By sakuralou2689

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Carol Danvers-Montmartre/Captain Marvel faced controversies, deaths, and accusations which she couldn't handl... More

BOOK I: Prologue
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
BOOK II: Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
BOOK III: Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48

Chapter 27

49 1 0
By sakuralou2689

Carol was almost finished breastfeeding her newborn son when her husband carefully held his wife's red sash to cover her and the child from being exposed. Then, Methu-Selah carried his son when his wife took her hospital gown back onto her body. She looked at her spouse playing and cuddling with the little boy as Amnon went laughing at his father. The half-Kree woman was more pleased than ever when she saw their moment as a father and son.

" You made him laughing so hard, Methie! " she chuckled.

" I'm trying to get his funny bone into place, " the Kree Eternal replied and carried his son when he sat beside his wife, giving Amnon back to her arms. " There's our little young man who likes to rejoin with you. "

Amnon cooed and smiled at his parents when they were happy to see him. Looking at the sunset, Methu-Selah sighed in relief and got captivated when the sun walked away with shades yellow gold to blue clouds.

" My, how time flies! " he broke his silence.

" It was just last night when I gave birth to this young handsome gentleman, " she held her son into her arms and gently kissed his forehead. The infant babbled in awe when he saw his mother doing it.

" Soon enough, we can witness him growing up very soon, " Methu-Selah added.

" Do you think he would be like you? "

" Hmmm, I think so, " he smiled and nodded. " Let's see what he really desires in life. "

" Yeah, " Carol smiled and nodded, watching her son cooing and babbling.

Suddenly, she heard the phone ringing on the bedside and glanced at her husband to answer it. Methu-Selah nodded and instantly picked it up.

" Hello? " the Kree Eternal curiously raised his voice.

" Meir, it's me, Joe Jr! " a slightly high pitched voice happily greeted him over the phone. " How's my dear sister and brother-in-law! "

" We're all good, " he replied and looked at his wife and son. " How about you? "

" I'm good with my wife here. Even, the Green Poison Virus gets wilder than ever. I'm glad we have never caught one to get sick. How come you guys are in Paris? Tell me, you guys grabbed an opportunity to go there? For safer and greener pastures? "

Methu-Selah deeply thought of his answer and recalled that evening when he, his wife, and mutant friend had decided to leave America for good. The Kree Eternal never wanted to disclose about his wife's involvement with the Rikers, since he had found it useless and controversial to brought up. He turned to his wife and son.

" Well, yes. We made our decision to stay here, " he said. " But eventually we'll be visiting America once my son has grown up. "

" You and Carol have a son? " Joe Jr. raised his voice and got intrigued.

" Yes. Carol has given birth last night. Do you wish to see them? "

" She just..." his brother-in-law paused in shock for a while and continued. " Mind if I could see her? I mean them? "

" Of course! "

Methu-Selah switched the device's camera on and pointed at his blonde wife and newborn child. The other blonde man was surprised to see his sister and nephew.

" JJ, it's good to see you again, " Carol happily greeted her brother. " You're an uncle, now! "

" Oh....Wow! " Joe Jr. joyfully exclaimed to his little nephew. " He's so adorable! You know this lil fella reminds me of you when you were born! "

" Seriously, JJ! You still remember that?! " she chuckled.

" Kidding! I'm glad to see my beautiful sister and her two handsome gentlemen! "

" Oh, stop flattering! "

" No, I'm serious, Carol! "

The couple and the other man from the phone laughed and talked at each other when they took a couple of minutes. Amnon shyly looked at his uncle and turned to his parents which seemed like he was asking them. Methu-Selah and Carol gently touched their son.

" Kid, that's your Uncle JJ, " she said. " Don't be shy, he likes you."

" Son, he likes to meet you over the phone, " his father added.

" Hey, there, Little Guy! " Joe Jr. greeted the infant. " How's your first day with your parents? "

Amnon turned to his uncle over the phone and cooed at him.

" Awwww, he's so cute! How I wish me and my wife could visit you there, "  Joe. Jr said. " Tell me, what's the kid's name? "

" Amnon Joseph Danvers-Montmartre, " Carol instantly answered her brother.

