101 Dalmatian Streets The Soi...

By deamion001

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A United States Marine named Charlie "Bullseye" Osborne has been announced as the heritage owner of the old C... More

Chapter One: Stepping Foot In London
Chapter 2: Moving In
Chapter 3: The Univited Breakfast Trio
Chapter 4: The Musical Pup
Chapter 6 A Day At The Races: Part 2
Chapter 7: The Match/Save Of The Century
Chapter 8: Clarissa Gone Mad
Chapter 9 Da-Vinci's Birthday Part: 1
Chapter 10: Da-Vincis Birthday Part: 2
Chapter 11: Meeting The Guru Meow
Chapter 12: The Bully
Chapter 13: Lunch With a Couple
Chapter 14: V.E.T for Dorothy
Chapter 15: Living On the Wild Side Part 1
Chapter 16: Living On the Wild Side Part 2
Chapter 17: Dizzy and DeeDee's Playdate
Chapter 18: An Artist Confession and Rescue
Chapter 19: Protecting the Family
Chapter 20: A Day At the Movie's
Chapter 21: The Dalmatian Mobile
Chapter 22: Walk Down Memory Lane Part 1
Chapter 23: Walk Down Memory Lane Part 2
Chapter 24: Infiltration
Chapter 25: Infiltration Part 2
Chapter 26: Protecting the Family Round 2
Chapter 27: Fancy for the Day
Chapter 28: DTM (Dylans Treehouse Makeover)
Chapter 29: Halloween Special
Chapter 30: When the Walls Have Eyes.
Chapted 31: Fleamageddon
Chapter 32: One Hellova Welcome
Chapter 33: The Night of War Prt 1
Chapter 34: The Night of War Prt 2
Chapter 35: The Night of War Prt 3
Chapter 36: The Night of War Prt 4
Chaper 37: The Night of War Prt 5
Chapter 38: Charlie's Last Stand
Chapter 39: Charlie's Last Stand Part 2
Chapter 40: A Christmas Miracle
Chapter 41: Epilogue
Chapter 42: A Sequel?!

Chapter 5: A Day At The Races: Part 1

829 21 8
By deamion001

Chaos presumes in the Dalmatian Residents along with Charlie who is playing with the Dimitris Trio keeping them outta trouble.

"Yo, Charlie catch!" D2 yelled out throwing a Frisbee to him, catching it with flying colors.

"Got it... NOW GO!!!!" Charlie yelled out as he threw back the frisbee which all three started to chase it.

"It's mine!"

"No it's Mine!"

"No it's..." they argue over it, but wasn't able to it due to a blur of fur flying past them and catching the frisbee, he look similar to rhe other pups, however he was in wheelchair.

"Delgado's." D3 said with disappointment along with other two who looked on in disappointment as well.

"Sorry guys I couldn't help myself you know how I am." Delgado said with a smile as the other pups walked away looking to play with other toys, Charlie however was really impressed.

"Wow your fast." He said to him.

"Yep, they don't call me the fastest pup on wheels for nothing, I'm Delgado." He introduce himself to Charlie.

"I'm Charlie."

"Nice to meet you Charlie, bow if you excuse me." Delgado smiled as he kicked off and sprinted like a rocket with wheels headed towards the door.

"Wow." Charlie said as he stood in shock.

"Yeah thats Delgado." Dylan explained as he cleaned the windows.

"What happened to his legs?" Charlie asked Dylan only for him to stop in his tracks.

"Thats... something we don't discuss, we consider never speaking about it since its badluck." Dylan said as he went back inside, Charlie was a little confused and surprised at the remark.

"Badluck?" He asked himself as he headed inside as well.

That Evening

The Dalmatian family was eating there dinner.

"So Delgado how you feeling today sweetie." Delilah asked him.

"I feel fine mom why you ask?" He asked in confusion.

"Oh nothing just making sure your alright with everything." Delilah said with a smile.

"Hey I overheard that a race is being held tomorrow." Doug chimed in which got everyone's attention.

"A race?"
"What race?"
"What kind of race?" Many pups asked.

"The London Grand Prix." Charlie explained, "Its one of the most important races for the Formula 1's." Charlie explained as everyone awed.

"Whats a Formula 1?" Dolly asked as everyone looked over to Dawkins who pulled out his tablet.

"Formula One (also known as Formula 1 or F1) is the highest class of international auto racing for single-seater racing cars sanctioned by the Fédération Internationale de l'Automobile. A Formula One season consists of a series of races, known as Grand Prix (French for ''grand prizes' or 'great prizes''), which take place worldwide on purpose-built circuits or closed public roads." Dawkins said aloud to the other pups who awed, mostly Delgado.

"So your saying there's people who race in cars as a sport... Thats My Kinda Gid!" Delgado said with excitement.

"Yeah I was hoping to go see it myself anyone else wanna come?" Charlie asked which paws shot up hoping to be picked.

"No Me I wanna Go!!"
"You've already went with him somewhere."
"Me!" The pups argued.

"Hey, Hey!!!" Charlie yelled out getting everyone's attention, "I have an idea... let's have a competition." He explains, "whoever wins they get to come with me." All the pups howled in agreement, except for the older ones.

"I don't know Charlie it doesn't sound very fair." Dylan said.

"I wouldn't even want to compete in anyway." Dolly grunted under her breath.

"What if someone dies?" Dante chimed in which everyone looked at him, "what it could happen."

"Pfff yeah right Dante." Dolly joked.

"Dollys right Dante, no one is going to get hurt I swear on my life." Charlie said as he put his hand up, Dolly however huffed knowing that a human agreed woth her.

"A-alright." Dante said.

"This could be fun." Delilah said.

