Immortal Love - #2 (Pennywise...

By ValyriaRizing

6.8K 466 358

It was a tough road, but Nera finally found harmony with Pennywise. Now she learns she is destined for an Imm... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 32
Chapter 33

Chapter 31

122 13 0
By ValyriaRizing

All Characters and locations borrowed from Stephen King's "It" remain his property. I own only the characters I've created. 

Helpful Notes:
"Speaking Aloud"
'Speaking Telepathically'
Subconscious Thoughts, not heard by others.

A/N: This story involves VERY mature and sometimes disturbing situations. If you have any triggers I suggest perhaps trying another story.

*~..Lamia Amorist..~*

..Chapter 31..

There was no Christmas for them this year. Pennywise, Sadie, Carlos, and Santiago had been pouring through the books in Raven Youngblood's library. They'd taken breaks only to eat and rest, knowing they'd be going to battle as soon as they found what they were looking for, but that was it. There was very little downtime other than when they sought physical release between each other.

It was currently about 4 in the morning. Sadie was sitting in Carlos' lap as they poured through a book together, with Santiago sitting across from them, and Pennywise was leaning against a bookshelf, clutching a book and quickly thumbing through its contents. Suddenly he froze and looked up.

"I feel a shift in energy... something is happening." Pennywise announced.

Something significant had happened somewhere and he felt certain it was in Hell. The others looked at him for an explanation. "I may be mistaken but I believe the spawn of Satan was just born." He reported solemnly.

He looked listlessly ahead at nothing in particular as the others processed what he'd said. Nera had given birth. Lucifer's child had entered the realm of Hell.

Each immortal in the room looked down awkwardly, each battling their own sense of failure and guilt. Sadie took a shaky breath and absentmindedly flipped a page, on the verge of tears.

She could only imagine the pain and mental anguish caused not only by the birth itself but by knowing deep down, in the furthest recesses of her mind, that all those special moments she dreamt of sharing with Pennywise and Ezra were now being forced on her with the Devil while she watched Ezra with another woman.

Suddenly they heard footsteps coming down the stairwell from above. They all waited quietly without fear, just curiosity. Carlos stood and moved Sadie behind him just in case.

A few moments later a beautiful young woman with soft brown hair and light brown eyes walked in. The air around her seemed alive as she exuded organic, raw power.

She smiled at them and waved. "Have you found it yet?"

"Raven?" Carlos asked, suddenly recognizing her energy.

The young woman giggled and ran over to him, giving him a hug. He wrapped the tiny woman in a warm embrace, enjoying the sweet organic smell that always accompanied her. It was like vanilla sandalwood and fresh herbs mixed.

The last time they'd met, he'd had to coax the spell out of her with sex, which he admittedly enjoyed, but even as lovely as she was both then and now, she didn't hold a candle next to his beautiful little mate. He felt pretty confident she wouldn't expect the same out of him this time though, seeing how he was bonded.

"It's me, yes!" She announced. "Wow, I haven't seen you in... I don't even know how many years, Carlos. What a pleasant surprise! I didn't know you'd be here!" She told him as she leaned back and beamed up into his eyes. "Well, I'm assuming since the Ancient One is here instead of Nera that things have become more complicated than I had hoped." She deduced as she withdrew from Carlos' embrace and swept past him, making her way toward a bookshelf.

"Nera and Ezra, my mates, are both trapped in Hell with Lucifer. Nera is no longer of sound mind. She cannot defeat Lucifer anymore. I need to get there." Pennywise told her.

She sighed a bit sadly at that. "I surmised as much. I had hoped it would play out differently, but there is still hope." She assured them and pulled out a book from a shelf they hadn't gotten to yet.

She dusted it off as she walked up to Sadie and smiled. "Well, Sadie Wilde... I've watched you grow up in this little town. Now look at you. You really are stunning. Quite the transformation!" She told her, then she set down the book in her hands and began thumbing through it.

