Immortal Love - #2 (Pennywise...

By ValyriaRizing

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It was a tough road, but Nera finally found harmony with Pennywise. Now she learns she is destined for an Imm... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33

Chapter 30

131 11 3
By ValyriaRizing

All Characters and locations borrowed from Stephen King's "It" remain his property. I own only the characters I've created.

Helpful Notes:
"Speaking Aloud"
'Speaking Telepathically'
Subconscious Thoughts, not heard by others.

A/N: This story involves VERY mature and sometimes disturbing situations. If you have any triggers I suggest perhaps trying another story.

*~..Lamia Amorist..~*

..Chapter 30..

Sadie was the first to rise the next morning. The house was consumed with the chill of December. This time last year she, Nera, and Duke were putting up Christmas decorations. She hoped one day such happy moments would take place here again.

She couldn't sleep anymore. She was consumed with the desire to get her friends back home, even if they hated her, even if it costed her her life. After all, she was the weakest of the group. There was a good chance she might not make it out of all this alive.

Her only fear was how Carlos would suffer from their broken bond if she died, but he was so strong and he'd still have Nera. It would hurt, but he would find the happiness with her that had been stolen from them so long ago. No matter what, Carlos would get his happy ending just like he deserved and this knowledge gave Sadie peace.

After turning on the heat, Sadie quickly dressed in a pair of soft black jeans, combat boots and a warm, long-sleeved back shirt. It wasn't pretty but it was functional. They never knew what they were going to find while dealing with witches.

A little while later, Carlos found Sadie downstairs kneeling upon the floor looking at a box of gold roses that sat on the coffee table in the living room.

He could tell she was in a rather emotional mood as he watched her finger lightly drag along the tips of the flowers. He sat on the couch behind her and gently ran his hands through her hair.

"Ezra was so in love with Nera even before they started seeing each other. He sent these to her." She sniffled. "Nera told me there was a card with them that read: Time will make you mine." She sobbed softly. "He didn't care what it took to be with her, he was going to wait as long as he had to." She told him.

Carlos knelt down beside Sadie and kissed her head. "They will be together again, baby. Whatever power Lucifer is using to sway Ezra's actions... we will figure it out." He assured her. He rose to his feet slowly and pulled her up with him.

He wiped the tears from her eyes as she looked up at him. "So beautiful, even when your sad." He whispered to her. She laughed at that and threw her arms around him, kissing him passionately.

"I love you so much." She whispered to him.

He ran his hands up and down her back affectionately. It felt so incredible to have a female in his life that meant this much to him. The last time of course, had been Alina... well, Nera.

He couldn't wait until Nera was back on Earth so they could all share better times together. He wanted to chance to make happy memories with her again. It didn't matter that she wasn't going to be bonded with him. That didn't change how he felt about her.

It was going to take some getting used to living on Earth again, but Hell was no place to raise a family and even though he'd not mentioned it to her yet, Carlos wanted to have a baby with Sadie. He already loved her that much, and with each passing day he loved her even more still.

"I love you too, baby." He told her.

She finally released him. "It's time. I don't even want coffee this morning. We need just need to find..." her voice trailed off as she looked at the door to the office. The door hadn't been opened since before Nera left, but it stood open now. She was absolutely certain it had been closed last night.

Carlos looked at her a bit confused and turned to see what she was seeing. He noticed it too then. A door that he'd seen closed last night now stood ajar. They looked at each other, then headed toward it.

Once inside, Carlos flipped on the light. The office was clean and looked basically un-used. Sadie immediately saw the desk was completely bare except for a Manila folder and keys sitting in the middle of it. She walked up and peered down at the label on the folder and saw that it read "Annabelle Nalick".

They smiled at each other as Sadie snatched the items up. They quickly took it to the living room and poured through the contents. It was everything they needed. Annabelle's address and house keys, everything. The items stated she was dead, but they both knew better.

As Carlos continued to sort through the items, Sadie ran up the stairs and leapt into the middle of the bed, jolting Pennywise awake. "Guys! Guess what we found!"

Pennywise grumbled angrily and bear-hugged her, pulling her onto the bed next to him and closing his eyes again. She stared in disbelief for a few moments then struggled to free herself of his grasp, but to no avail. He simply pulled her closer and nuzzled his face into her hair, then proceeded with trying to go back to sleep.

"I'm serious! It's about the witch!"

His eyes snapped open immediately and he sat up. "What did you find?"

