
By -_-WendyMarvell-_-

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Connor and Emiko Yukari are your typical brother and sister. Going to school, constantly getting on each othe... More

Chapter 0: Prologue
Chapter 1: Welcome To Mytho-Academy
Chapter 2: Learning The Rules The Hard Way
Chapter 3: Duellum
Chapter 4: Nightmares Sometimes Become Reality
Chapter 5: First Night
Chapter 7: Combat Training
Chapter 8: Suspicion
Chapter 9: When Duellum Goes Wrong
Chapter 10: Loss
Chapter 11: Doomsday
Chapter 12: Departure
Chapter 13: Family Reunions
Chapter 14: Attacked
Chapter 15: Berserk
Chapter 16: Welcome To Alfheim
Chapter 17: Bloody Magic
Chapter 18: Power Up
Chapter 19: Defeat
Chapter 20: Truth
Chpater 21: Aftermath
Chapter 22: Struggle
Chapter 23: Final Battle
Chapter 24: Sacrifices
Chapter 25: Epilogue
S2 - Chapter 1: War
S2 - Chapter 2: Waking Up
S2 - Chapter 3: Spy
S2 - Chapter 4: Execution
S2 - Chapter 5: Athens
S2 - Chapter 6: Battle Of Lives
S2 - Chapter 7: Egypt
S2 - Chapter 8: Secrets Of The Past
S2 - Chapter 9: Losing Souls
S2 - Chapter 10: Tournament
S2 - Chapter 11: Nightmares
S2 - Chapter 12: Traitors
S2 - Chapter 13: Failure
S2 - Chapter 14: Apocalypse
S2 - Chapter 15: Queen Of Lust
S2 - Chapter 16: Trial
S2 - Chapter 17: Split
S2 - Chapter 18: Crazy Elves
S2 - Chapter 19: Last Stand
S2 - Chapter 20: Fallen Saviors
S2 - Chapter 21: Demons
S2 - Chapter 22: Change
S2 - Chapter 23: The Real Epilogue

Chapter 6: First Day

38 2 11
By -_-WendyMarvell-_-


After Angel had taken me to her dorm room, all hell pretty much broke loose. First, Angel's room was the girliest room I'd ever seen, which wasn't that bad. Emiko's was relatively bland, with a few posters of her favorite manga and anime, but that was about it. Angel on the other hand had a room with pink written all over it. Even the bed was pink. The only thing that wasn't pink was the second bed, closest to the window.

But besides her bedroom, the rest of the dorm was more normal. Kitchen, bathroom, living room, the whole setup.

And here, my fellow demigods, is where everything went wrong. Angel forgot to wash a fresh pair of pajamas for herself. She decided to just sleep in her underwear.


Behind The Scenes

Emiko: "Himari suggested the same thing for me!!

Connor: "I feel the world is just begging for something awkward to happen to us"

Emiko: "And I bet those pervy readers are enjoying this crap..."


So I just looked away when she got into her bed and made sure she was covered up. For some reason, she also had a pair of pajamas that actually fit me, which creeped me out a bit.

That morning, I'd woken up pretty early, since the sun wasn't even up yet. However I felt something next to me. Something was grabbing my arm!!

I was about to start freaking out, however I quickly realized it was Angel, in my bed and holding onto my arm. You know what, I'll take Apophis over this anime cliché...

Thankfully, only her shoulders were uncovered.


Connor stares down the writer with murderous intent


Without thinking, I panicked a little.

Connor: "A-Angel!!"

Angel slowly opened her eyes as she sat up to yawn. She then looked over to me, like everything was normal.

Angel: "Good morning, how did you sleep?"

I quickly turned around.

Connor: "W-Why are you in my bed?!"

Angel: "W-What...?"

Angel looked down and blushed an intense red. She quickly got up and ran into the bathroom, right after grabbing a change of clothes.

Connor: "Today's gonna be a b*tch..."

I slipped out of bed and quickly changed back into my clothes. Angel had washed them last night, so they were nice and clean.

After about 10 minutes, Angel finally came out of the bathroom, completely avoiding eye contact with me.

Connor: "Hey, it's okay. I'll forget it ever happened"

Angel tried to say something, but it came out more like a mumble.

Connor: "What? You mumbled"

Angel finally had enough and shouted.

Angel: "I-I didn't get into your bed on purpose!!!"

After a few seconds, she calmed down.

Angel: "I... I didn't get into your bed, at least I didn't make myself do it"

Connor: "I'm confused..."

Angel snapped her fingers and two little balls of black fire appeared next to her. The two balls then formed the two skulls I saw Angel with when we'd first met.