Sadie just blushed and looked away. The last time she saw Raven, who had gone by Annabelle at the time, was a few years back at a town function. She'd been a sweet, kind old woman at the time.

"Raven... I want to ask you something. Ezra... Nera's mate.. they were true loves. The kind Immortals and Mortals alike spend their lives dreaming of. Then he laid eyes on his ex-love from hundreds of years ago that Lucifer brought back from the dead to distract Ezra with and he told her promptly he had moved on... then a few seconds later he switched, like... something came over him. He rejected Nera and chose his old love whom he didn't even love back then as much as he loved Nera now. Can you... explain this?" Carlos asked.

She paused in thought, then turned to Carlos. "Did she give him anything to eat or drink?"

Carlos shook his head.

She pondered this for a moment, then went over and grabbed yet another book off the shelf and flipped quickly to a particular page, then laid the book on top of the other. There on the page was a sketch of a red amulet.

Sadie gasped. "Oh my God! Heidi was wearing that! I remember because it clashed so hideously with what she was wearing that day! What is it?"

"Farnlock's amulet. Only a few were ever made. He was a nasty witch back from even before my time. Thankfully he's dead now but he spent his entire life with a beautiful woman with whom he'd used one of these amulets on." She explained.

"It is designed to force love on someone. It absorbs the victims blood and that person will fall hopelessly in love with whomever wears the amulet. It's a simple fix. Destroy the stone. It may be magical but its no sturdier than any other stone that you find on Earth."  She told them with a smile.

Carlos smiled. "Oh we are going to do a lot more than destroy just the stone. I'm going to ruin that bitch." He vehemently informed her.

"Get in line." Sadie told him.

Raven giggled, then removed the book, setting it aside and flipped toward the back of the other one. Finally she stopped and stepped back.

Pennywise and the others leaned over to read it. "Realm Cross-Over" was the name of the Spell.

"This spell will allow beings who are tied to one realm to travel to another, Ancient One. There's only one draw back." She hesitated and looked at him. "It will only work for each being one time. Whatever realm you travel to, you will be trapped there. I wish I had an easier path but... this is the only one I know of."

Pennywise took a deep breath. This entire mission was about getting Nera and Ezra back home, with me. I guess now... that can't happen. His heart ached with sadness in way he assumed was probably much like Sadie's had. His best days with his mates were behind him. If only I'd known... I'd have done things so different. Still, I can kill Lucifer. I can set my mates free from their prison. They can live a happy life together,  here on Earth. I'm sure they'll come see me if they can... but... even if they can't... well, I suppose I should be grateful for the time I had with them.

"Very well. It will be done." He consented.

"No..." murmured Sadie. She shook her head, her brows furrowed in disbelief. "There must be another way! This'll break her heart!"

"We're out of time, Sadie. It must be done. She's my world. I would die for her. Living in Hell is a piece of cake compared to knowing they're both trapped there like prisoners being forced to do things they don't want. No. This is the plan." He told her adamantly.

Sadie wiped her tears away and nodded. "Okay." She conceded.

He peered down at the spell. "Where will we get these ingredients? I've never even heard of some of these." He muttered, running his finger down the page.

"No worries, Ancient One. I have all of these ingredients except your blood and of course, the blood of a Nephalem which you luckily have." She pointed out and winked at Sadie. "I will prepare it. I will also provide you all with your own amulets that will hide your energy from Lucifer completely. You will at least have the element of surprise. Give me a little bit. It doesn't take long to make." She announced.

Pennywise nodded and materialized a vial of his own blood, handing it to the witch.

"Come with me Sadie." Raven said. With that, Sadie and Raven headed to the lab as the three immortal men mentally prepared for battle.


Just past 4am, Nera and Lucifer's son was born. They'd all hoped the baby's birth would trigger some warmth in Nera, but she was beyond that now. She stared down at the baby in her arms with almost no emotion whatsoever. Ezra sat in a chair across the room and watched her.

