Starman | BTS 8th Member | *ੈ...

By happinessnoise

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Jang Jisung joined BTS in 2015 and caused trouble. More

⭑𝘑𝘢𝘯𝘨 𝘑𝘪𝘴𝘶𝘯𝘨
⭑𝘑𝘢𝘯𝘨 𝘑𝘪𝘴𝘶𝘯𝘨


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By happinessnoise

I don't think hoseok slept him his own bed for at least 3 days. He used an array of different excuses and his best yet was "my room is too loud" when he had his own room to himself and it was the quietest. I knew why he was doing it and I'm not complaining at all, I hardly got many nightmares. I have no idea why it was happening, but it went I in phases.

He was the only one who knew about what happened and he was becoming very protective. Whenever yoongi was in a particularly bad mood we would stay clear of him.I feel bad though. I don't want to be the reason they stop taking. They've known each other longer. Yoongi is very stressed as it is, and i don't want him feeling horrible. Every time we would go to the studio, I would stay quiet, as I didn't want to annoy him.

Taehyung and jungkook were getting into arguments due to tae simply ignoring jungkook. Tae had been doing it ever since the argument and i knew he was going about it the wrong way. But i stayed quiet, as it was what suited me best, no arguments or confrontations, just listen to the sly remarks and kill them inside my head.Every so I would think, why are me and jungkook not friends we were closest in age and we had a bit on common.

But then I would remember, jungkook thought i was some evil prince coming to replace him. I don't know about evil and I'm far from a prince. Yoongi was pretty straight forward, he just hated me. I'm pretty sure it was for the personality too. I would sometimes get jealous of the members, how they could easily talk to each other laugh, not overthink their words. I guess that's how deep the friendship is. I sighed. Maybe I'm just difficult and I will just be nice it will work out. But once again Terrible personality.

My head was in a terrible mood and was giving me headaches again and it wasn't okay as Halloween was tomorrow

We were going to do a live stream

I had no idea what we were doing all I knew is that we were going to dress up and despite the prospect of more hate I was quietly excited, i shared the excitement with jimin who had brought up the subject.

"I wanna be a vampire" jimin said excitedly.

"No im being a vampire" taehyung shot quickly. Jimin huffed looking at his shoes. Jimin could easily make it so he went as the vampire, if he REALLY wanted to.

"What do you want to be jisung?" Taehyung asked looking at me. I shrugged.

David bowie?? I could dye my hair? That's alot of effort just for Halloween...ginger as well...i would rather die.
Miles edgeworth? That's too niche. I wouldn't been seen dead in a cravat.
And he isn't scary either. Okay maybe the
cravat is.
But you know what is scary?

"Ill be Patrick Bateman" I mumbled. Taehyung looked confused but jimin of all people seemed to know who i was on about. Which scared me slightly.

Namjoon joined us to coming over smiling, his dimples showing.

"What about you" i asked wanting to know what he was gonna be."gudetama" he said simply smiling to himself thinking about the it. We discussed Halloween costumes for a while and then jungkook arrived and tae stopped taking immediately.

"While i would like to stay and chat i must get going now" taehyung quickly left the armchair. I saw jungkook look sad for a moment but i changed to a scowl as he saw me looking. I grimaced getting up to follow tae into the kitchen.

"Hellooo" i called to him as he sat down at the breakfast bar. He smiled his boxy grin at me. I decided to cut to the chase. "Why arent you speaking to jungkook?" I questioned fiddling with my phone case

Taehyung sighed.

"He's being childish lately, ever since you joined. He's not normally like this i swear, he's normally really sweet and i just don't like how he's treating you" he then looked down at his hands.

"And...i didn't want you to still think i hate you because i let him say things...i know i was nasty to you and I'm sorry." I saw genuine guilt on his face. I smiled sadly at him.Taehyung on closer inspection didn't seem very happy ever. Every time jungkook spoke or name was mentioned his eyes would go dark.

Jungkook pov

I sighed. He was really ignoring me. Ever since that day and the argument. Jisung has sworn he's not here for money or whatever. But who on earth was he on the phone to. "-i told you money was already taken care of "Or "i took care of everything before i left."He sounded if he was plotting murder. There was my theory and my friendship with taehyung. I sighed watching jisung walk off to his room.

Why don't you like him? A voice entered my head. The usual overused excuses were filling my head. I just didn't.


"You'll see how messed up everything was. And i don't need your sympathy." He just walked out. Like that. I felt a bit guilty. I gulped as i saw jimin get up, his eyes were narrow and he looked angry. So angry.

"You fucking...." Jimin seethed staring at yoongi. They both seemed lost for words. Taehyung ran towards jimin he looked anxiously between them both. I bit my lip, deciding to slip out the room. I got about to the end of the corridor until i heard a voice from behind me.

"You." It was taehyung. I grinned awkwardly at him, putting up my hand to wave almost.

