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Your POV

It was later that day, it was 9:30 at night, you were at your desk filling out paperwork as some people have already left for home. You heard the sound of footsteps coming up.
Detective Harmony: You know you are one strong detective, y/n.
You: Oh yeah?
You look up from your paperwork, looking at detective Harmony as she is carrying a briefcase and making eye contact with you.
Detective Harmony: You definitely are one of kind. I hope this case doesn't affect how you work.
You: Oh it definitely won't! What's in the briefcase?
Detective Harmony: It's the case files of our case, I can't handle the fact that we don't have a lot of answers to our questions and we don't even know if Joshua is our guy.
You: How can you be questioning if he is our guy. He's a criminal, Hazel. There's just something about him
Detective Harmony: Yeah sure, I'm tired I need to get out of here. Goodnight detective!
She started walking out as you told her goodnight as well. She walked to the elevator, you went back to filling out your paperwork until someone came up behind you covering your eyes.
You: Agent, why do you do this to me?
Agent Brown: How did you know it was me?
You: It's so obvious
Agent Brown: Well it's obvious you definitely are one of a kind
You: Oh so you were listening in?
Agent Brown: No I just think you need to listen to me for a min, you, me, date, tomorrow!
You: No I can't
Agent Brown: Why not?
You: Family business
Agent Brown: Well when you don't have "family business", you know where I be
He walked off to the room his crew were set up in. You roll your eyes and sigh. You look at your paperwork releasing you are done. You heard the captain door open, you look up and see her look at you
Captain Crowell: Detective
She nod her head,you get up and walk to her office. You go inside sit down as she sit down as well.
Captain Crowell: Surprised you are still here detective regarding last night, I hope you are recovering from that and you are determined to get the job done.
You: I have been determined since day one ma'am, I just would like some time off tomorrow night and then I will get-
Captain Crowell: Stop
You stop taking as she had an discouraging look on her face then she began to speak.
Captain Crowell: You understand you are asking for time off when there is an on going investigation and you are the main detective on this case yet you have the nerve to come ask me for time off!
You standing there taking in her madly concerned as so badly would just like an answer so you can go home.
You: Captain I just ask for a night. I-
Captain Crowell: You know what detective, your vacation days are coming up so I suggested you take them now. I expected to see you back here on Monday, that's an order detective.
You sigh as you walk out of your captain office closing her door, you start heading to the holding cell Joshua is locked in and when you get there was staring at you.
Joshua: Bout time you show up
You: Why would you be interested in me?

oshua: You are like the prettiest detective I have ever seen and I know you think about us in the bathroom
You stand there rolling your eyes as you cross your arms.
Joshua: Speaking of bathroom can you take me to restroom please detective sexy
You: Actually I can't I'm off duty
Joshua: if you are off duty why would you come visit me?
You: Boy you sure do have a lot of questions, how long did someone leave you alone for? *Laughs*
Joshua sighs, you start to open the cell and he looked at you surprised.
Joshua: See I knew you couldn't resist yourself
You: Shut up! Let's go!
You make him walk out the cell, he grins at you than walks in front of you heading to the bathroom. He goes into the bathroom as you were interrupted by an male officer.
Cop: Detective, I can take him from here
You: Oh, okay JT
He walks in after Joshua does, you wait outside the door til the door opens a few minutes later. Joshua gets pushed out by officer JT and the cop came out the bathroom behind him.
JT: Look you can take this man to his cell, he's weird
You look at Joshua in a concerning way as he just stood there waiting to be took back to his cell. You grabbed him leading him to his cell, you took him to his cell and shoved him in there. You slam the cell close, began to lock up the cell as Joshua began to sigh.
You: The hell you sighing about
Joshua: You are starting to treat me like a criminal
You: You are a criminal and you piss me off
Joshua: What did I even do to piss you off?
You sigh, he just stand there looks at you in concern.
You: I just would like to go home now
Joshua: No one is stopping you detective, enjoy yourself.
He says with a smirk on his face, you just roll your eyes then walk away, you went back to your desk, grabbed your coat and you bag in the shelf below your two drawers on the left side. You walk to the elevator, take the elevator to the first floor, walk out to your car and starting it. You start to play your favorite Lana Del Rey song. You drive out of the parking lot to your apartment complex driveway. You walk to your door, unlock to see your brother on your couch rolling up a blunt.
Jimin: Welcome home sis
You: Yeah great to see you too
Jimin: Wtf is your problem?
You: Nothing
Jimin licks up the blunt, grabs the lighter than gives it a light. He began to smoke.
Jimin: Say why don't you move out this apartment when I'm gone, I have a beautiful house in mind for you sis
You: Are you crazy?
Jimin: No y/n I just think this place is to small for you and you deserve better
You: You don't understand how much time I've have spent here and what it has been like-
Jimin sighs and begins to interrupt you.
Jimin: Yeah I know y/m/n but you need to let go and your lover literally got murdered in front of this place. You need to do this for yourself!
You: No you want me to do this for you, Jimin. I know how you are!
Jimin rolls his eyes as he smokes some more you head to your room and slam the door. It almost reminds you if you guys were kids again but yet with out mom and dad. You began to cry as you change out of your clothes and take off your makeup. You put out a nightgown and lay on the bed crying your eyes out as you fall asleep.

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