This was the very moment that hit Lucifer the hardest. Hundreds of thousands of years he'd existed. Eons. In all that time, he never felt this way for anyone. It was also the first time he impregnated a female. His baby boy was absolutely beautiful and he loved him as much as his twisted mind could possibly allow him too, but in Nera's eyes he saw nothing when she looked upon him.

Lucifer knelt by her side and cupped her face. "My beautiful, sweet Queen... I'm sorry for all the suffering you've endured here, but I will spend the rest of my life trying to make it right. Please, love our son. He's done nothing wrong. I chose you for a reason Nera." He pleaded with her. He couldn't bare to have their son not loved by his own Mother. Despite his corrupted mind, he loved her in the only way he knew how, and he loved their baby.

Nera sighed and looked down at the baby, seemingly lost in thought for a long moment. "His name is Constantine." She murmured softly.

Lucifer nodded. "Very well, my love." He told her.

Nera knew Lucifer was right. Of all the living who had harmed her, this child wasn't one of them. He was innocent, and he was hers. He was an adorable, beautiful baby boy, with gold eyes and little tufts of black hair. He looked up at Nera with wonder and reached his little chubby hand up, grabbing her finger. A smile nearly graced her face, but as soon as it started, it was over, the listless expression soon reclaiming her majestic features.

Her heart and mind were suffering, breaking down. Moments of happiness were increasingly fleeting, as were her moments of sanity. Her eyes began to glow red as she imagined tossing the child off the bridge into the lava beneath the castle. You may be innocent but you are a reminder of everything that is wrong with my life and a part of me hates you for it.

Lucifer saw the strange look come over her face, so he gently turned her chin toward him and looked into her eyes. "Baby, forgive me." He begged. For the moment, she felt her heart melt a bit at the warmth and sincerity in his voice.

She smiled softly and his eyes sparkled happily at that. "There's my beautiful girl."

Ezra's heart ached painfully with a sense of loss he couldn't explain as he watched Nera holding the newborn. As Nera and Lucifer kissed, he realized his part in this was over. With an unexpected heaviness, he stood and walked out without a word.

Just outside the door to his quarters he grabbed his chest and leaned against it as he was overcome with a crippling pain. Something inside felt wrong. Very wrong. He gritted his teeth, his claws coming out and digging holes into the stone wall nearest him. He took long, slow breaths as visions of Nera replayed in his mind.

He remembered it all, every innocent encounter as well as the rising tension between them as they discovered their feelings for one another. Oh, and the first time they made love. That had been extraordinary. Beautiful, sweet Angel... but you are no longer mine. Heidi is the true love of my life. For me, she is all I need.

Eventually the intense pain passed, leaving him with just that cold, gnawing sense of loss. He took a deep breath and let it out, then entered his quarters and found Heidi bathed and dressed in a sexy red lingerie set. She looked at him wide-eyed, with fear and ran up to him, throwing her arms around him.

"I'm sorry Asmodeus." She whispered. He hugged her back for a moment, then held her before him and looked down at her. He caressed her cheek and thought about just letting go of her behavior. The man he'd strived to be begged him to... but that man quickly lost.

"I love you Heidi, but tonight you will be punished for your behavior. I need to remind you how to be my good girl." He told her and suddenly she was suspended in mid-air as if held by ropes. Her arms and legs were stretched out so tight it was painful.

"Baby... please no! It hurts." She cried in a strained voice. She felt like her joints would pop out of their sockets at any moment.

Unfortunately for her, the confusing torment Ezra had been subjected too had taken him to his breaking point. Leaving the woman who was everything he'd ever wanted, loving a woman who gave him nothing worth having, watching the woman he planned a life with live out that life with someone else under forced circumstances, Heidi disrespecting him and treating him, the Lord of Lust, like he was a push-over... it had all become too much.

