The Destiny of two

By SophiaBailey767

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Based on the entire BBC Merlin series. A story about Merlin and Arthur's adventures but with a twist Merlin h... More

Chapter 1~Camelot
Chapter 2 ~ Arthur
Chapter 3~ The Dragons call
Chapter 4 ~ Lady Helen
Chapter 5 ~ First day
Chapter 6 ~ The tournament
Chapter 7 ~ Knight Valiant
Chapter 8 ~ The Final
Chapter 9~ The sickness
Chapter 10 ~ Gwen's Father
Chapter 11 ~ The poultice
Chapter 12 ~ The Afanc
Chapter 13 ~ The treaty
Chapter 14 ~ The Poison
Chapter 15 ~ The Mortaeus flower
Chapter 16 ~ The antidote
Chapter 17 ~ Lancelot
Chapter 18 ~ The first code
Chapter 19 ~ To be a knight.
Chapter 21~ Morgana
Chapter 22 ~ A remedy to cure all ills
Chapter 23 ~ Gaius
Chapter 24 ~ Edwin Muirden
Chapter 25 ~ Out Hunting
Chapter 26 ~ Into the stacks
Chapter 27 ~ Avalon
Chapter 28 ~ The sacrifice
Chapter 29 ~ The Druid
Chapter 30 ~ Infected wound
Chapter 31 ~ The escape.
Chapter 32 ~ The plan
Chapter 33 - Coming-of-age
Chapter 34 ~ Single Combat
Chapter 34 ~ Excalibur
Chapter 35 ~ Final Challenge
Chapter 36 ~ Moms arrival
Chapter 37 ~ Ealdor
Chapter 38 ~ Training
Chapter 39 ~ Battle for Ealdor
Chapter 40 ~ The Unicorn
Chapter 41 ~ Anhora
Chapter 42 ~ first Challenge
Chapter 43 ~ Final Test
Chapter 44 ~ The Labyrinth of Gedref
Chapter 45 ~ Gwen's Father
Chapter 46 ~ Darkling Forest
Chapter 47 ~ To kill the king
Chapter 48 ~ Questing Beast
Chapter 49 ~ Death of Arthur
Chapter 50 ~ Gaius's sacrifice
Chapter 51 ~ Isle of the blessed
Chapter 52 ~ The Tomb
Chapter 53 ~ The soul of a sorcerer
Chapter 54 ~ The Gargoyle's
Chapter 55 ~ Cornelius Sigan
Chapter 56 ~ Swapped lives
Chapter 57 ~ Jousting tournament
Chapter 58 ~ Dinner with Arthur
Chapter 59 ~ The Assasin
Chapter 60 ~ The Fire
Chapter 61 ~ The Forest of Ascetir
Chapter 62 ~ The druids
Chapter 63 ~ Attack on Druid Village
Chapter 64 ~ Pilgrimage
Chapter 65 ~ Juliana
Chapter 66 ~ Attempt to escape
Chapter 67 ~ Arthur arrives
Chapter 68 ~ Lady Catrina
Chapter 69 ~ A troll for a lady
Chapter 70 ~ Future Queen
Chapter 71 ~ The wedding
Chapter 72 ~ The Potion
Chapter 73 ~ She's a troll!
Chapter 74 ~ Tears of true remorse
Chapter 75 ~ The witchfinder
Chapter 76 ~ Guilty
Chapter 77 ~ Gaius
Chapter 78 ~ He is innocent
Chapter 79 ~ Morgause
Chapter 80 ~ Duel with Morgause
Chapter 81 ~ Morgause's Challenge
Chapter 82~ Arthur's mom
Chapter 83 ~ The truth of Arthur's birth
Chapter 84 ~ Bounty Hunter
Chapter 85 ~ Freya
Chapter 86 ~ The beast
Chapter 87 ~ Freya's death
Chapter 88 ~ Peace treaty
Chapter 89 ~ Love spell
Chapter 90 ~ Vivian and Arthur
Chapter 91 ~ True Love
Chapter 92 ~ Crystal of Neahtid
Chapter 93 ~ Idirsholas
Chapter 94 ~ The knights of Medhir
Chapter 95~ Dragon attack
Chapter 96 ~ The Dragonlord
Chapter 97 ~ Last Dragonlords
End of book

Chapter 20 ~ The Griffin

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By SophiaBailey767

The next morning we all head down to Gaius's chambers.

Lancelot sighs "Two yards of yale? Two miles, more like."

"Good morning Gentlemen and lady,  Don't look at it. Don't smell it. Just down it in one." Gaius hands Merlin and Lancelot the drinks.

Merlina and Lancelot down it and look disgusted, I'm happy I didn't have to drink that.

"Better? Good" Gaius smiles "Can't have you nodding off the first day on the job, Lancelot."

"That's Sir Lancelot if you don't mind" Merlin corrects.

We all laugh when two Guards suddenly walk in.

"What are you doing?" Merlin asks.

"King's orders," One guard says.

The two of them walk to us and grab Lancelot and pull him away.

"Stop," Merlin shouts.

They ignore Merlin and walk out with him.

