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The next thing you know heard a voice outside the door, that's when you guys start rushing to put on each other clothes. The buzzer rang and the door opened, you guys were fully clothed and FBI Agent Brown walked in.


He was looking at the both of you but mostly you.
FBI Agent Brown: I don't mean to interrupt but y/n, Captain wants us back to the station
You got up from the table, you walked past Chris and let the buzzer ring to let you out. That's when Chris walks out after you do. You had the case file in your hand as you guys walk out of the hallway and jail to the patrol car. This time you were the one driving, you got in the driver seat and Chris got into passenger side. He gave you the keys and you started the car. You drove out of the parking lot of the jail to the main road to go back to the station.
FBI Agent Brown: So what was going back there ?
You: What do you mean?
FBI Agent Brown: you sent me out the room then the guards? You can't tell me nothing is going on!
You laugh nervously as you keep driving and you look over at Chris to see him looking at you seriously.
You: I sent you out cause you were going to lose your temper, Chris! I wanted you to cool off and the guards were asked to leave on a private matter.
FBI Agent Brown: Why does it matter if I would have lost my temper on that son of bitch when he's a guilty man and you always want to save him! Which why would you want to save a man like him?
You: I'm not even saving him! I just think you shouldn't lose your temper at times-
FBI Agent Brown: Pull over real quick
You: No I'm in the middle of driving us back to the station!
FBI Agent Brown: well the station ain't no where near here so pulling over won't hurt no one
You started to pull the car over on the side of the road and did so successfully. You turned off the car and looked at Chris so concerning. He was looking at you dead in your eyes with a serious look on his face.
FBI Agent Brown: Detective, I'm not going to lie to you, I see the way you both look at each other and when I walked back in there, it smelled like sex.
You looked at him shocked and didn't know what to really say back to this man so that when he started to shake his head and began to have a devastating look on his face.
FBI Agent Brown: I honestly feel like telling your captain. You should know-
You: No no no, Chris you can't! I love this job-
FBI Agent Brown: No detective I think you only love the part of getting to see Joshua and getting to sneak around & do disgusting things with him.
You: Chris it's really not like that! I never once ever had sex with someone I sent to jail or anything!
FBI Agent Brown: Yeah until this case! What the hell is wrong with you?
Chris and you were in each other's faces at this point, talking all this shit to each other and you both were making deep eye contact with each other. You began to sigh and he shakes his head.
FBI Agent Brown: When you were gone, I thought about you a lot. I thought about how an amazing detective you are and I was willing to give you an offer to become an FBI Agent but now that I know how you really are. I could never offer that spot to you.
You: You know damn well I'm a very good detective and that you shouldn't tell captain Crowell about the things you have found out.
Chris laughs and looks at you seriously.
FBI Agent Brown: detective, you shouldn't have slept with him and think you could possibly get away with it.
You: So you make me pull over just for you to tell me that you want to take me back to the station and tell my boss that I'm doing wrong
FBI Agent Brown: I thought you were really better than this! You are damn straight I want to wake your ass up to that office and say "captain you're detective here is in some big trouble and has something to tell you "
Every minute you heard this man talk you were getting irritated, you didn't want to lose your job cause Mr FBI over here found out things he wasn't supposed to. He was looking at you with an serious look on his face as you just wanted this conversation to be over with so you sigh. You and Chris were like 45 minutes away from the station and you guys were still parked on the side of the road letting cars go by.
You: I'm really over this whole argument and conversation so if you want to proudly walk in there and make me lose my job go ahead.
You began to turn on the car, that's when Chris turned off the car and took the keys out. You looked at him in mad concern.
FBI Agent Brown: I'm not going to let you talk nor act like that with me so listen to me. You want your job?
You and him were looking at each other in the face. He puts his right hand on your right cheek, he licked his lips while looking into your eyes and it was making you feel some type of way.
You: Yes of course
His hand was still on your cheek, it made you blush and he noticed even though you answered him nervously. He back away from your face, took his hand off your face and looked at you concerning.
FBI Agent Brown: Do I make you nervous, y/n?
You: No of course not, now can you let me get back to driving.
He laughs as you were looking at him seriously.
Chris: Look, detective pretty princess, you can your damn job if you see me after work tonight so we can talk about this more. Start the MF car.
He tosses the keys up in the air as you struggle to catch them. You start the car, wait for traffic to go by and drive to the station.

After work

It was 8:39 at night and you finished writing your paper work. You see Chris heading your way, you put your paper work away and pack up.
Detective Hedgewater: Good work today, detective! I think you are one step closer to finding out if Joshua really committed those murders.
You: Oh, yeah! Thank you, I definitely believe that it's more than one step but I love the confidence!
Detective Hedgewater: well tomorrow is a new day, detective! Have a good night!
You: You do the same!
He walks away from you, you get up from your desk and that's when Agent Brown approach you.
Chris: " I think you are one step closer to finding out if Joshua really committed those murders" only if he knew the things you are doing with Joshua
He says with sarcasm and you obviously weren't amused with it.
You: I think you are just jealous!
Chris laughs and looks at you in shock.
Chris: Why would I be jealous of a man that's basically an menace of society!
You laugh.
You: Cause he's getting things you aren't
You guys started walking out of work together. You both got on the elevator, you push the button to take you on the first floor and Chris was looking at you. You noticed and became to blush.
You: You really do look at me a lot
Chris awkwardly laughs as he looks away from you then looks into your eyes.
Chris: I can't help to admire you, detective.
You: Yeah I definitely can tell and I just wish you would tell me what made you not tell the captain.
Chris: I mean I can hit the button so we can go to her and tell her.
You: Oh hell no, we are alr-
The elevator dings, the elevator door opens and you both were now on first floor. Chris walks out first as you follow him. He holds the door open for you so you can exit the building. After so you both walk alongside each other as you both walk to the parking lot.
Chris: Y/n, I don't think you really understand how much you are really risking here and it drives me insane but I'm not you so you really think about what the hell you are doing.
You: I'm really tired of you chewing my ass out in one day! How am I supposed to respect you if you can't even respect me?
Chris stopped walking so did you so you both were looking at each other. He was serious as you were concerned.
Chris: Are you really going to go there about respect?
You nodded your head as you give him a grin as he shakes his head.
Chris: You make my damn head hurt.
He started to walk so did you, you both were to the parking lot now and you start walking away from him. That's when you felt a hand around your wrist pulling you towards their body. You were frighten on who pulled your wrist and you look up to see, it's him.
Chris: Sorry I didn't mean to frightening you but I never really said what I was talking about in the car earlier.
You: Hm well I don't know if I want to know
You say pulling yourself away from him, he looked at you in frustration and you rolled your eyes.
Chris: detective I'm telling you right now if you don't change that attitude by tomorrow, I will be reporting you to captain Crowell and you can kiss your job goodbye
He turns around, walks away as you were pissed and just wanted to cuss him out. Instead you just got in your car and drove him. Got home and went to sleep immediately.

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