He chuckled darkly at her struggling. "I think it's time you meet the real Demon Lord you chose to bond with, don't you my sweet Heidi?"

A swirling gray smoke enveloped the Demon Lord where he stood, and Heidi watched in horror as it began to dissipate. No longer did her handsome Demon Lord stand there with his warm, affectionate brown eyes. What stood in his place was nothing short of nightmarish.

Heidi released a blood-curdling scream and struggled desperately against the invisible bindings. Ezra had never revealed his true form to her. He'd always known the sweet, yet simple-minded Human could never handle it and he was right. She was terrified out of her mind.

The irate Demon Lord walked slowly around her, his strange silver eyes watching her like a wolf staking it's prey. As he came behind her, he whipped her trembling body with his massive spiked tail. She screamed in pain as the barbs pierced and sliced her skin.

"Asmodeus! I'm so sorry! I love you! I... I won't do it again!" She begged, sobbing uncontrollably as her blood began dripping onto the ground.

"You have been a very, very bad girl." He hissed, his voice almost snake-like and bone-chilling. "Time to learn your place, my love." as he moved his body right behind her.

He removed his mask then slammed his teeth into her neck, feeding on her blood. As he did, his barbed tail snaked up her inner thigh, cutting her as it did, and sliding inside her panties. 'Now... this may hurt, darling.' He warned her telepathically, then plunged the tail up inside her, tearing her inside. Her screams could be heard throughout the castle.


With Nera finally sleeping off her labor and baby Constantine also asleep in his tiny bassinet, Lucifer decided to go check on Admodeus and Hiedi to see what in the world had gotten into those two. So far they'd just been fucking constantly, but nothing crazy. Now he could hear screams and demonic snarls coming from the room. It was music to hear ears.

After teleporting in, Lucifer was pleasantly surprised to see Heidi striped naked and suspended in the air. Asmodeus was in his true form raping her ass from behind with his enormous dick as she begged him to stop. Blood drizzled from her pussy as well as smeared his dick as he destroyed her asshole. His tail was coated in blood and wrapped her front, the long barbs sunk into her abdomen tightly.

"Who is your Master, Heidi?" The Demon roared.

"You are Asmodeus! I'm yours!" She screamed. He roared at her and sliced her down the back, his claws sinking down into the muscle. Blood was pouring to the stone floor at an alarming rate.

"LOUDER!" He demanded.

"YOU ARE MY MASTER ASMODEUS!" She screamed as loud as she was physically able to.

Lucifer clapped his hands gleefully. Asmodeus was finally back to his old self. How delicious! Satisfied things were finally looking up, he teleported out to go rest next to his beautiful Queen.

It took hours but eventually Ezra got the Demon out of his system. He tended to Heidi's wounds and held her as she cried into his chest.

"I understand if you no longer want to be with me, Heidi. That was a part of myself I always protected you from out of love, but there's a lot going on right now and he finally got out." He told her. Guilt speared him like a lance for what he'd just done to her. It wasn't that he was against punishment per se, but what he had just done to her was way over the line.

She wiped her tears, wincing in pain but sat up to look at him. It was true he had brutally raped her but at the same time, she'd seen the side of him she always desired. If she could coax it out without angering him, she could get the lover she'd always dreamed of. "No, um... it's okay. I forgive you. I... I like your Demon side. Maybe just not... quite so violent?" She asked timidly.

He smiled and pulled her closer. "That can be arranged baby." He told her and kissed her head affectionately.


It was probably late morning when Nera finally awoke. A lovely young Demoness stood over the baby's bassinette, but had Constantine in her arms and was feeding him a bottle of blood.

Nera sat up and wiped her eyes. "He doesn't need my breast milk?" She asked the Demoness.

The chocolate-skinned beauty smiled over her shoulder at her and shook her head. "No. I tried some formula but he just cried and cried. Then I tried some blood like we feed our Demon babies and he was perfectly content. I guess being the son of Lucifer, he's more like a Demon than an Angel in that respect. He'll get a more colorful diet as he gets older though I'm sure."

