Joshua: I literally didn't kill her, someone is framing me
He gave you this look in his eyes that almost made you wanted to bite your lip cause he is super hot and you have now seen everything of him as he seen everything of you. It's so hard for you to keep looking at him cause you start to get the flash backs of you and him in the bathroom not that long ago.
Lawyer: You really have nothing to hold on my client, detective. You must release my client. He has done nothing wrong.
You: I may not have him connected to this murder yet but I-
You get interrupted by the door opening and a man dressed as a detective but you never seen him before.
The man: everyone get out of this damn room right now, I need to talk to the detective
He looked at you up and down licking his lips. You made a concern look on your face.
You: I'm sorry but I'm-
The man: I'm not gonna tell you again Ms.pantiesinabunch
You pick up the file from the table and walked out of the room. You shut the door behind you and look at the cop standing by the door.
You: Watch this door, make sure no one comes or goes
He nods his head as you walk away and follow the man that happened to intervene the interrogation. He leads you to your captain office and opens the door for you. You walk in with a very concerning look on your face as there is other people in the room.
Captain Crowell: I'm glad to see you detective y/l/n, you have yet to meet these FBI agents.
You: FBI? Is this that necessary Captain, you know me and my people can just take care of this type of situation.
Some man in the room: Not when you are holding a man when been wanting for years
Some lady in the room: Not to mention one of the top Mafia bosses
The man: Detective Y/l/n, these are special agents Spencer Reid & Jennifer Jareau
They say there hellos as so did you, following up with shaking each their hand one at a time. You turn,look at the man that has yet to say who he is as he is looking at you with this flirtatious look.
The man: I'm there leader, FBI Agent Chris Brown
He says with a smile as he reaches for your hand to shake and you shake his hand.
Captain Crowell: okay so now that you have all met, you have to work together and that is an order.
You: I rather not
Captain Crowell: Look detective I don't care if you do or don't, they flew from Quantico, Virginia and you have the man they want!
You slowly became mad that you have to work with FBI agents. You walk out of the office, you start to head towards the interrogation room as you became stopped by agent brown.
Chris: You know you can't go in there without me
You: I was in the middle of interviewing a suspect and you happen to barge in
Chris: Do I need to tell your captain you aren't being cooperative and have her take you off this case?
You look at him irritated and crossed your arms as you then sigh.
You: No agent brown, come join this interrogation you interrupted me from doing
You turn around, walk away as he follows behind as the cop moves out of the way from the door. You enter with Agent Brown, having the file in hand and you sit down.
Lawyer: why the hell are we still here and who the fuck are you?
You: This is an homicide investigation, I'm detective y/l/n and this is FBI Agent Chris brown
Joshua looked at the FBI Agent with not a happy look on his face. Chris was engaged in the fact that Joshua had a sad and worried face.
Chris: Mr. Hong, how do you prove yourself innocent?
Joshua: I prove my innocence by telling the truth that I didn't kill Natalia and I don't know how someone got in my place
Lawyer: detectives do you even have evidence on how my client is guilty?
You: a witness saw your client flee the scene
Lawyer: Key word saw, did the witness actually see Joshua kill Natalia?
You: N-No, the witness never mentioned anything about that.
Lawyer: So you have no reason to be holding my client!
Chris: See that is were you are wrong, before I walk into the interrogation room the first time, I was informed the knife that victim was stabbed with was wiped clear.
Lawyer: That doesn't mean my client did so
You: Your client has a history with the police, you got to do better than that, Mr Salazar.
Chris: Not only that but he been on the wanted list of ours for years and everytime we get close, that son of bitch some how disappear.
Chris slam his fist on the table, Joshua starts to laugh as his lawyer was irritated and so were you. Chris was mad.
Chris: Joshua here is not going no where, Mr Salazar, this man has something to do with this and I'm going to found out how.
He opened the door aggressively with him also slamming it close. You looked at the door then back at the lawyer and Joshua. You sigh than grab the file, getting up from the table but get interrupted.
Mr Salazar: This isn't over, I will be back
He gets up leaving the interrogation room frustratedly, minutes later you walk out of the room and tell the cop to take Joshua back to his holding cell. You see your detective buddies sitting at your desk. You walk up to them.
Detective Harmony: Girl I don't know how you are surviving with Agent Brown
You: Who said I was
Detective Hedgewater: The guy is kinda psycho when he gets mad but he's a pretty good agent and they're setting up over there
He nods to the room you guys sometimes use to interrogation people. They were setting up there stuff and talking to each other.
You: Am I the only one wishing we didn't need them?
Detective Harmony & Hedgewater: No
You look at them, they look at each other then you.
You: This is why I say you guys would be super cute together
Detective Harmony: No thanks
Detective Hedgewater: I rather take the blonde setting up over there
You look at them and laugh. You get a ring from your personal phone, you take it out of your pocket and see it a notification saying "dinner with date" . You look up at from your phone, the detective buddies of yours were looking at you in concern.
You: What?
Detective harmony: You got a date or something?
You: Oh no
Detective Hedgewater: you are such a bad liar.

ou grab your coat and started walking away.
You: goodnight detectives
You speed walk to the elevator, ride the elevator down to the 1st floor, walk out to your car and started it. You drove home super excited for your date tonight.

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