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2 weeks later: Your POV

Walking out the courthouse with frustration as Joshua Hong just became a free man. He claimed not guilty on murder and attempted murder. You saw Chris had to leave the courtroom earlier cause he couldn't be it. As you arrive to your car, you see Joshua from away with a grin from ear to ear as he getting greeted from whoever is around him. You didn't care to watch so you just unlocked the patrol car and open the door. You get in the car, putting the keys in the ignition as you start to play what was I made for by Billie eilish. You drove out of the parking lot and go back to the station. You start to think about how Joshua is now a man that can walk the street again as he tends to be a bad man as Chris looks at it at least. You look to rear view mirror and see a car following you. You started to do the test of switching lanes, the car did so as well and that when you pulled around the corner. The car came to a stop as well, you hop out the car so fast to see what is going on and you approach the vehicle. The car door opens , that's when you see Joshua getting out the car with a smile on his face.
Joshua: Hello there detective!
You: You know you can't just be following me like this!
Stern as you could be you felt weak by him as he just stand there beginning to look at you up and down as he bites his lip. Cars were passing by, that's when in the corner of your eye you see someone recording you guys. You immediately start to cover yourself cause you hear that person yell at you guys from a distance. Joshua began to notice it and wasn't very happy about the situation so he just got in his vehicle. Leaving you standing there confused and just got back in your car. You sigh as you drive away going back to work.

Joshua Hong POV

I couldn't believe that some idiot was recording me having a conversation with y/n. I guess this is what happens when I become someone in the news. Damn it, I wanted to tell her something so bad and following her can get me in so much trouble. I know to do the best I can to get y/n away from everyone. So I have an idea. I began to drive my car back to my house. I see my house all this after everything. I park my car in my driveway and was greeted by my best man. I smile to him as he did to me.
Atticus: I'm glad to see you my man
You: I definitely am too! I'm glad to be fuckin home!!
Atticus: Are we partying tonight, Joshua?
You: Hahaha maybe, maybe not my friend
I walk into my home so happy to smell of apple cinnamon as I walk to see big bags of weed on my living room table.
You: Oh my boy came through for me
Atticus: Yes sir he was here not to long, he had to go do to family reasons
You: Yes yes, I will call him later! I'm definitely excited!!
I continue my walk to the bedroom where that woman was murdered, the room was rearranged and had new bedding. I sighed in sadness when I was inside there because it hurt to know she was murdered in here. They released me cause I was innocent but they never caught who killed her. I walk out the room a little freaked out to be in there as I close the door immediately and walk out of the hallway. I go to my office and see i didn't get my guns & ammunition back. I shake my head in disappointment. I leave my office as I go back up to my bedroom now. It looks exactly the same. I'm definitely happy to be home so now I go down stairs to hear a damn doorbell ring. I open the door to see it was Detective Y/l/n

Your POV

You: hello Mr Hong!
You say with a smile on your face as he looks shocked to see you at his front door.
Joshua: Hello?!
You: What was that all about earlier??
Joshua: Oh! Yeah, I just wanted to talk but it's okay now!
You look at him concerning and wonder why he won't let you inside.
You: Oh?! Well, do you think I can come inside?
Joshua: Oh, sure I guess
He lets you inside and that's when you turn to see the big bags of weed on the living room table. He looks at you not very happy. 
You: So you didn't want me to come in cause of this ?
You point out the big weed bags and just rolled your eyes. He shook his head as you began to too.
Joshua: Well you really can't do shit!
You gave him a glance as he sighs in fraustion.
Joshua: Y/n I know it's the first time in a while since we seen each other and I just wanted to say that I really miss you. I was-
You stop him by going up to him, kissing him, he began to kiss you passionate. He picks you up without breaking out of kissing so you wrap your legs around his torso. He begins to take you upstairs to his bedroom. You and him smiling at each other as he arrives into the bedroom with you still on him. He kisses you as he lays you down on the bed a little aggressively but kisses as passionate as they could be. He goes down to your neck kissing it making you feel some type of way. He stops kissing your neck and looks into your eyes.
Joshua: Are you going to give me back my guns and ammunition?
You: what?

ou couldn't believe he really just asked that after he was just doing what he did. You sigh.

Joshua: I'm sorry to disappoint you-
You look at him stern as he looks at you in upset.
You: you really did all that just to start asking about your guns? I can't believe you right now! Honestly I'm done with you Joshua
You began to leave the room, that's when he grabbed you and threw you on the bed. Joshua began to become on top of you.
Joshua: we aren't done yet y/n
He begins to kiss you again but you really weren't in the mood for this anymore so you push him away from you. He gets mad when you push him away and he just lets you get up. You look at him a little sad but disappointed as well. You walk out of his bedroom, out of the hallway and down the stairs. Walking out the house with pride as you get into your car parked in his driveway.

Hours later: Joshua Hong POV

It was 1:30 in the morning, I was high and drunk as fuck in the living room and the only guard I had with me was Atticus. He was in the living room smoking a blunt with me until I heard something downstairs coming from the bedroom Natalia was murdered in. I definitely got up quickly, grabbing his gun and walking slowly towards the downstairs hallway. I walk down the hall as silent as I could be with my gun in hand. I get to the bedroom door, it was closed so I began to open it. I honestly wasn't prepared to see what is in the room. I scan the room seeing nothing. I entered the room heading to the bathroom to see what the hell. They was literally nothing. I even checked the walk in closet, I saw nothing so I headed back to the bedroom that's when I saw it. It was someone in black suit, a mask covering the face and eyes just looking at me hard. It was kinda frightening but I also wanted to laugh. It made an eery noise almost as if made with some voice tone.
The person: it's nice to see you out!
It laughs in the weird tone but when it finishes laughing it looks at me madly.

oshua: Are you the person that's been-
Before I could finish my sentence, it starts running towards me and it honestly freaks me out. I hit it with my gun and it goes down on the ground.
it gets up from the ground, tackling me, we start rolling around on the ground and that's when the gun goes off.

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