Slashed: A Naruto Fanfiction

By Shaxoss

418K 6K 4.6K

"Funny isn't it, Sasuki? With our backgrounds, our roles could've been easily reversed." They were born into... More

A Target
The Facility...
The 12
Taste of Power
Clash of Titans
Sight to See
Eyes That Reflect the Heart
Genin Team
Reality and its Capacity
13 to 18
Under the Moonlight
Fate? There's no such thing
Once More
Sato Yoshio
My Will. . . My Purpose
Will of Sensation
Reason. . . Suspiscion
Make me
The Book
The Beginning of the End
Are You?
Death? Perfection?
To the Top
Place to Stay
Momentum. . . Inertia
Failure? It's an Option
Heads or Tails?
Before the Storm
Forest of Death
Finish Line
She is Crazy!
True Desire
Start of the Rebellion
The Konoha Crush
Lagnarok vs Dawn
Clash of Gods


2.8K 44 71
By Shaxoss

Mini Arc: Birth of a Legend. . . (1)


It has been a few days since he came back to Konoha. Naruto sighed as he stretched his body. He felt barely any pain after stretching his body.

My body has healed at a good rate. Naruto thought as he walked without any pain pressuring him. He came across a mirror and looked at himself. A small smile was on his face as Naruto eyed himself.

Looking much better now. Naruto thought as he brushed his hands on each of his 2 arms. He suddenly heard a giggle from the front of the door.

"Didn't know you liked admiring yourself, Naruto-kun." He dropped down on the floor with a flustered plastered all over his face. His eyes were wide as he looked at Sasuki.

"Shut up! I was just looking at how much my body healed." Naruto groaned as his butt started hurting due to him falling onto the floor that the couple stood on.

"Sure. Keep on thinking that." Sasuki said with a smirk. "And what is with you and adding that suffix at the end of my name?!" Naruto grunted as he sat up.

"You being flustered is quite difficult to do. This is just a once-in-a-lifetime thing. Well, unless it's me. I can make you feel flustered as much as I want." Naruto cursed under his breath.

"Hn, suit what you want." Naruto stood back up and rubbed his butt. "Anyway, this should be the last day you have to train my genin. I should be fully healed by. . . tomorrow." Sasuki nodded as she slowly ascended away.

Naruto looked at Sasuki's retreating form. A small smile appeared on Naruto's face.

Ahhh~ I'm too good for here. Aren't I? Naruto asked himself as he too retreated away. He had to plan out what he should do today. Well, he already had a plan for today.

It was quite simple.

1) Laze around in Konoha. 2) Sleep with Sasuki

It was as simple as saying 1. . . 2. . . 3. . . Naruto looked out the window and saw the empty compound that he grew accustomed to throughout his stay in Konoha. Naruto suddenly had an idea in mind.

Ya know, I haven't been at Ichiraku Ramen in quite some bit. Naruto thought as he opened the window he was looking out from. He wondered — was jumping out unhealthy for his current state?

Nah. I'm practically fully healed! There's no way! Naruto jumped to the open world that he hasn't seen for almost a day. He landed on the ground without any repercussions.

Naruto ran across the empty streets of the Uchiha Compound.


Naruto arrived at Ichiraku Ramen.

"2 miso pork ramen. Add extra pork!" Naruto said as he had a massive grin on his face. It has been quite a long while since he had the best of the best kind of ramen.

"Naruto! You sure have grown. I wasn't here when you came and visited. My father really wasn't lying; you're tall." Ayame looked at Naruto's height. He just grinned in response.

"That's right! I am tall!" Naruto took pride in being tall even though Sasuki always tried downplaying his height so she could make herself feel better about being shorter than a quote-on-quote "dobe".

Go on. Keep fueling my ego, Sasuki. Naruto thought. He waited for his 2 miso pork ramen with extra ramen. "Here you go, Naruto. " Teuchi said served the two bowls side-by-side.

Naruto's eyes widened with sparkles in them.

Wow! Naruto will forever be amazed every time he goes and eat at Ichiraku Ramen. He slurped the noodles as it was coated with the miso broth. After some time, Naruto saw a piece of paper suddenly appear in front of his face.

Jiraiya sat right next to him. A wide grin appeared on his face. "Why are you here?" Naruto asked as he looked at the stacks of paper that was in front of Jiraiya.

"I am here to tell you about the great news to come!" Jiraiya slid the stacks of papers right to Naruto. "This is the manuscript for my new Icha-Icha novel!" Naruto choked on the ramen noodles.

"The hell did you say?!" Naruto had a shiver down his spine. "That's right! This new book to the trilogy shall add many more zeroes to my bank account. Have a look." Jiraiya gave him one of the papers.

"Rather not. You can keep them to yourself." Naruto pushed away the paper from him. "It's not that bad, Naruto. The chances of me picking out an erotic one from all these papers is slim to none. Now, try them." Naruto grumbled as he took the piece of paper.

He slightly choked on the pork. Naruto coughed a few times before read. . .

"I slid my-!" Naruto glared at Jiraiya. "Yeah, what did you say about the chances being slim to none?" Naruto asked as shoved the paper away from him.

He continued to eat his ramen.

"Hey, you just happened to get the erotic one." Naruto doubted that. We're talking about Jiraiya for the sake of god. He's a devious man that is always up to no good.

"Naruto, Naruto, Naruto. You may be acting as if this was disgusting and a sin to human kind — but someday, you'll finally do the deed with Sasuki. Trust me, I have experience." Naruto glared at him.

"That so-called, "experience" is not very good." Naruto said back as he got up from his seat. "Hey! Pervy Sage will cover the tab! Later!" Naruto grinned as he ran away.