Angel: "The one to my left is Ahsa"

The skull spoke in a creepy voice, kind of like the Joker.

Ahsa: "A pleasure to make your acquaintance, my dear fellow"

Angel: "And the other one is Anpu"

This skull spoke in a very deep tone.

Anpu: "Greetings"

Angel: "These two are the reason I was in your bed"

Connor: "So... they carried you?"

Ahsa: "Of course! And it was funny as Hades!!"

Angel: "Please ignore them... they can be really annoying..."

Connor: "Why do you even have them?"

Angel: "Being a daughter of Hades has its advantages. The main one being, I'm able to summon the dead. However these two are more like my familiars. See, my eyes are very special. I was given a gift from my father, when I was born. He gave me the Eyes of Hades, which allow me to see souls, as well as when and how someone will die"

Connor: "That's really cool! But what do they have to do with it?"

Angel: "Using Ahsa, I can change the time of death for the person I choose. And using Anpu, I can change the cause of death. And for each soul I kill, I get more powerful. I can even call upon their souls to form weapons. However... it has a drawback..."

Angel started to fiddle with her fingers.

Angel: "I go blind for the next hour, but I can still see souls, just nothing else"

Connor: "That drawback definitely balances the power out"

I then realized something big.

Connor: "Why don't you just use that power on Apophis?"

Angel: "Apophis is technically immortal, so he doesn't have a time of death. And I can't change his cause of death since he will never truly die"

Connor: "Damn..."

Angel giggled a little.

Angel: "Believe me, if it was that easy, my Father would've already done it"

Connor: "Come to think of it, what's the god of the dead like?"

Angel: "I don't really know, I've never actually met him"

Connor: "Oh, I'm sorry"

Angel: "N-No, it's okay. You didn't know"

Once we got all of the awkwardness out of our systems, we decided to go the school's cafeteria. I'd only been there once before, but my god, the food here is amazing. I think the cook, whoever he is, would give Gordon Ramsey a run for his money.

Surprisingly, when we got there, Emiko and Himari were already there. However when we walked over, I saw they both had a nervous look on their faces.

Connor: "What's wrong? You two looked like you did it last night and don't want anyone to find out"

Emiko: "Oh shut up"

Himari: "Nothing like that happened, at least not yet"

Himari's comment made me want to burst out laughing, but Emiko didn't seem the littlest bit amused.

Connor: "What's wrong? I've seen that look on you before"

Emiko: "I... had a certain dream last night. But I don't want to talk about it"

Himari: "I could always project the dream into their minds, so they could see it"

Emiko: "N-No! Wait, you can do that?! How are you not the strongest student here"

Himari: "Well, Siyuka beats you once, you never really live it down"

Angel: "Speaking of Siyuka, is she out of the infirmary?"

Himari: "Yeah, she's out. But she was pissed. She never lost a Duellum up until now"

Angel and I sat down at the table.

Connor: "As much as I hate to admit it, I would've lost"

Emiko: "You still never told us about what happened with that. Do you even know?"

I didn't really want to answer her, since even I didn't fully understand. Thankfully, I didn't have to. The school bell started to ring, signaling we needed to get to class.

Connor: "So... are we actually enrolled? I don't have a schedule"

Emiko: "I guess"

I then heard Kaito shout to us from the other side of the cafeteria.

Kaito: "Hey! Connor! Emiko! I have your schedules!"

Emiko: "Well, that solves that"

We all got up and made our way over to Kaito.

Connor: "Morning"

Kaito: "Morning, I got your schedules from Thoth, he gave them to me before I got here"

Emiko: "Thoth?"

Himari: "Thoth is the Egyptian God of Wisdom. He is in charge of the school records and schedules"

Connor: "Are all the teachers gods?"

Angel: "Most of them, however we also have demigod teachers as well"

I looked down at my schedule, and saw my first class of the day was Monster Biology.

Connor: "Nice! If this class is anything like regular Biology, then I'm gonna ace it"

Angel: "I have Monster Biology first period too!"

Angel leaned into me, with her arm pressing against mine.

By the look on Emiko's face, she was trying really hard not to laugh. It was pretty obvious Angel had a crush on me, but I couldn't really say anything since I haven't known her for more than a week.

Or maybe I was reading this wrong. Either way, Emiko was going to act smug about it later.

Connor: "Emi, what class do you have?"

Emiko gave me a pissed off look.

Emiko: "I told you to never call me that!"

Himari: "Ooooooo, is Emi a nickname? I like it! I think I'll use that from now on"

Emiko gave her the death stare.

Emiko: "Your funeral"

Himari just giggled.