" So, what do you know? Another Joseph Danvers has come to existence! You surely keep the name after pa and me! "

Carol slightly smiled and nodded at her brother, although he had bad memories with her father. Then, she looked at her son who cooed at her.

" He's gonna be more different than his grandfather, " she answered.

" Oh... right, "  her brother sadly sighed. " Trip's a better guy than him for sure. "

" Trip? " Methu-Selah and Carol curiously repeated the baby's nickname given by his uncle when they shared glances.

" Oh, cheese, guys! He's Joseph Danvers, III for me! So, I've come to call him, 'Trip'! "

" Oh, I get what you mean! " the Kree Eternal laughed.

" Well, it's better than nothing, you know?! " Joe Jr. also laughed and heard his wife calling him. " Anyways, I gotta go and cook lunch for my beloved one. I'll call you guys soon! Bye! "

" Bye! "

The call ended when the Kree Eternal  placed the phone at the bedside table.

" Well, I'm glad he has more time to call you, " Methu-Selah smiled at his wife and kissed her soft pinkish cheeks.

" At least, he's very glad to see his little nephew, " Carol kissed him back and turned to Amnon. " Did you have a fun time with your uncle? "

Amnon smiled and babbled at his mother in reply, gently reaching her smooth face with his left hand. Carol knew that this was an affirmation from a newborn like him.

" It seems he agrees, " her husband said.

" Right. "

Several hours later, Methu-Selah was peacefully sleeping beside his wife and son on the hospital bed which they seemed too crowded for two and a half people. Slowly opening his eyes, he sensed some group of people coming to the hospital and carefully stood up. The Kree Eternal gently placed his lips to his wife's cheeks and then to his son's forehead. He took his spectacles and watched their peaceful slumber, sighing in relief.

Carefully stepping out of the room, he looked at the clock at the hallway's wall. It was approaching to 6:00 am. He stood beside the room and saw a group of people coming to him. Methu-Selah recognized the tall blonde man and his dark-haired friend walking on the busy and white corridors. They brought some people with them. A middle-aged scarlet haired woman with green eyes was talking to her son with wolf appearance. The other one was an Asian woman with some shades of blue  in her hair. They headed to the pediatric area as Methu-Selah arrived to meet them. Predicting it, he knew there were more guests coming.

“ Good to see again, old friend, "  Warren said to Methu-Selah and shook his hands to him.

" Likewise, " he smiled and responded with the same gesture. " I presume you have invited people from Krakoa. "

“ Yep, this is Ethan’s adoptive mother and brother. Rahne and Tier Sinclair. "

The mother and son mutants were pleased to see the bespectacled blonde man infront of them.

" Hi! " Tier greeted.

" Hello, there! " Rahne added.

" It's nice to meet you, I'm Jean Meir Montmartre, " he replied.

" So, you're Captain Marvel's husband? "

" Yes, I am. "

“ Oh, my apologies! " Warren snapped his fingers and looked at the Asian mutant. " I forgot about Ethan’s friend Umiko Kuroshio. She also from Krakoa.”

" Hello, Montmartre-san, " the blue haired Japanese-Krakoan named Umiko respectfully bowed in greeting.

" It's nice to meet you, too. Umiko-chan, " Methu-Selah also bowed as she was pleased to see him responded to the same gesture.

“ This is sadly, all the people who wanted to leave Krakoa.”

" Well, that country is very dangerous nowadays, " the Kree Eternal replied to the blonde mutant. " I understood why you needed to leave several hours ago. "

“ Yep, not to mention I heard rumors of mutants who trying to Krakoa now.”

" It's not safe to live there, anymore. "

“ Exactly, but at least Ethan and his family is not part of that horrid place. "

" Good thinking. "

“ Thanks, it’s the least I can do.”

" Well, anyway, Carol and Amnon were both sleeping. Perhaps, if they're awake, I can let you all enter. "

“ Thanks, old friend.”

The group followed the Kree Eternal as they headed to the corner near his wife's room. Methu-Selah warned them not to disturb the mother and son which they were still sleeping. Warren curiously looked around and thought of the other visitors he had met before they had gone to Krakoa.