Demons are weird, Nera thought. She nodded in acknowledgement but didn't feel all that interested in discussing it further. She was glad she didn't have to breast feed the baby. The child was a constant reminder of how fucked up her life was.

A pang of guilt hit her at such a callous thought. This is my baby. It's not his fault he was born into fucked up circumstances. He's going to grow up loving me as his Mommy. I can't be this way to him. Fuck the rest of the world... but not him.

She slid from bed and was pleased to see her body was already back to normal, having healed while she slept. She changed into a black fitted dress and a pair of matching high-heeled sandals, then decided to go find some breakfast.

When she entered the great hall, all eyes turned to her. She stood there silently for a moment. She didn't much feel like killing at the moment. Today should be a positive day. It's the day the son of Satan was born. It was a day to celebrate, right? She smiled and made her way to her King, passing by Ezra and Heidi without a single glance.

Lucifer stood and pulled her into his arms. "You are a vision, my darling." he told her and slid his hands down around her rear as he pulled her against him. While it was impossible to see it with her dark skin, she blushed heavily and looked up into his hypnotizing eyes.

"Thank you for giving me such a beautiful son." She told him and brought her hands to his face, stroking his cheeks lovingly and kissing him softly. Lucifer grew incredibly aroused very quickly. It was the first time since she'd become mentally broken that she treated him the way she had before.

"Baby, I love you so much. Everything will be okay from here on out. I will make you the happiest woman any of the realms has ever seen." He vowed to her. He heard her pulse increase as his hand cupped her rear and gently squeezed.

"I love you, Lucifer." She told him back and looked out at the breakfast table. She could see that it was human meat mixed with other items and wrapped in round pieces of human skin. It was Hell's version of a breakfast taco. "Looks delicious. I'm famished." She told him.

He quickly moved aside and pulled her seat out for her. "Here, sweetheart. Eat to your hearts content." He made a plate appear before her with several of the meat wraps and a glass of blood. Deep down she did miss human food. She missed the gentle flow of life in the Mortal realm. That was all over now though. This was her life now, but as long as she had Constantine, maybe it wasn't so bad. He was her son, he'd never betray her like the others had.

"Tonight we will hold a ball in this very room, in celebration of the birth of our Son. It will be beautiful, sweetheart. We will dance and listen to fine music. It will be a day that will be celebrated every year in Hell for eternity." He told her.

She smiled and nodded. "I look forward to it, my King."


"Is everyone ready?" Raven asked as they stood around a pond out behind her house. Carlos, Sadie, Pennywise, and Santiago stood there, having just eaten to get their energy up.

"Will you be coming with us?" Sadie asked.

"Oh, no dear. I don't have immortal blood like you all. I can't travel between realms." She told her. "But... I've seen visions of this day and while they were very vague I can tell you that I believe you will succeed in your mission, but not all of you will make it back. Be sure this is a sacrifice you want to make for Nera and Ezra." Raven warned.

"Without a doubt. We would all die for Nera. Every single one of us." Santiago insisted and the others all nodded.

Raven smiled, touched by their devotion to the Angel. It saddened her knowing what was to come, but she couldn't reveal anymore to them. It wasn't her place to intervene that heavily into the order of things. She was a witch. She respected nature and the natural flow.

"Okay then." She turned and spilled the ingredients into the water and began speaking an ancient language that not even Pennywise knew. The water began bubbling and turned a beautiful dark purple color. "All of you hold hands and go in, but Pennywise, make sure you enter last. The portal will close after you go through."

They quickly joined hands and Carlos led them into the water. It was warm and smelled pleasant, like a hill of fragrant flowers. Finally, even Pennywise had entered and Raven watched as the water stilled and slowly turned back to a normal color. She sighed, hoping everything turned out okay.

* Word Count: 4,082 *

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