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Joshua Hong POV

I woken up hangover in my hotel room naked. I look at the digital clock reading it's 12:30, I start to sit up and realize I have been in this hotel to long. I have stayed 3 nights and now 4 days, I get up, go to the bathroom and shower. In my time in the shower, I thought about detective y/n, the way she walks, the way she looks when investigating and the way her hair is so perfect. I took a good 30 minutes in the shower, I began to get ready as I hear a knock on the door and woman voice yelling room service. I was fully dressed walking to the door opening it to the room service lady. We had our conversation about what was needed than she left and I closed the door. I sigh, I walk away from the door starting to pack my bag as my phone started to ring. I look at it and it was one of my guards so I answered the call.
You: What the hell you want?
Guard: Sir, your homes are being raided by the feds and I'm currently at the one that had the body in it. The feds ain't found me yet but I think they might have spotted Buggy and JZ
You: Okay well thanks for telling me you are being a pussy on defending my house
Guard: I'm sorry Boss
In the background you heard a voice saying "hey you hands up" that's when the called dropped. I became mad, I finished packing my bags as I grabbed them then open the door and put everything in white 2012 Ford mustang GT 500.

Your POV

You, your detectives, the FBI agents and the police with swat raided Joshua second home finding nothing. The place was untouched by his guards were still guarding his houses which you found suspicious. You had an ear piece to keep in contact with your captain.
Captain Crowell: DETECTIVE!!
You took the ear piece out really fast as she just literally yelled in your ear and your detectives looked at you weirdly.
You: captain yelling at me
You say whispering as they walked away knowing that's not good as you put the ear piece back in your ear you heard your captain going on about something.
Captain Crowell: Do you realize it's been 2 & half weeks since Joshua, OUR MAIN SUSPECT- nevermind with that I need you to keep doing your damn job detective.
You: Ma'am I realize this man is wanted and we are doing everything we can to find him
You hear a voice yell for detective y/l/n so you told your captain you had to go and you walked up to the voice that yelled for you.
Agent Brown: Ay detective, this bastard ain't even here so we need to head back and find out shit immediately
You: Okay sounds good
You get in the back in the SUV, detective Hedgewater drove us back to the station and got back to work.

Joshua Hong POV

I'm on my way to my ex girlfriend house, sometimes I go there when I'm in trouble and I know how much she loves me still. I pull up to her house seeing that the front gate is open to the driveway so I drove in. That's when I see her and her mother outside. She looked at me completely confused and her mother didn't look to happy to see me. I park my car in their driveway and get out of my car.
Desiree Mother: You have a lot of nerve to be here, pendejo
Desiree: Mama please I can talk to him on my own, go inside
Desiree Mother: Okay but I will go get your brothers if anything
Desiree: no I got this
Her mother walks away frustrated and into the house. She turns back and looks at me in concern.
Desiree: So why are you here?
You: You see I need some of my clothes, money and gun
Desiree: you're so pathetic Joshua, why the hell would you think I would have that shit
You: Desiree I didn't come here to fight
Desiree: I hate how you still come back to me thinking you could easily do this shit
She looked pissed so I became closer touching her cheek, rubbing my thumb on it and see her look up into my eyes. Her emotion of anger went away as she look like she had that love for me but she aggressively took my hand away from her face.
Desiree: Don't think you can do some shit like that to think you can win me over. I have moved on Joshua. I hate how you are even standing here thinking I still have your shit.
You: your body language shows different Desiree, remember I'm the one that moved your family out Houston to be out here in this LA life. You definitely have my stuff so just give it to me
Desiree: I fuckin hate you, I don't have your stuff and I want you to leave.
I look at her dead in the eyes as we still close to each other, arguing and she looking at me dead in the eyes with an anger look. I began to laugh and as I laugh, she slapped the hell out of the right side of my face and it became super red. It immediately hurt and I looked up her with an anger look. That's when she had a little bit of a worry but still looked mad so I just got in my car and left.

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