"You go on about jisung, when haven't you considered that you are horrible to?" He growled. Did he really think I'm horrible, i was taken aback

."I-i worded it wrong, i mean you're being horrible to him. You just assumed this is what he's like. He's not..." Tae backtracked and his face softened for a minute after rethinking his sentence.

"He's play-" i stared. But taes face hardened "no jungkook. Stop being cynical." He groaned.

"You-" i started again but was interrupted again.

"You need to stop. And you're gonna complain when he snaps"

I gritted my teeth i know full well, and that's my plan so he leaves

"I jus-" but AGAIN.

"As if today wasn't bad." He rolled his eyes. He then looked at my annoyed face.

"What you're annoyed that you keep getting interrupted? I wonder how jisung felt...?" He said Patronisingly .Ive know tae longer why is siding with this dude. Why is he taking his side?

Tae frowned Before walking away.I stood stock-still, not knowing what happened.

End Taehyung was sitting at the breakfast bar and minding his own business. The rest of the members were talking easily. I decided to go to my room.

I know ive been mean to jisung. But its how he acts. I miss taehyung. we'd get into small agreements all the time butI just wanted to talk to him normally, i just wanted him to smile at me again.

I resent jisung more than before. I lay on my bed. How do people cope with feeling like this? I don't know how. The voice in my head tried to argue for jisung, how do you think he feels?

Everyone hated him once. No. No he deserves it. he does...It would be useful to know how he copes with it thought. He seems very mentally stable...

Jisung pov

whoever says I'm "mentally stable" is stupid. I can't handle the smallest of things. I thought this as i looked at the state my room had gotten into the last week. Scrunched up paper littered the floor and my records were out of order. I noticed when i didn't focus my eyes to much, i could pick out every yellow pen i had left everywhere. They were cheap little pens that i seemed to collect.This room does not look like it belongs to someone mentally stable. haven't even bothered trying to make it look like were. I started cleaning off my desk, throwing paper away in piles.

"What did you do? Slaughter a tree?" It was namjoon peeping his head around the door.I sighed throwing the last post-it notes into my bin.

"You normally keep things t-" namjoon started, but i jumped up and shushed him.

"I am aware namjoon-ah"i said closing my eyes in exasperation.

He started laughing at my reaction. "This is no laughing matter," I whined looking at my record shelf. The Beatles albums were piling up and i realised that i had put the wrong record on the wrong sleeve.

"Fuck" i sighed grabbing pet sounds and the white album and sighing.

"Its not that bad. I think jungkooks is worse" namjoon hummed to himself.

"I don't want to be compared to him thank you" i sassed making my bed. It was namjoons turn to sigh.

"You two. Always at each other's necks..." He looked off into the distance even though the only thing he could stare at was the blank wall.

"Hmmm. But im not accusing him of being here for money. Im not insulting everyday, i don't think he's evil-" Namjoon cut me off "okay okay. I thought it would be better if y'know you two worked together" he said it tentatively not making eye contact as that would make it better.

"Namjoon i wasn't aware you were a comedian." I said staring at him simply. "That was a real knee slapper." I said emotionlessly.

"Sshhh you're checky" he pinched my check-in punishment. I rolled my eyes, cracking up with laughter.

Namjoon was silent for a minute while i finished tidying up. "Let's do a v live. You've never done one before" he grinned his dimples prominent on his checks.Id saw some tweets calling namjoon ugly, and thats the most incorrect and Laughable statement I've ever heard. He took me by the hand to his room."If you stay off to the side and you can edge in when you feel comfortable." He said propping his phone on a book. I practically sighed in relief and if i wasn't so shy i would have hugged him, the feeling of someone caring for me being comfortable was strange. "Hello" He started the live, smilig into the camera. I have no idea what happens on lives.I joined on my phone watching the comments. I giggled at the user names.

I saw namjoon conceal a laugh, his eye in my direction on the screen. I found it funny how i was watching it while he was right beside me."I think im going to do a q&a" namjoon said glancing to me. Namjoon was a man of many ideas, many creative ideas, but this one was not one of those. I rolled my eyes.

Namjoon was off answering questions when my phone dinged and we all went silent.Come on jae, timing.

Namjoon glanced over again. I noticed the comments start to catch on.

"Lmao whose behind the camera"

"Its jimin hiding again lmao"



"just a phone lol"

I shook my head vigorously from my corner. He seemed to understand.

"We've been taking a bit of time to sort things out." He said watching the comments. I watched them to. They seemed to put this to me joining.

Namjoon was right, we had been taking some time. And that was down to company discussion. But what was also true that was said to us in a meeting, was that when it hits November we wouldn't have much time. Everything was going to squished together and Halloween would be the start of promotion periods.