Emiko: "Anyways... I have History"

Kaito: "History is probably the easiest class here. In fact, all your classes should be relatively easy, since you don't have any wing specific classes"

Emiko: "I don't want to sound like I'm rushing the gods, but when will they tell us who our god parent is?"

Angel: "It could be a while. Some here go an entire year without knowing"

Emiko: "Fantastic..."

Himari: "I wouldn't worry about it too much, as long as you're wing neutral, you have the easy stuff. Enjoy it while you can!"

Connor: "Shouldn't we get going to class?"

Kaito: "Right, see you all later"

As Kaito and Emiko went off to the History classroom, Angel, Himari, and I all made our way to the Biology classroom, which was on the far end of the building, between the Greek and Egyptian wing. The inside was like a scene right out of Harry Potter.

It looked like we were the first ones there, since the classroom was completely empty.

Connor: "Woah, this looks cool"

Angel: "This is actually the most bland classroom in the school. B-But don't tell the teacher I said that"

Connor: "Who is the teacher, anyways?"

As if on cue, a tall blonde woman walked into the room from the other door on the opposite side of the classroom. She wore a pink dress with golden bands on her arms, right below her shoulders. Her eyes were pink with small hearts in them.

Angel: "Good morning Miss Aphrodite!"

Aphrodite spoke in a calm, soothing voice. However I could sense the Ara Ara tone from a mile away.

Aphrodite: "Oh, good morning dear"

Aphrodite smiled at Angel, with a smile that made everyone in the room blush. All except me. Aphrodite quickly caught onto it.

Aphrodite: "And you must be Connor, I've heard a lot about you"

Connor: "Yeah, that's me"

Aphrodite walked up to me.

Aphrodite: "It seems you aren't affected by my godly powers of seduction"

Those words made me almost freak out from shock.

Connor: "I'm sorry, what?!"

Aphrodite: "I'm the Greek Goddess of Love. Fittingly, I have the power to seduce anyone, no matter how much will power they have. It's not a conscious decision, it's just how my powers work. However you're one of the few able to resist. How curious"

Aphrodite walked closer, a little too close if you ask me.

Aphrodite: "Would you stay after class~? I'd like to conduct a little research on the matter"

Then, I spoke without thinking.

Connor: "Yeah, no. No Ara Ara's or big chested Onee~Sans in Biology. I'm here to do whatever I need to do to get out of here"

I expected to get yelled at, however Aphrodite simply smiled.

Aphrodite: "Making it a challenge~? This is definitely a change of pace, but I like it"

Connor: "There will be no Milfs in this class"

Aphrodite: "Very well, I'll leave you be, for now. But I will be conducting my research in the future~"

Aphrodite walked over to her desk and sat down. Meanwhile, I looked over to Angel in complete disbelief.

Connor: "Did she really just—"

Angel: "Yeah... Miss Aphrodite is big on seducing. It's rare she finds someone who can give her a challenge. Just make sure you stay on her good side"

Connor: "What happens if I get on her bad side...?"

Himari: "She becomes one hell of a dominatrix"

Connor: "Of course she does... Why can't this have just been a normal Biology class!"

Angel: "Consider yourself honored. It's not every day the goddess of love praises someone. Just make sure you stay away from her children. They're... curious to say the very least"

Himari: "Oh gods, imagine if you're the son of Aphrodite! We're in Alabama now!!"

Connor: "No... just no..."

More students started to arrive, which was good since I couldn't handle this conversation anymore. The class bell rang, signaling the beginning of class. I sat in the front of the class, mainly so I could actually see the board. Angel sat to my left and Himari to my right, with a few other students behind us. Aphrodite got up from her desk and snapped her finger, making a text book appear in front of everyone. This made me jump a little bit out of shock.

Aphrodite: "Today, we'll discuss the inner workings of the Hydra. It is a very prominent monster in both Greek and Roman mythology. As many of you know, a Hydra can regrow its head when cut off. The amount it grows back however depends on the type of Hydra. However the most consistent one is that it grows back two for every head chopped off. So can someone please tell me how, on a cellular level, how it happens"

Angel raised her hand.

Aphrodite: "Thank you, Angel, sweetie"

Angel: "The cells in the neck have a strong dislike to the oxygen in the air. When the neck cells are exposed, they'll start to regenerate the missing head, in order to stop the oxygen to enter"

Aphrodite: "Very good!"

Aphrodite snapped her fingers and a rose appeared on Angel's desk, making Angel blush a tiny bit.

Aphrodite: "Now can someone tell me why it regrows multiple heads, instead of just the one?"

She scanned the room until she rested her gaze on me.