I look at Merlin and start pacing.  Gaius quickly walks out to join the council.

"Merlin it's going to be okay," I try to reassure him.

"How do you know that.. this is my fault." Merlin sighs.

A while later Gaius comes back in. "He's been arrested,"

Merlin and I look at each other then ran to the door.


I turn and look to Gaius 

"Arthur did try to help Lancelot, but Uther is stubborn he wouldn't  listen" 

I nod then ran out the door to the dungeons. Merlin and I enter the Dungeons and see Lancelot sitting on the floor looking lost and sad.

"I don't know what to say to you, Lancelot" Merlin sighs.

"You're not to blame," Lancelot states.

"Yes, I am. I pushed you, made you lie." 

Lancelot shakes his head  "The choice was mine, My punishment is mine to bear, and mine to bear alone," 

"This isn't right," I sigh "I wish there was something we could do." 

"There is," Lancelot nods. "You can stop blaming yourselves."

Merlin nods and leaves the dungeons, I turn and follow him.

We walk back into Gaius's chambers 

"Merlin, Olivia--"

I stop him "whatever you do please don't say I told you so" 

"I have no wish to gloat," Gaius states.

Merlin and I sit down on a chair

"What's done is done," Gaius looks back at his book "Here. Come and take a look at this."

Merlin and I get up and go look at what Gaius wanted to show us.

"I've realized my mistake. I've been looking for the creature in the wrong place-- in the records of all known living things in the kingdom. And then I thought 'But what about creatures only recorded in legend, In myth?' And I discovered this." Gaius says

He removes his hand from the book. Merlin and I look down at the picture.

"That's it that's the creature that attacked us," I state. "It's a... Griffin?

Gaius was about to say something when warning bells went off. We all looked at each other then walked over to the window and looked down. People were screaming and running away. I looked up and saw the griffin was at Camelot.

"The griffin is here," I say

I look back down and see Arthur and his knights. Arthur stood in the middle and his knights made a sort of circle around him. The griffin was hovering over them.  I open the window slightly.

"Defense!" Arthur yells.

Arthur and the knights bend down behind their shields. They just sit there waiting for the Griffin. The creature had had enough of waiting, it flew forward knocking Arthur and a few of his knights down. Arthur and his knights jump back up and form a formation that looked like an arrow Arthur was in front which I was not happy about. The griffin lands and begins walking side to side. The knights push forward with Arthur in front then stop a few meters away from the griffin. Arthur looks back at his knights then back to the griffin.

"Charge!" Arthur yells

The knights' charge as Arthur said. They stop in front of the Griffin and attempt to hit it. Arthur lunges forward with his spear but the griffin dodges. The other knights were barely doing anything, Arthur was the one who attacked. Arthur lunges forward and gives it a square hit on the chest, but the spear just broke right there and then. The griffin reared up and knocked Arthur to the ground the knights just backed away and didn't help Arthur. Before anyone could stop me I spin around and run out the door.

"Olivia!" Merlin shouts.

I run out the door and down to Arthur he was still on the floor with no weapon and just a small shield to help him against a giant creature. I don't even hesitate I run straight to Arthur and pull him up, just as I did so the creature lunged forward and hit me, I fell to the ground. I look down to my side and saw I had a wound just like Lancelot had.

"Olivia!" Arthur cries.

Everything after that was a blur I saw a flame then the griffin flying away.  I felt Arthur lift me up and took me to where I assume was Gaius's chambers.  

"Gaius!" Arthur shouts.

Gaius turns from his book and sees me.  

"What happened to her?" Gaius exclaims.

"The griffin, it hit her," he says.

"Set her on the bed," Gaius instructs

"Olivia!" Merlin shouts.

Arthur walks to the bed and gently sets me down. He pushes the hair out of my face. 

"Gaius, please, help her," Arthur says

After that, I blacked out.

~A  hour later~

I wake up finding myself lying on my bed. I sit up and look down to my side, the wound was much better. I walk down to the main part of the chambers to find Merlin and Gaius talking.

"Is it true? Can the griffin only be killed by magic?" Merlin asks

"Yes, I'm certain of it," Gaius replies.

"Wait, what?" I ask 

"Olivia, you should be resting," Merlin says

"I'm fine, what's going on?" I ask.

"Arthur is going out to fight the Griffin... tonight," Gaius replies

"Wait what, if the creature can only be killed by magic, he'll die!" I exclaim. "We must stop him make Uther see reason," 

"Where magic is concerned our King is blind to reason," Gaius sighs

"even if that means killing his only son?" I ask.

"You two need to use your magic," Gaius says.

"We have two hours to find a way to kill that thing," Merlin says.

"Then let's get moving," I say.

We were looking through lots of books walking up and down trying to find one, I was standing next to Merlin when I felt light-headed It got bad I almost fell over but Merlin caught me and sat down.

"Olivia," He sighs "You should be resting,"

"I-i'm fine," I stand up and felt light-headed "I'm just going to sit for a while."

"Here," Gaius says Merlin turns and walks to him "You must do this for Arthur,"

Merlin read the spell "We've never cast a spell of enchantment this powerful before," 

"Merlin you have to do it, I mean I would but you know I'm a little... weak,"  I state.