I sighed, but then suddenly realising this was giving away my position. I was getting bored, so i snuck out of the door namjoon had left open conveniently for my escape.
He shot me a sympathetic look before i left.I gave him the thumbs up to indicate i was fine.I shuffled into the living room seeing jin curled on the sofa, the tv playing some romantic straight drama. I averted my eyes as i saw him let out a single tear as the two protagonists kissed in the rain. Jimin sat in an armchair, dead to the world. I went into the kitchen planning on eating biscuits i had brought a few days ago.

But when i looked in the cupboard i soon realised they were not there.

"son of a.." i murmured to myself looking about the fridge.

"You have got to be kidding me" i sighed looked about the cupboard as if they would appear out of thin air. I closed the door placing my head on the kitchen counter in defeat.

cannot i not have anything nice?
I will not point fingers, but i have a feeling i knew who ate them. With no evidence what so ever, just the burning hatred between us, jungkook.

I made my way down the hallway, grumbling to myself. Sulking, i knocked on hoseoks door.

"oi" i said still knocking. I heard him move, getting up from his desk most likely.

"Helllo" he opened the door. His face peeping out. I don't know what he was hiding but he was being extremely suspicious. Maybe he ate them.

"Do you want to go on a walk?" I asked leaning against the door frame.
"anything for you" Hoseok jumped and darted back into his room to grab his coat.

I should my head. A 'yes' would suffice, y'know, perfectly normal.

"I hope you've got a coat" he hummed, appearing at the door, looking like he was dressed for the coldest of conditions. 

I nodded walking with him to the door, hoping he wouldn't go further in the matter as we put our shoes on.

"Coat?" He said eyes scrapping me from head to toe. hes still on that, damn.
I pulled a face.

"Not here." I said simply patting my pockets. Hosoek huffed, before throwing his scalf at me.
"keep it, don't give it back" he rolled his eyes before tugging my sleeve
"let's go"

"can we get food?" he said almost instantly as we got outside.
"what, you wanna waste money?" i looked over at him, but his eyes were glazed thinking about his future purchases.

So of course we had no choice. I stayed outside, kicking stones.

"Hurry up" i groaned watching him through the window where he was looking at lolipops.

He seemed to be taking his time. He was looking left and right at 2 red and blue lollies until he just smiled and walked up to the counter were he grinned at the guy behind the counter,  it was like the sun had risen early.

Trust him to get happy over the stupidest things.

He ran out of the shop still smiling carrying his bag excitedly, looking like eh was going to explode.

"You alright?" i said, questioning his state of mind.

"yeah!" he laughed to himself. I laughed digging into his bag, handing me a drink.

"Thanks" i smiled.

We circled around for a bit, hoseok looking like an idiot in his stupidly oversized coat. We could see our dorm, someone was on the balcony, we went back and forth on who we thought it was.
"its yoongi, hes short-"
"they look too relaxed it can't be yoongi, its jin im sure of it
"the shoulders are too small"
"no that's not it to late for him" I pushed him lightly. He took it like he'd been shot

"Im wounded" he staggered in exaggeration.

I huffed in exasperation. "Yeah right"

"Jisungie kiss my wounds!!" He puffed out his checks in a cute way offering me to kiss it.

"I pushed your arm mate not your cheek" i laughed at his attempt of wooing.

"Why must you hurt me?" He complained as we walked upstairs.

Hoseok punched the code in

"Oh yeah, thanks for the scarf by the way".

I smiled folding the knitted thing handing it him.

"You keep it, you dont seem to have a coat" he laughed removing his shoes."Thanks" i grinned tucking it under my arm.

Yoongis pov

There he is again. He's haunting me.

I eyed the chubby pigeon perched on the rails.

"Sod off" i whispered apprehensively to the bird. All if did was cock its head and look patiently at me.

The members had concluded to call this pigeon Mark. Simple name for a simple bird.

Mark was a lazy pigeon who did nothing but sit on our balcony.

He must sit down every night next to jisungs plants and sleep.

Jimin is forbidden to go unattended here as the risk of him feeding him is too great. In my opinion, we are fearing the wrong person, it's namjoon. It's obvious.

His beady eyes watch me shift my weigh foot to foot. I huffed looking down.

2 figures were approaching the building. One in stupidly large coat. That's definitely hoseok. He looks like an idiot.

The other had a familiar silhouette. It was jisung. His long hair blowing in the wind, exposing his forehead.

I could hear hoseoks laugh from here..
Hoseok did that alot with jisung.

I wanted that.
What's he saying i wanna laugh too.

I kicked my self making mark jump up and move to the other rail. What was so good about him anyway?

I looked over at Mark who was now prodding his beak into jisungs plants

"oi piss off." I swatted the bird away. It strutted away indignantly, it's head held high.
I hate him. Why is he acting as nothing happened? And i mean jisung.

I had really gotten to him last time, the mention of his father throwing him over the edge. Namjoon said i went too far.
I had only asked a few trainees about him, at the time time it seemed smart, but now i just felt intrusive.


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