Aphrodite: "Connor, it may be your first day, but I'd like to hear what you think"

Connor: "Well... I'm not sure if this is true... But if I were the cells, I'd want to make it more difficult for oxygen to enter. So by creating more than one, the chances of it happening again are lowered"

Aphrodite: "Not only are you cute, you're pretty smart. Definitely a worthy experiment~"

All I could think was, don't call her a thot. That repeated in my head until I managed to keep the urge down. I'm not sure how well she'd take being called a thot.

Aphrodite: "I'm sure at least half the class has heard of how Hercules defeated one of these mighty beasts. How did he do it?"

Himari raised her hand.

Himari: "Hercules burned the neck where it was cut off, so the cells couldn't regenerate"

Aphrodite: "Excellent!"

Aphrodite snapped her fingers and another rose appeared in front of Himari. All I could think was why I didn't get one when I answered a question. I didn't want it because Aphrodite gave it to us, I just wanted it so I didn't feel left out.

After about 40-50 minutes, the bell started to ring again, signaling the end of class.

Aphrodite: "Have a good day, sweeties~! I'll see you all tomorrow!"

Angel: "Have a good day, Miss Aphrodite"

I was getting up from my seat when Aphrodite walked up to me.

Aphrodite: "I know I was acting a little weird earlier. But I'll really need to see you at the end of the day. It is about what happened at Duellum"

Connor: "O-Oh, okay. I'll be here after my final class"

Aphrodite: "Thank you, sweetie~ You know, if you're a good boy later, I may reward you~"

Aphrodite winked.

Connor: "No... thanks... I'm good"

Aphrodite: "Very well, have a nice day"

I quickly made my way out of the classroom, and met up with Himari.

Connor: "Hey, where did Angel go?"

Himari: "She had a class back at the Greek wing. She wouldn't make it by walking, so she traveled by the shadows"

Connor: "I'd love to be able to do that"

Himari: "Yeah, that'd be really fun to have. What class do you have next?"

I pulled my schedule out of my pocket.

Connor: "It looks like I have Combat Training. Please tell me the teacher isn't a sadistic Milf"

Himari: "Ehe~... Much, much worse"

Himari patted me on the back.

Himari: "I'm lucky, I don't have Combat Training today. So good luck!"

Connor: "Thanks... where even is it?"

Himari: "Oh, it's in the Greek wing, which is just down the hall and to the left. There's a huge sign that says Greek wing"

Connor: "Alright, thanks. See you later"

I eventually found my way to the Greek wing, since her instructions were a little too bland for what the school layout was. I walked out into the Greek wing, and saw a bunch of students gathered around what looked like a training field. There were targets, training dummies, some weird obstacle course, and a nice sized battle arena. This could only end up with me in the infirmary with Siyuka.

As I got closer to the training grounds, I was relieved when I saw both Emiko and Kaito waiting there for class to start. Both of them had their weapons on them.

Connor: "Hey Emiko!"

Emiko turned to me.

Emiko: "Oh hey, how did Biology go"

Connor: "Let's just say the teacher went Ara Ara mode"

Kaito: "That's Aphrodite all right..."

Emiko: "Wait! The Aphrodite!! I want to meet her!!"

Connor: "Why? Do you have a girl crush?"

Emiko pouted.

Emiko: "It's not like that. Aphrodite is the goddess of love, and I've been a fan since I was 10"

Kaito: "Aphrodite is particularly popular with mortals"

Emiko's eyes lit up with sparkles in them.

Emiko: "If I could just shake her hand, my life would be complete!!"

Connor: "I think you're obsessed..."

The school bell rang, and we heard something off in the distance. When I turned to see what it was, I was shocked to say the very least. There was a person in full golden armor, with a bronze shield and blood red spear on his back. The person was riding a really nice looking motorcycle, which had fire detailing on it. When he finally reached us, the motorcycle came to a stop. He stood up, revealing how tall he actually was. This wasn't some Greek or Roman solider, this was more like a God of warriors.

The person spoke in a deep voice.

???: "Good morning. Now with that out of the way, let's get to training"

Emiko raised her hand.

Emiko: "Excuse me. I'm sorry, but I'm new, and I don't know your name"

Though the person was wearing a helmet, I could tell he was scowling at her.

???: "Fresh meat, huh? Very well. All of you, listen well, because I won't say it again"

The person raised his spear into the air, making the sky turned gray as clouds gathered around us.

???: "I am Ares!! The God of War!! And to pass this class, you must defeat me in battle!!"

He lowered his spear, and the sky went back to normal.

Ares: "Now, since it's your first day, let's see what you're made of"


Jesus, I'm sorry it took me so long to get this chapter out!!

I've been a little busy, mainly with school stuff.

I hope you enjoyed nonetheless, and I'll see you all next time!!

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