“ Where everyone else, did they leave or something? " he asked.

" Well, Miles has to do something else, " Methu-Selah answered.  " Jessica has an important mission with the Avengers, and Lila has to meet new clients in the dormitory. " he replied. " But for these two, Amnon spent talking with his mother."

" By cooing her? " Ethan curiously queried.

" Yes, I saw her smiling again as the little boy entertained her. Then, my brother-in-law just called to have a chat with them over the video call, "

“ I see, " Warren nodded. " Which reminds a friend of Rahne, who used to be in the X-Men is coming to visit. Dr. Hank McCoy, you might know him.”

" Oh, Dr. McCoy, now the US Ambassador to the United Nations, " Methu-Selah snapped his fingers and happily beamed. " Yes, I have seen him in the news. He was a good friend of mine before. He also came to testify my wife's court trial nine months ago. "

“ Well, it’s best to know he’s coming here to visit your family.”

" It's been a while when I met him in SWORD, " he smiled. " I'm glad he moved to global politics for his career change. "

“ Yep, Hank trying his best to resolve the situation with Krakoa.”

" Good, it may be a good start, " he nodded and turned to his wife and son, peeking at the room. " I believe they're waking up. "

“ Let’s not keep your family waiting then.” Warren said and looked at his companions, giving them a suggestive look. " Shall we? "

The four mutants nodded in agreement and readied themselves to enter and visit the half-Kree and her son. Methu-Selah slowly opened the door and saw them waking up. Amnon made his yawn after his mother. The Kree Eternal offered them some seats and snacks when they accepted and thanked him for his sincere generosity.

" Methie....what's going on? " his wife's voice called.

" I'm coming, dear! "

“ Everything's alright, Carol, " Warren smiled and greeted. I just return with a few new guests.”

" Wait, who? " she raised her voice and carried her son.

“ Ethan’s adoptive mother, brother, and his friend. Don’t worry, they're friendly.”

" So, you're Captain Marvel! I can't believe it, I'm meeting you in real person! " Tier happily beamed. " I have heard so much of you! "

" Thanks...." Carol slightly smiled and sighed. " But that was before I got..."

" It doesn't matter, " Rahne gently patted the half-Kree woman's back as Amnon smiled at the newcomer. " You have a very handsome lad to raise. Being a mother is your next step as a hero, even you had a bad past. "

" Thanks, by the way... I'm Carol. "

" Call me, Rahne! It's nice to meet you. I believe you need some help in raising a child. "

" Thanks! I think I'm glad to see a fellow mother like you! "

" Likewise! "

" He is so adorable! " Umiko looked at the little boy clinging on his mother as she was breastfeeding him.

" Yes, he has his father's eyes and face. "

" Your smile as well. "

" Oh, right! "

“ You have one more guest coming, Dr. Hank McCoy.” Warren reminded.

" Hank? " Carol muttered her old friend's name.

“ Yep.”

Silence had once again visited her. Carol remembered that serious talk with him more than five years ago after the great division of the Avengers and the sudden defeat of Tony Stark. She couldn't forget how he was angry at that time. Then, from nine months ago, Hank had come to testify to her trial in New York which she recalled that day.

Methu-Selah, Warren, and the other mutants noticed her long silence while she was breastfeeding her son. Carol felt even more ashamed than ever.

" Carol, are you all right? " her husband asked.

" Did the cat get your tongue? " Rahne added.

" I guess he would blame me for my mistakes before, " she broke her silence and sadly sighed.

" Carol, he wants to see you and our son, " Methu-Selah replied and embraced her. " If you have any grudges with him, I think you have to reconcile. It's your only chance to do it."

“ Your husband is right, Carol, " Warren added. " Not to mention, Hank wants to help mutantkind with what happened at Krakoa.”

" So, he did? " she raised her voice in shock.

“ He’s working on it, Krakoa is in a really bad shape. Xavier is in hiding possibly with rest of his Quiet Council, Magneto’s uprising, Mutants escaping the Nation, and there a rumors of mutants wanting to destroy Krakoa and Magneto. But have no doubt he’ll execute a resolution,” Warren said trying to reassure her.