"Yeah nothing that a little competition couldn't hurt anybody." Doug said with excitement in his tone.

"Then its settled then tomorrow morning we will having a competition i suggest you all get some sleep early." Charlie said much to the pups dismay.


Charlie tossed and turned in his sleep mumbling to himself.

(His nightmare)

Charlie was sitting in a white room no doors, no windows, no nothing when suddenly the room flickered causing the entire room to change to a hospital with words written in blood.

"You Did This"
"You left me to die."
"You Did This."
"You Did This" were the only words that surrounded him as he started to scream.

"I didn't mean to." He cried as he tried to cover his head with arms, "I didn't think you would be hurt!" He yells as he curled up into a ball.

"You did this." A voice was heard as Charlie turned around to see a face less human screaming right in front of him

"AHHHHH!!!" Charlie screamed as he shot up from the bed sweating bullets, breathing heavily looking around the room seeing that it was only a dream.

Once he realized that he was safe he started to calm down.

"I didn't mean to have him killed, it was months ago." He said as he out his head onto his knees crying.

After he started to calm down he got out of the bed and headed to the bathroom to do his business.

(Charlie's Thoughts)
'Why... why can't the nightmare go away... I can't stand it, every night its the same.'

Charlie turned on the faucet and started to wash his face, after doing this for a few minutes he looked up to the mirror only to see a figure standing behind him... immediately Charlie zipped around to see, only to see that its not there. He sighed and looked back at the mirror.

"Why can't the nightmare go away."

"No oNe told yOu We're here to sTay." A demonic voice said as Chatlie looked around to only find someone looking back at him, except it wasn't his reflection it was something monstrous, looking back at him with with beady eyes that were glowing red, strangely this monster was golden, wearing a purple top hat and purple bow tie.

"No not you."

"Yes mE... You diDn't thInk I wOuld Follow yOu to this New plaCe oF yoUrs." The monster said with a grin.

"Look your just a figment of my imagination." Charlie stated, "I gotta stop reading about that case." He said as he looked away from the mirror.

"Oh rEally nOw, if thats The cAse tHen how Come I'm always around Whenever you tHink of... you knOw WHo." The monster smiled some more, which led Charlie clenched his fist but sighed to keep his cool, "your vEry lUcky its only mE, cause believe me, my Gang would love to plAy takE apart and Put bAck together Again." He laughed, "besides I'm morE tHan a Figment of your imaGinAtIon... im what you consider to be your BrotHer... your faiLUre, tO ProtEct."

"Just leave me alone!" He yelled as he stormed out of the bathroom, after flopping onto the bed and calming down he looked at the time.


"I should go back to sleep... but I can't." Charlie said to himself, "I know." Charlie jumped out of the bed and headed out to the hallway where mines of puppies were laying peacefully on the floor, some in there own little beds, Charlie quietly as he can be topped toed his way past them and quickly and quietly skipped down the stairs to the kitchen, after opening up the fridge he grabbed a couple of ingredients to make a sandwich, sliced turkey, chicken, cheese, mayo, and of course bread that he put into the toaster, after the toaster popped Charlie finished making his sandwich and was about to eat it untill...

A yawn was heard, he turned around quickly to see a Dalmatian sitting there with a tired look on her face, she had alot of colorfull spots on her, including what seems to be paint on her arms.

"Oh what you doing up so early?" He asked the Dalmatian who froze in her place only to realized its just Charlie.

"O-oh Charlie... Y-you scared me." She said with a nervous smile.

"Sorry didn't mean to scare you... what was your name again?"

"Da-Vinci." She said as she started to gain alot more confidence.

"Thats... a very interesting name, like Leonardo Da-Vinci."

"Yes thats what my mom thought of when she named me." Da-Vinci said as she noticed the sandwich, "late night snack I presume?"

"You betcha I had a nightmare and eating a sandwich always seems to sooth my nerves." This made Da-Vinci eyes widen."

"What was the nightmare about?" She asked.

"I don't like talking about it."

"Oh I guess you don't trust me." Da-Vinci said with her ears drooping.

"Oh no, no, no... its just uts about my past and I don't like talking to people about my past, it has nothing against you Da-Vinci." Charlie explained in a relaxing tone, which soothed Da-Vinci.

"Whew thank goodness." She said in relief.

"You know I haven't seen you alot lately." Charlie said.

"Well thats because I'm in the basement."

"Oh the basement really, do you go there often?" He asked her, which she nodded, "needed the space?"

"You kidding? I never have enough as it is with what I do..." she paused then sighed, "you know sometimes I feel like I'm in a sea of spots."

"What does that mean?"

"Well what I'm saying is its hard trying to be different." She sighs, "maybe I should just give up on painting." She said in a depressed tone which, frankly Charlie didn't like.

"Whoa, whoa Da-Vinci, who says you have to give up your dream." He said to her as he got down to her level and held her close, "never give up I always say even if you don't think that dream will come a reality, at least you gave it your all." He said in a calm and gentle tone which Da-Vinci smiled.

"Thanks Charlie you have alot of advice to give."

"My pleasure now if you don't mind I'm gonna head back to bed." He gave her a little kiss on her head which made her blush, "goodnight Da-Vinci." He said as he started to head up the stairs.

"Goodnight Charlie." She said as she skipped away to her bed.

"What a cutie she is." Charlie said to himself as he climbed in his bed and fell fast asleep, however, a small pup wss sniffing on bed.

"Why..." he said to himself, "why am such a fuck up." He said very softly to himself as he cried himself to sleep. This poor crying puppy, is Delgado, The Fastest Pup on Wheels.

The Weakest Pup In The Family...

Stay Tune For Part 2

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