Why am I never enough??

By thatb1tchtot

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what happens when you finally get your long time crush....Dejuane Mccoy More

part 1
part 2
part 3
part 4
part 5
part 6
part 7
part 8
part 9
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part 11
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496 11 9
By thatb1tchtot

once y/n woke up she got up looking at her phone seeing over 100 notifications from corey so she sat up on the bed calling him back and he instantly picked up

Y: what do you want corey you already embarrassed me
Corey: i'm sorry y/n my intention wasn't to hurt you and i know i should've told you about cat but i didn't want her anymore and you were showing me something she wasn't
Y: i know what it feels like being cheated on so i would've never found what you did ok
Corey: but you said you loved me so just let me be yours
Y: you aren't mine anymore you ruined that for yourself
Corey: but your still a little bit mine
Y: and i'm sorry for you we would've still been together right now but like every guy i've been with you played me and i fell for it
Corey: please forgive me
Y: how i was head over heels for you and you just played me like it meant nothing to you
Corey: i know and i'm sad i did that to you
Y: well i'm sad i know you

with that y/n hung up the phone and plopped her face the pillow and just laid like that while dejuane shuffled around on the bed trying to get comfortable then after a while he latched on to y/n and while she tried to squirm out of his grip he only tightened it so she just laughed then laid there while dejuane slowly woke up starting to mess with her messy curls that were in his face

Dejuane: you ok now
Y: no it happened yesterday i'm still hurt
Dejuane: what's wrong
Y: dejuane that's a dumbass question 8 months i gave him 8 months and he cheated
Dejuane: you gave me 4 years
Y: is that supposed to make me feel better
Dejuane: yes because if you gave me 4 years then what is 8 months if you were able to get over me then you can get over corey
Y: you are fucking slow love
Dejuane: how
Y: yea i might be able to get over corey hopefully but honestly when you look at me do you think i'm over you or just don't care about you anymore can you honestly look me in the eyes and tell me you don't think i love you anymore
Dejuane: i know you still love me just like you know i still love you
Y: well then that's all that matters in the end ain't it
Dejuane: so what are you trying to say
Y: what do you think
Dejuane: you wanna get back together
Y: hahah oh Lord no not that but im willing to try again
Dejuane: you could've said that instead of laughing
Y: sorry but if you're willing to change then i'm willing to try again
Dejuane: alright pinky promise
Y: bet

while their pinkies were still interlocked they kissed their hand then shook their hands and sat there talking until kairi and the boys ran in the room playing and messing around then once they finished they turned on a movie and all watched it together

Y: so y'all just gone act like this y'all room
Derek: well if you wanna be technical it's dejuanes room
Y: i didn't ask
Mike: well tomorrow is thanksgiving and we have a big surprise planned
Y: better not be no dumb shit
Kairi: that's why they were chasing because i was about to tell you what they have planned
Y: what is it bubs
Kairi: they wanna invite EVERYONE who you use to and still know
Y: oh hell no that's dead
Kobe: come on y/n tomorrow isn't about us or petty disagreements we had with people it's about giving thanks and spreading love
Dejuane: exactly so tomorrow y/n should give me some loving
Y: dejuane shut the fuck up
Kairi: anyways forget what dejuane talking about but they want to invite everyone like lucianna, corey, his real girlfriend, davine, your mom
Y: woah woah woah everyone else i guess but my mom is a no actually it's a hell no i never want to see her again no
Kobe: come on y/n
Y: no kobe drop it

y/n got up walking out the room while everyone looked at each other then dejuane shook his head and walked out the room going after her and he looked around the whole house until he stepped outside in the backyard seeing her with her toes in the pool so he went and sat next to her

Dejuane: you ok
Y: no you know what she's done you were there so you know why i'm acting like this but they want her here and i won't let that happen
Dejuane: i know and i don't blame you if you don't want to see her then they can't make you
Y: thank you for understanding but if she comes i refuse to be anywhere near her
Dejuane: that's fine but come back inside it's cold as hell out here
Y: fine

y/n and dejuane got up going into the house and going back in the room seeing everyone still there so she just rolled her eyes and laid down going to sleep until she woke up and all the boys were on the floor play wrestling so she got up going into gabby room and they got dressed and went to the store picking out foods to buy

Gabby: so i'm guessing they told you the idea
Y: yea they did and i told them no
Gabby: to the whole idea
Y: no i'm fine with them coming but my mom is a flat no and no one can make me say yes i don't care
Gabby: maybe just try and talk to her to at least see why she did what she did
Y: no nothing can make me talk to her she got someone to fucking stab dejuane and she stole my kids about to sell them to some random man
Gabby: well if you aren't ready to forgive her at least talk to her because you never know when it'll be too late
Y: then that's something i'll have to live with but i refuse to talk or even look at her

after there conversation they changed the subject and started talking about random things while getting food for tomorrow they made sure to get more than they'd need since everyone was coming but after getting everything and paying for it they got in the car driving back to the house and all the girls went in the kitchen making some of the food so they wouldn't have to make it tomorrow

next chapter is a thanksgiving special

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