Gaius hands a blade to Merlin "Here, try."

Merlin takes the blade, 

"You've got this,"  I say 

"Bregdan anweald gafeluec" Merlin says

Nothing happens. We look at the blade for a bit.

"Don't worry, Merlin we have plenty of time," Gaius says

Merlin keeps trying for two hours.

"Don't worry Merlin, We know you're trying," Gaius says.

"And I'm failing. And If Arthur dies, because I'm not good enough," Merlin exclaims

"Merlin, that's not true," I say.

"Merlin!" Gwen comes running in.  "Lancelot's riding out to kill the griffin."

"He's what?" Merlin and I say.

Gwen shrugs and Merlin runs to the door.

"Merlin, I'm coming with," I say walking to him.

"No, you don't stay here," He orders.

I look back at Gwen and Gaius, "Like I'm going to listen to him."

I turn and run out the door. I get down to the citadel where I see Merlin and Lancelot.

"I'm coming with," Merlin says.

"No, you aren't," Lancelot states.

"You didn't think you'd leave me?" I ask 

"I thought I told you to stay put," Merlin says.

"Yes, you did, but I didn't listen." I smile.

"right because you never listen." Merlin scolds.

"Okay well, neither of you are coming with," Lancelot cuts in.

Merlin looks at me then back to Lancelot "Just try and stop us,"

I smile at Merlin, he was letting me come with.

"Neither one of you are soldiers," Lancelot states.

"Well that's an understatement," I scold.

"You said it yourself, Lancelot. Arthur needs all the help he can get." Merlin says "Now let's go"

Merlin and I run to get our horses. We are walking towards where Arthur and his men went when we hear the griffin screeching and swords clanging. We all look at each other and ride to where the sound was coming from. We get to where the sound had come from and found everyone lying on the floor dead or barely alive. We get off our horses and begin to look around desperately for Arthur. I look at almost everyman lying on the floor I turn around.

"Arthur,"  I run over to him

Merlin and Lancelot come to me. I feel his pulse.

"Well?" Lancelot asks

"He's alive," I say.

I was kneeling over him with Lancelot and Merlin when the griffin screeched it was getting closer. Lancelot and Merlin stood up and tries to see where the sound was coming from. Lancelot turns and runs to his horse. Merlin kneels down next to Arthur and me. Merlin and I look up and see the griffin land a couple of meters away. Merlin backs away but I refused to leave Arthur, he may be a prat but I was not going to let him die. Lancelot rides past us away from the griffin then turns around to face it. He put his helmet down.

"Merlin you've got this, I believe in you!" I say.

Lancelot's horse rears.

Merlin says the spell "Bregdan anweald gafeluec"

Nothing happens. Lancelot begins charging.

Merlin says it again. It wasn't working. I stand up and grab Merlin's hand. Lancelot races past us, we turn to face.

Merlin says it again. "Bregdan anweald gafeluec"

The griffin was racing to Lancelot.

Merlin and I say it together this time "Bregdan anweald gafeluec"

The spell worked, Lancelot's lance bursts into a bright blue flame. The griffin flies to Lancelot and he hit it with the lance, and it actually worked, The griffin screeches then falls to the ground and after that it doesn't move again.

"Yes!" I hug Merlin.

Arthur begins waking up, he slowly gets up, Merlin and I run back to the castle. Merlin and I walk back into Gaius's chambers.

"You did it?" Gaius ask.

"We did it," Merlin says smiling at me.

Gaius smiles and gives us a hug.

"We should get to Lancelot," I say.

Merlin nods. We go to the court room and  see Lancelot standing outside looking very worried.

"What are they doing?" Merlin asks.

"Deciding my fait," Lancelot sighs.

"They'll restore your knighthood," Merlin says.

"They have to after what you did," I state.

"But I didn't kill the griffin,"  Lancelot says.

Merlin and I look at each other confused then walk right over to Lancelot and stand right next to him. 

"You two did," Lancelot says quietly.

Merlin laughs "That's ridiculous."

"Bregdan anweald gafeluec, I heard you I saw you," Lancelot says.

Merlin and I glance back to where the guards were,

"Don't worry, your secret is safe with me," Lancelot says. "But I cannot take credit for something I didn't do, there'll be no more lies."

"What will you do?" I ask 

"The only thing I can do." Lancelot says.

I knew what he was going to do.

I walk forward and hug him.

"I'll miss you," I say

"And I you," He replies

Lancelot and Merlin do this awkard hug thing. Then Merlin and I leave so no one saw us with him. Once we were out of sight I turned back and saw Lancelot burst through the door.

Merlin Gaius and I watched as Lancelot rode away on his horse.

"Perhaps you were right, Gaius" Merlin says. "Perhaps I should've never got involved."

"No, Merlin. I was wrong. Lancelot needed you two. And you two needed Lancelot. Your destinies were entwined."

"Will he ever return?" I ask

"That I cannot say," Gaius replies.

"Till next time then, Sir Lancelot." Merlin smiles.

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