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Your POV

You were waken by the sound of your TV, your turn over seeing your brother on the bed watching Jersey shore. He was eating food as well, he looked at you and noticed you are awake now.
Jimin: Good morning sis
You: Morning
Jimin: How that date go last night?
You: It went horribly
Jimin: Oh, that doesn't sound to good, what happened?
You: Someone killed him
He looked at you in shocked and turned off the TV.
Jimin: Ain't no fuckin way, Brandon is dead
You: Yeah he is, someone slit his throat before our date last night.
Tears start to form in your eyes as your brother grabs you and hugs you.
Jimin: I can't believe someone would kill him.
You: I know, I just can't imagine what his family must feel
Jimin: Probably the same way you do, y/n. Brandon was like one of your loves.
You: I mean yeah I really did like him when we were in the academy together than cops for a while til he moved away
Jimin: Yeah but you guys still made a way to make it work
You: True
Your phone starts to ring, you see its your captain calling so you answer the phone.
Captain Crowell: Good morning Detective, I got some news for you on this case and I need you down here asap
You: Yes ma'am I will see you soon
You hung up the phone as you began to sigh than look at your brother as he looking at you in a very concerning way.
Jimin: do you really think you can handle this case?
You: Yes Jimin it's my job
Jimin: Yes I know but don't you think you are a little close to this?
You: It doesn't matter, who ever did this deserve to be behind bars and not out on the streets. I'm damn well involved cause they attached someone I love.
Jimin sighs
Jimin: This doesn't help when my world tour starts soon, you know I don't have much time with you, y/n. I just would really like to spend time together before I leave, my go away world tour party is tomorrow on Venice Beach. I would really like you to come. Like old times. Remember our memories?
You: Yes of course Jimin, how could I forget the time mom and dad would take us to the beach to surf. Watching mom tan, dad make a sand castle while getting drunk and us being kids. Ugh I hated surfing
Jimin: *laughs* that's because you have a fear of the ocean
You: how do you seriously not?
Jimin: We definitely need to go surfing
You: Sure than we can go ride the roller coaster on the Pier *laughs*
Jimin laughs
You: I have to get ready so please leave
He gets up and leaves your room. You got ready, went out of your room, told say each other byes and go to work. You arrive to work in a hurry. You rush up all the way to your desk to see your captain sitting at your desk happy to see you. You noticed you were basically the only detective there.
Captain Crowell: Good morning Detective, we got a lead on our first victim, looks like Natalia was out partying the night she did and detective are bringing in her friend
You: Okay sounds great captain
Captain Crowell: I need you to talk to the witness
You: sure
The elevator dings, that when you turn to look at detective Harmony and Hedgewater bring in a very beautiful looking woman. They took her into the nearest interrogation room as you follow behind them. The detective left as you entered. Detective Harmony stopped you really quick.
Detective harmony: This is Natalia best friend, Hallie Lin, she has information on her
You: Thank you
She walked out of the room closing the door. You sat down in front of Ms. Lin. She seemed devastated.
You: I'm so sorry for your loss, Ms Lin.
Hallie: It's okay, I know she is somewhere watching me.
You: Ms Lin, how long have you known Natalia?

allie: She's been my best friend since we were 7 years old, we grew up together and she was like family. I can't imagine how her father could feel
You: Her father?
Hallie: oh yes, Natalia and her father were very close. She has brothers as well but one tend to come around more then the other.
You: Do you think I could get their names
Hallie: Of course, Andrew and Philip Vanguard. Besides that I have more to tell
You: Oh go ahead
Hallie: I saw this man following Natalia around yesterday while we were out yesterday
You: Can you describe this man?
Hallie: Yes, tall, dark hair, he looked Korean and late 20s
You: Thank you Hallie, if there's anything else give us a call
You walk her out of the interrogation room, you immediately start heading to the room with the holding cells and there was Joshua just sleeping on the bench. You woke him up by shouting at him. He woke up immediately confused.
You: What are you doing following the victim Joshua ?
Joshua: Who said anything about me following the dead girl
You: An eye witness, Josh. Get up. You are going into interrogation.
He got up from the bench all pissed off, turned around so you can cuff him and walk him to the interrogation room. You guys walk to an interrogation room but get interrupted by detective Hedgewater and agent brown.
Agent Brown: Here's your case file doll face
He hands you the case file with a smile from ear to ear as detective Hedgewater shakes his head and Joshua rolls his eyes. You take the case file stubbornly.
Detective Hedgewater: I want in on this one
You: Alright, you want to lead to?
Detective Hedgewater: I thought you would never ask *laughs*
You laugh as well as you take Joshua in the room, sit him down and sit down in front of him. Detective Harmony and agents were in the other room watching you and detective Hedgewater to interrogate Joshua.
Detective Hedgewater: We got an eye witness placing you following Ms Vanguard, can you tell us what you were doing?
Joshua just laughs while looking at the both of us. Detective Hedgewater gets up and walks over to Joshua. They make eye contact with dirty looks on their faces.
Detective Hedgewater: Nothing is funny man. You going to leave when you are in court in front of 150 to 200 people with a jury watching you?
Joshua got stayed silent, the dirty looks went away and all seriousness came.
Joshua: Yeah I followed her, she's an Russian Mafia bosses daughter and she was alone with no service.
You: So in your own sick way you thought of being her service?
Joshua: No, she didn't even need service for all the shopping and bullshit she did with her friends. I would have gotten so tired of being her service that day-
Joshua: Okay woman you need to relax, I have nothing to do with both deaths. I was asleep the first one and locked up the second one.
You: An innocent person doesn't ask for the lawyer, you are connected in this somehow and I'm going to find out how.
You get up, smashing your fist on the desk in anger and than sighing.
You: You are never going to see the end of this, Mr. Hong. You literally called me saying that you hoped I unlocked all of this. You think this is a joke to you?
Joshua: WHAT? it wasn't me! I literally been locked up
You: Get this man out my MF face I'm tired of all this
You walk out the room, they start to go take Joshua away to his holding cell as you head to the bathroom to cry.

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