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Your POV

Your apartment was burned all the way to the ground, luckily the firefighters put out the fire just in time before it spread to either apartment to the left or right to you and that's when you turn around to see your captain standing there were devastated look on her face.
Captain Crowell: I'm sorry for your place detective
You sigh fighting back to tears of your place being gone.
Captain Crowell: I was informed by the detective that you talk to saying that you got a package. Did you see who gave you the package?
You: No, I heard a knock on the door, that's when I looked out the window and saw the package with flowers at my doorstep.
Captain Crowell: hmmm, oddly strange, where you alone, detective?
You look into her eyes as she had a serious face. You kept a serious face as well.
You: Yes, yes I was alone.
Captain Crowell sighs as she staring into your eyes.
Captain Crowell: Detective, I think it's best if you sit this case out for a little bit.
You became devastated as she was looking at you with devastation as well. She became to sigh than finishing sighing.
Captain Crowell: I know this isn't the easiest news to hear right now detective but I think it's best you sit this out for a while. This case is becoming way way to close to you.
You: I can't believe you are doing this right now! You can't be serious, I just lost my home and now this?!
Captain Crowell: Y/n I know you are upset but don't take that out on me. I need you to get out of here now please.
You look at her starting to get a little furious, you here a car roll up real fast then hear it open and close.
You hear from not that far away from you as you look up and see your brother, getting into an argument with a cop. You start walking over, the cop seeing you walking over as he grabs you by the wrist pushing you out from police fence and you turn around looking at him mad confused.
You: You know you just put hands on a homicide detective
The cop: You know you aren't part of this investigation right?
He looks at you with a mad dogging look, you roll your eyes then walk away with your brother. You get into the car, Jimin gets in the driver seat and began to start the car. He drove you guys away from the apartment as you began to cry.
Jimin: I don't even understand why the hell you would cry over that
You: That place was everything
Jimin: You forget we have money
You stopped crying and looked at him in concern.
You: Mf you the one that gets all the money
Jimin: You act like you don't make money doing your job
You: Well true but now I just lost my house and now my car to police investigation.
Jimin: Relax sis I got you.
You guys stopped talking, he turned up the radio and party in the USA by Miley Cyrus began to play as you start enjoying the song. Your brother, Jimin, was driving, you guys drive up to Beverly Hills and was driving through the neighborhoods. The song became over as you were looking at all the beautiful houses and cars as your brother began to take a right turn into a neighborhood.  Sativa by Jhene Aiko came on as Jimin drove in this neighborhood, there was so many beautiful houses than you began to realize this way looks familiar. He began to take a left, there was a beautiful gate and a keypad on the wall. Your brother rolls down his window, putting in the code, making the gate open and he drives into the driveway. He drove you guys this long drive way that had palm trees lined up along it and it was so beautiful. The yard was big, green grass and full of beautiful flowers and trees. The driveway than became a circle driveway in front of the beautiful house. It was you and Jimin childhood home but only Jimin owns it now.

1 week later

You wake up to your phone ringing, you looked at the time realizing it was 1:30 in the afternoon and your captain was calling so you answered the phone.
You: Hello?
Captain Crowell: Detective Y/n, I'm so glad to hear your voice! I need you to do something for me and this case.
You: Captain, you took me away from my job-
Captain Crowell: If you continue you with this sentence, I will make you come down here and turn in your gun & badge
You sigh frustratingly
You: Im sorry captain, I just got ahead of myself there so what can I do for you
Captain Crowell: Well since you are gone, we have gotten a lot of leads but then they feel like they are leading no where especially when Joshua is still out there.
You: He hasn't been found??
Captain Crowell: No now detective I hope you can return to work as so-
You: I will be on my way
You got up, got ready quickly and left the house. You took one of your brother cars, you decide to take his blue Audi R8 to work and arrived to work. You walked out of elevator as everyone stood up clapping and cheering for you. Saying there condolences for your apartment and congratulations for you coming back to work. You smile, thanking everyone and telling them to go back to work as you sat down beginning to do your desk work.

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