"Naruto! Come back here! I'm not going to pay!" Jiraiya looked back at the table and saw that his papers. . . were covered with miso broth! He widened his eyes.

"No. My days of hard work!"


Naruto walked into the Team 7 training ground. He saw the 3 training in their own respective ways. Sasuki saw Naruto and raised an eyebrow due to confusion.

"Aren't you supposed to be resting?" Sasuki asked from across the grounds. The 3 genin stopped their training for a moment and looked towards the area Sasuki was looking at.

They saw Naruto walking towards them.

"Sensei! You're finally back!" Jun exclaimed as the 3 went towards. Naruto nodded. Sasuki shook her head as she too went towards Naruto. "You haven't answered my question yet, Naruto. Aren't you supposed to be resting." She repeated.

Sheesh. Overprotective girlfriend much? Naruto said to himself as he sheepishly rubbed the back of his neck. He really had no real reason coming to the grounds — he'll have to improvise. Naruto walked towards her as his 3 genin pupils resumed their training.

"Oh, just seeing if the training that you're putting them through is adequate enough for my liking." Naruto smiled as he looked at Sasuki.

"And so far, it does seem quite adequate. Good for my taste." Naruto said as the two went towards a tree. The two were now protected by the leaves. "How well do you think they're progressing?" Asked Naruto as she stood beside Sasuki.

"They're progressing quite well. I already told you this." Sasuki answered. Naruto just chuckled. "I know, just needed an update." Naruto replied immediately. They sat down and observed.

"You have a hidden agenda." Naruto raised an eyebrow. "What do you mean?" Asked Naruto as he rubbed circles on Sasuki's hand. "The reason that you're I mean. There must be some hidden agenda for you not actually resting in our bed." Naruto smirked.

"Oh, our bed. Ok, Sasuki." Naruto teased as he continued rubbing circles on the palm of her hand. "Shut up. We sleep together now. There's no reason to deny it." Naruto nodded at that valid reason.

"Now, answer me. What's your hidden agenda?" Sasuki knew Naruto. He was a little schemer at heart. His pranks are just proof of this. Naruto gained a puzzled look. He leaned into her ear.

"Is is wrong that I just want to see my lovely and beautiful girlfriend?" Naruto leaned away and saw her flustered look. It worked. No, but actually did want to see her. Seeing his genin team was just a bonus.

Sasuki wouldn't admit it, but being called beautiful by Naruto made her feel nice. "Watch what you say. You have your genin here." Sasuki quickly said as an attempt to stop her from being flustered any further.

Naruto smiled.

"I know, but they weren't looking. They like trying their hardest when training. Quite a good trait." Naruto told her as he put his hands behind his head.

"Even then. . . If people find out, it'll be a public outrage." Sasuki reasoned. Naruto nodded in agreement.

"But, I'd kill any woman if they dare to even look at you the same way I do." Sasuki told Naruto with a serious tone. This caused Naruto to smirk at what she told him.

"Well, I'd kill any guy that dares to look you, too." Naruto told Sasuki. She just scoffed. "Please, they're not up to my standards." Sasuki told him. "Ahh. . . so that means I'm there or well-above your standards. Good to know." Naruto commented.

"Glad we're on the same page." Said Sasuki. Naruto yawned as he stood up. 

"I'll see you later." Naruto said as he walked towards the training ground exit. "Bye, sensei!" Jun yelled towards Naruto as he kept on training and training. "Bye! I'll be back by tomorrow!" Naruto yelled as he looked behind him.


"What do you need, Naruto?" Naruto was currently facing Tsunade in the Hokage Office. He was making a quick stop at the Hokage Residence for a request.

"I request a C-Rank mission for my team tomorrow." Naruto told her.

"Are you most certainly sure of requesting this? Your genin team is not even a month old." Tsunade tried persuading Naruto to change his mind and wait for just a bit more.

"Tsunade, you know me. Once I set my mind on something, I won't back down. This is another instance of this." Naruto countered what she was saying. Tsunade sighed.

"Naruto, I know you don't like backing down. But they're freshly new genin out of the academy. It would certainly be unreasonable for them to take on a C-Rank already — no matter how much stronger they became." Tsunade argued back.

"This will benefit them in the long run. It can be considered experience. Plus, if any trouble along the way presents itself — I'll take care of it myself. I don't know why you doubt my abilities." Naruto told her.

"I'm not disputing or doubting your abilities as a shinobi, Naruto. I doubt that your genin are ready. Their abilities aren't sharpened enough yet." Both sides were getting more and more frustrated by the second.

"By doubting their abilities as a ninja — a shinboi — you are doubting my own abilities also. I trained them, you know that." Naruto fired back.

"They're not ready. It's as simple as that. Once that I deem them ready, I'll consider giving your team a C-Rank mission." Tsunade repeated herself.

"Look, you don't decide if they are ready or not — I do. I know how much they have progressed. I know how much stronger they have become under my tutelage and training. If something goes wrong, I can handle protecting them. They are my responsibility, so I'll protect all 3 of them with my life." Naruto told her with not even the slightest intention of backing down.

"Fine. You'll get your requested C-Rank mission. But if any of them die, it'll be on you — not me. This was your decision as a team sensei." Tsunade conceded. She didn't want to do this, but Naruto was just so firm and solid on what he was saying.

"Thank you for your cooperation. Expect my team and myself in the morning." Naruto disappeared in a swirl of leaves.


DONE! This will be the end of the chapter. Not really the start you expect for an arc named like this one. But you can treat this chapter as the calm before the storm.

The crazy stuff happens next chapter. Just sit tight and get ready.

Anyway, cya next time.

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