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Your POV

You opened your apartment door, going inside and closing the door behind you. You sigh walking over to your kitchen counter, placing your beach bag on a chair than you walk over to the sink. You turned on the water, putting soap on your hands scrubbing Sunwoo blood off your hands. Out of no where the TV in your room with stereo speakers turned on playing ultraviolence by Lana Del Rey. You started to get the feeling you weren't alone after all, you slowly start to turn off the water and dry your hands. Moving quickly but quietly to open the nearest drawer in the kitchen seeing a butcher knife and you immediately grabbed it. You slowly started walking out of the kitchen and hide yourself as you hear someone coming. You didn't hear anything anymore so you stop hiding going around the corner to see a shadow figure in the hallway. A manly laugh came out of the shadow figure as the light comes on.
Joshua: Oh detective you're finally home!
He smirks as he puts a cigar in his mouth that was already lighten. He smokes it looking at you dead in the eyes.
You: You know, you got to stop doing this
Joshua looks at you in concerns than chuckles.
Joshua: Detective, we just know how to meet in the right places
He laughs again than smokes his cigar.
You: This is my apartment, how did you even get in here ?
Joshua: Don't worry about it sugar tits, what you need to know is that I didn't do it
You: You piss me TF off and make me want to take you down to the station right fuckin now
Joshua laughs than smiles at you. You were irritated with him, you mentally felt like a wreck and this dude feels like he is making it worse for you. So you walk towards him as he still smoking his cigar. You got his attention so you look at him in his eyes. He licks his lips than smiles while looking at you. You took his cigar away, spitting on it to making it go out than go put it in an ashtray you have. You return back to him looking at him as he was looking at you seductively.
Joshua: Y/n, you won't do it!
You: You deserve it Joshua
He was still looking into your eyes, it was giving you butterflies, that's when you close your eyes and smash your lips into his. He kisses you back as well. You break up the kiss. He picks you up, taking you to the room and laying you on the bed. You guys start to make out passionately, taking each other clothes off, that's when he made it where he was laying down.
Joshua: Detective Sexy you deserve to be on top of me right now
You: Do you know wrong it is for me to be sleeping with you?
Joshua: So now you are holding back on me?
You laugh as he looks at you concerning.
You: I mean there's a huge difference between you and I
Joshua: How is that exactly holding back on me?
You: Do you realize if you get convicted with everything that has been done, you will be seeing a long prison time and that's not what you really want do you?
Joshua: You realize I've been to prison before right?
You: See this is what I'm talking about
Joshua: I wish you would just shut the fuck up already
You seat there naked looking at this man wanting to slap him and just arrest him. He was looking at you than look down at your tits. He started to touch them.
Joshua: You do have some nice boobs y/n
You: Why do you do this
He had both of his hands on your titties just playing with them.
Joshua: Detective isn't it obviously
He puts your left titty in his mouth, sucking them, making you slightly moan a little causing you to bite your lip and he began to swirl his tongue around your nipple. You were wet becoming more wet by the minute this man was doing that to your right tit than nipple. All of sudden you heard noise at your front door, you push Joshua off you and start putting on clothes. You grab your gun as you became interrupted.
Joshua: wtf is going on?
You: I don't know but stay here and put some clothes on
You walk out of your bedroom with your gun in hand and go to the front door. You heard nothing now but you looked out the peek hole on the door and see no one. You look around seeing no one as well but when you looked down you saw a big box with flowers just on your doorstep. You open the door, pick the items up and close the door. You put the stuff on the kitchen counter about to start opening it as you became interrupted by Joshua.
Joshua: What's that?
You: Flowers and package?
Joshua: Not expecting anything?
You: You didn't give me this
Joshua: No but I will just say yes so here you go sexy
You: You don't even know what it is
Joshua: You don't either
You both looked at each other, Joshua grabs the flowers as you went back to going to open the box as Joshua stopped you.
Joshua: I think you should read this card on the flowers
You: Can I just open the damn box
Joshua: I just think you-
You didn't care to listen to him, you actually opened the package and there a hello kitty plush in the box. You took it out of box, seeing a bomb in the box and Joshua saw it too. The bomb had a time ticking down and it was at a minute and 30 seconds. You started to panic, you run to your run grabbing some things as you run out the apartment as it began to explode. You fell to the ground, you were on the ground with ringing ears and looking back at the apartment in flames. You slowly get up from the ground, you still had ringing in your ears but not as bad. You look around seeing Joshua but no where to be seen. That's when firefighters arrived, they started to ask you questions, you gave all the answers you could and other firefighters were trying to put out the fire.

One Ordinary Day || Joshua Hong SMUTTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon