The Destiny of two

By SophiaBailey767

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Based on the entire BBC Merlin series. A story about Merlin and Arthur's adventures but with a twist Merlin h... More

Chapter 1~Camelot
Chapter 2 ~ Arthur
Chapter 3~ The Dragons call
Chapter 4 ~ Lady Helen
Chapter 5 ~ First day
Chapter 6 ~ The tournament
Chapter 7 ~ Knight Valiant
Chapter 8 ~ The Final
Chapter 9~ The sickness
Chapter 10 ~ Gwen's Father
Chapter 11 ~ The poultice
Chapter 12 ~ The Afanc
Chapter 13 ~ The treaty
Chapter 15 ~ The Mortaeus flower
Chapter 16 ~ The antidote
Chapter 17 ~ Lancelot
Chapter 18 ~ The first code
Chapter 19 ~ To be a knight.
Chapter 20 ~ The Griffin
Chapter 21~ Morgana
Chapter 22 ~ A remedy to cure all ills
Chapter 23 ~ Gaius
Chapter 24 ~ Edwin Muirden
Chapter 25 ~ Out Hunting
Chapter 26 ~ Into the stacks
Chapter 27 ~ Avalon
Chapter 28 ~ The sacrifice
Chapter 29 ~ The Druid
Chapter 30 ~ Infected wound
Chapter 31 ~ The escape.
Chapter 32 ~ The plan
Chapter 33 - Coming-of-age
Chapter 34 ~ Single Combat
Chapter 34 ~ Excalibur
Chapter 35 ~ Final Challenge
Chapter 36 ~ Moms arrival
Chapter 37 ~ Ealdor
Chapter 38 ~ Training
Chapter 39 ~ Battle for Ealdor
Chapter 40 ~ The Unicorn
Chapter 41 ~ Anhora
Chapter 42 ~ first Challenge
Chapter 43 ~ Final Test
Chapter 44 ~ The Labyrinth of Gedref
Chapter 45 ~ Gwen's Father
Chapter 46 ~ Darkling Forest
Chapter 47 ~ To kill the king
Chapter 48 ~ Questing Beast
Chapter 49 ~ Death of Arthur
Chapter 50 ~ Gaius's sacrifice
Chapter 51 ~ Isle of the blessed
Chapter 52 ~ The Tomb
Chapter 53 ~ The soul of a sorcerer
Chapter 54 ~ The Gargoyle's
Chapter 55 ~ Cornelius Sigan
Chapter 56 ~ Swapped lives
Chapter 57 ~ Jousting tournament
Chapter 58 ~ Dinner with Arthur
Chapter 59 ~ The Assasin
Chapter 60 ~ The Fire
Chapter 61 ~ The Forest of Ascetir
Chapter 62 ~ The druids
Chapter 63 ~ Attack on Druid Village
Chapter 64 ~ Pilgrimage
Chapter 65 ~ Juliana
Chapter 66 ~ Attempt to escape
Chapter 67 ~ Arthur arrives
Chapter 68 ~ Lady Catrina
Chapter 69 ~ A troll for a lady
Chapter 70 ~ Future Queen
Chapter 71 ~ The wedding
Chapter 72 ~ The Potion
Chapter 73 ~ She's a troll!
Chapter 74 ~ Tears of true remorse
Chapter 75 ~ The witchfinder
Chapter 76 ~ Guilty
Chapter 77 ~ Gaius
Chapter 78 ~ He is innocent
Chapter 79 ~ Morgause
Chapter 80 ~ Duel with Morgause
Chapter 81 ~ Morgause's Challenge
Chapter 82~ Arthur's mom
Chapter 83 ~ The truth of Arthur's birth
Chapter 84 ~ Bounty Hunter
Chapter 85 ~ Freya
Chapter 86 ~ The beast
Chapter 87 ~ Freya's death
Chapter 88 ~ Peace treaty
Chapter 89 ~ Love spell
Chapter 90 ~ Vivian and Arthur
Chapter 91 ~ True Love
Chapter 92 ~ Crystal of Neahtid
Chapter 93 ~ Idirsholas
Chapter 94 ~ The knights of Medhir
Chapter 95~ Dragon attack
Chapter 96 ~ The Dragonlord
Chapter 97 ~ Last Dragonlords
End of book

Chapter 14 ~ The Poison

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By SophiaBailey767

Arthur bursts into Gaius's chambers with Merlin on his shoulder.

"Lay him on the bed quickly. He's struggling to breathe," Gaius orders

I help Arthur put Merlin on the bed.  

"Gwen, fetch me some water and a towel," Gaius instructs.

"Is he going to be alright?" Arthur ask.

I start pacing up and down in the room. Arthur looks at me stressing out. He gets up and grabs me.

"Olivia, Hey, he's is going to be okay!" Arthur tells me.

"How do you know?" I ask 

"Because... Merlin is a fighter,"  he says to me.

Gwen comes running back into the room with water and a cloth. Arthur lets go of me as she runs in but he still stands near me.

"You can heal him, can't you, Gaius?" she asks

Gaius takes the cloth from Gwen "I won't know until I can identify the poison, pass me the goblet,"

Arthur and I walk forward and we kneel down next to Merlin, I begin stroking his head. A tear rolls down my cheek. Gwen passes the Goblet to Gaius and he begins examining it.

"There's something stuck on the inside," Gaius says.

Arthur stands up and walks to Gaius "What is it?" 

Gwen was tending to Merlin so I get up and go to Arthur and Gaius.

"It looks like a flower petal of some kind," Gaius says

He holds the petal into the light. Gaius goes to grab a book and Arthur was examining the goblet. I walk over to Gaius. He turns to a page in his book.

"Ahh, the petal comes from the Mortaeus flower,"  Gaius says

Arthur comes to stand next to me and looks at the book.

"It says here that someone poisoned by the Mortaeus can only be saved by a potion made from the leaf of the very same flower. It can only be found in the caves deep beneath the forest of Balock. The flower grows on the roots of the Mortaeus tree," Gaius reads

Arthur points at a scary lizard looking thing,  "That doesn't look particularly friendly," 

"Yeah, no kidding," I say looking to where Arthur was pointing.

"A cockatrice-- it guards the forest," Gaius tells us "Its venom is potent. A single drop would mean certain death.  Few who have crossed the mountains of Isgard in search of the Mortaeus flower have made it back alive," I look at Merlin.

"Sounds like fun," I say.

I turn around and go to my room.

"Where are you going?" Arthur asks.

"I am going to get changed," I say 

"and why exactly are you getting changed?" Arthur asks

I turn around to look at him "I am going to get that flower," 

Before he can answer me I jog up to my room and close the door. I get changed into my armor.

Not even two minutes later I come back down.

"You can't go Olivia it's too dangerous," Arthur says 

"Well, you can't stop me," I say 

Arthur turns to Gaius, "If we don't get the antidote, what happens to Merlin?" 

"The Mortaeus induces a slow and painful death, he may hold out for four, maybe five days, but not much longer. Eventually, he will die," Gaius says.

"I look at Merlin, I'm going!" I say. "I can't lose him... I won't."

I walk over to Merlin and kiss him on the forehead, "I will save you," 

I turn to Arthur "You can come with me if you want to but there is no way you will convince me not to go!"

I turn and walk to the door, I give one last look to Merlin then leave. I walk down the stairs and hear someone run up behind me. I turn around and see Arthur.

"I'll come!" He says. 

I smile "Thank you, you go get ready I'll get the horses," 

 About ten minutes I had both the horses but Arthur was nowhere to be seen, I can't wait any longer Merlin's life is on the line. I grab paper and write a letter to Arthur.

Dear Arthur 
I'm sorry. I couldn't wait any longer Merlins life is on the line I hope you do get here. But if not make sure Merlin stays alive.

I put the letter onto Arthurs horse, then climbed onto my black stallion and ride away into the night. 

By day I had reached the forests of Balock. I decided to stop for a bit and get some water I knelt down by a river and drank some water when I heard footsteps I drew my sword and spun around to see Arthur.

"Arthur!" I ran and gave him a hug. "Oh, um I'm sorry I just didn't think you were coming," 

"Yeah sorry about that my father made me stay but then Morgana convinced me to come," He says.

We stand there awkwardly for a while, "We should go," 

"Yeah," He says awkwardly

Arthur and I climb onto our horses then head into the forest. Arthur and I walk through the forest. As we get further into the forest we decided to get off our horses and walk the rest of the way, We get down a hill and see a girl with brown hair and the most beautiful blue eyes sitting on a log and crying Arthur and I tie our horses onto a branch then go to the girl.

"Hello?" Arthur says.

Arthur kneels down by the girl "Are you alright?" 

Before the girl got to say anything we hear a loud roar.

"Ahh!" The girl screams.

I draw my sword and see the scare looking lizard thing walking up the hill.

"Stay back," Arthur says to me.

"Hey! I can fight," I shout

"I know but I don't want you to get hurt," Arthur says pushing me out the way.

I roll my eyes put my sword away and sit down. If he doesn't want my help, I won't help. I watch as he fights the beast. The beast was about to attack but Arthur threw his sword and it hit the beast and kills it. I clap.

"Well done amazing," I cheer

Arthur rolls his eyes and goes back to the girl. She looked scared and began backing away from Arthur. I was still sitting on the floor.

"It's all right. I'm not going to hurt you. " Arthur says "Who did that to you?" He asks pointing to her bruised arm.

"My master," She says "I ran away from him but then I got lost,"

I wasn't buying her story one bit but of course, Arthur did. I get up and walk over to them. When I get there the girl seems to glare at me.

"Please don't leave me," She cries, 

"I won't, we're not going to," He says remembering I exist.

"You can take me away from here?" she asks.

"Not yet" I butt in "There's something we have to do here first,"

Arthur and I look to the caves.

"Why have you come to the caves?" she asks.

"We are looking for something," Arthur tells her.

"It can only be found here," I continue.

Arthur and I untie our horses and walk to her.

"I know this area, maybe I could help you," She says

If she knows this area how did she get lost? something about her story isn't adding up.

"It's a type of flower that only grows inside the cave It is very rare," Arthur says.

"The Mortaeus flower?" She asks. "I know where they are, I'll show you," 

I really didn't trust this girl but right now anyway to save Merlin quicker I was in. The girl begins walking to the cave Arthur looks at me I shrug and follow her into the cave.

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