" He's part of the United Nations now, " Ethan added and smiled. " That's why he left the X-Men to help the people out there. "

Carol got surprised to hear as her husband smiled. She was trying to understand what they had said.

" Your old friend has a personal leave to see your son, " Rahne said.  " He would like to see your boy. "

“ That shows, right there. Hank doesn’t have a grudge on you.”

" He has forgiven you, Carol. " Methu-Selah nodded and gently rubbed his wife's back.

" I guess so..."

“ If anyone of your friends still have a grudge on you, they wouldn’t have come. Yet they did, so that shows your friends forgave you.”

" Well, I hope they had..."

Suddenly, they got interrupted and heard a knock on the door as the guests turned around. Umiko opened the door as she saw the newcomer. It appeared to be a tall hairy and muscular blue skinned man wearing a business suit. He sincerely smiled at the new family and closed the door.

“Who is it, Umiko? Hank? "

" Hai, " she nodded and bowed at the blue-skinned muscular mutant.

" Thank you for letting me in, " Hank responded in the same gesture and calmly spoke. " It's such a pleasure to see you all in the City of Lights. "

“ Hello, Hank, " Warren greeted.

" Warren, it's good to see you! " he greeted back and shook hands with this fellow mutant.

“ Good to see you too. We just came back from Krakoa not too long ago.”

" Thank goodness, you all have gotten into safety, " the US Ambassador to the UN smiled. " It's better to have you all reunited in this city. "

" Well, you have just arrived to catch up, " Rahne added.

“ Rahne, right you know.”

" Anyways, you have an old friend who wants to see you, " she added.

Hank nodded and turned to Carol as she covered her son and herself while breastfeeding. Methu-Selah took another chair and offered him a seat.

" Oh...I'm so sorry to disturb your maternity work here! I didn't mean to see it, " the hairy blue mutant wryly smiled and chuckled, feeling embarrassed. " Please, don't bother in using your Binary form to shoot me! "

" Hank, it's okay! " Carol slightly smiled and laughed at his joke. " It's been a long time I haven't seen you, ever since you showed up to testify in that trial. "

" It's nothing, " Hank replied and sat on the chair. " I was invited to witness and share my testimony of that incident. I'm glad you got acquitted afterwards and your husband has been in full support. "

" Thank you, " the half-Kree woman smiled back.

" You're welcome, Mrs. Montmartre. "

“ You want us to give you a few minutes for you to talk alone with Hank? " Warren suggestively said to Carol, not wanting to interrupt their conversation.

" Yes, " Carol replied and whispered to her husband. " Methie, how about you? "

" I'll be here with you and Hank. You might need a dedicated babysitter from planet Hala, " Methu-Selah replied and kissed his wife's cheeks as she blushed harder. " You really need help in taking care of this young gentleman,here."

" I can't afford to pay an ancient space alien for his services! You might be too expensive! But thank you! "

" I'm free of charge, my Starling! "

" My stars! " Hank laughed. " I have never heard of a former Kree Imperial Army general who's willing to babysit a youngster! Now, that's more interesting to see. Anyways, I do have something to tell you about raising a potentially empowered child. "

" Right, go on, " the Kree Eternal nodded. " We're all listening. "

“ Alright, guys. Let’s give Carol and Methu-Selah some space while they converse with Hank.” Warren gestured Ethan, Rahne, Tier, and Umiko to wait outside with him.

The mutants left the room when they got surprised to hear from the American UN ambassador had blurted out of the other blonde man's true identity. They shared their curious glances and remained silent.

" Well, wait, he is a Kree? " Umiko asked, feeling baffled. " I don't understand. How come? He looks like very human to me. "

" In disguise, though, " Tier responded and shrugged.

“ It’s not every day you meet an alien. For some reason I want to know more about the Kree, " Warren said.

" Well, we can ask him later on! " Ethan chuckled. " Perhaps, he can reveal who he really is! "

“ Fairpoint, Ethan. But let Methu-Selah and Carol converse with Hank. Shouldn’t be long.”

" Right, " Rahne nodded and watched the other three from the doorway to the room. " We'll give more time to talk further. "

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