She smiled knowingly and leapt off the bed. "Come on!" She urged them and ran out of the room.

He chuckled a bit at her excitement. He was glad to see her so happy to get Nera back. Maybe things really would be different this time. As long as the well-being of Nera and Ezra outweighed her jealousy, it should be fine.

He leaned over Santiago then, sliding a hand up his chest and brushing his face against the Demon's neck, causing him slowly awaken. "Hmm?"

"Come on. They found something." He mumbled softly to Santiago as he tenderly kissed and nuzzled his neck, enjoying the pleasant scent.

Pennywise then slid from the bed and transformed into a fresh suit, with Santiago following close behind.

Moments later they came down the stairs to see papers spread out across the coffee table. "Her name is Annabelle Nalick." Sadie began. "These papers say she died but-"

"She's not dead." Pennywise interrupted with a sly smile. Sadie dropped the papers in her hand and glanced excitedly at Carlos.

"We doubted she was. You can feel her?" Carlos asked.

He nodded. "When she's close. Yes. True Witches aren't completely mortal. They are able to harness a very unique energy from the Earth that eventually becomes a part of them, when they're skilled enough. Not just anyone can do it. There's a few of them here in town but I know of this one. She's actually been here before. Also, she's been going by that name since she arrived here in Derry. Her energy comes and goes. It's not here right now though, but she's alive. It disappears completely when they die. Even residual energy is absorbed back into the Earth, and leaves no trace." He explained to them. "I say we start at her house." He suggested.

Carlos shrugged arrogantly. "That was the plan."

A lopsided grin spread across Penny's face at that. He liked this Demon much more than that puny sadist Isaac. At least Sadie picked a good partner this time, not that Santiago had been a bad choice but the Demon was pretty obsessed with Nera. It was hard for him to focus on anyone else.

"Anyone need to eat? Do it now before we head out." Pennywise mentioned. Personally he'd snatched a delicious little chunky boy just before finding them at the house last night so he was fine. The others seemed content though.

"Nope, I think we're good, let's head over to Annabelles." Sadie said as she grabbed up the keys and documents.

Pennywise then transported them all to the front of Annabelle's house. It was on the edge of town located on a few acres of land. The land was lush and green, but it was clear no one was actually tending to it with how wild the hedges had grown out front.

"Okay... house or castle?" Sadie commented, gazing up at the stunning structure. Much larger than expected, it was made mostly of white limestone bricks, with ivy crawling freely up the sides.

"Well... let's head in." Carlos said with the house keys now in hand. The group headed up the stone steps and unlocked the house.

Inside the house looked well-kept and cozy, like you might expect to find gramma's house. There was more here than first meets the eye though and they knew it. The group ventured into a large sitting room and in the middle was a coffee table.

Sitting in the middle of the table was a box with ornate carvings on it. It stood out because there were strange symbols carved into it's surface that none of them recognized.

A power radiated from it, so Pennywise approached it and tried to slide it toward the edge of the table but it wouldn't budge. It wouldn't open either. He was about to blow it open when Sadie jumped forward with a ring of keys.

"Wait! You might damage the contents. Let's see if Annabelle left the key." She suggested. Internally realizing she was probably right, he stepped back. After a few tries she found the key that matched.

Carlos pulled her back before she could open it though. Sadie looked at him questioningly. "It could be hexed, baby." He warned her.

Pennywise stepped forward, being the most powerful among them and popped it open. Inside was a letter.

He opened it slowly and began to read.

Dear Nera,

I understand this may come as a surprise to you given we hardly know each other but I sense something in you that I've never felt before and somehow I know I can trust you.

My true name is Raven Youngblood. I am a full-blood witch, born in the 1800s. I've traveled the world and I've known immortals of all kinds, and you are something truly special.

I will re-awaken soon, so I want to leave my belongings with you. I know that you will keep them safe for my return. It will take some time for my body to be reborn. When I am, I will come back and we can learn more about each other.

In the meantime, everything you could ever want to know is hidden beneath the house and the only key that will unlock it is inside this box. You will find the keyhole behind a book made of human skin on my bookshelf in the living room.

I know something big is in your destiny and my senses tell me something in my collection will aid you in your journey. Looking forward to meeting your sweet face again soon.

Blessed be,
Raven Youngblood

"The witch is.. in her cocoon phase. She will be of no help to us, they never reveal where they sleep. She has left all of her secrets and knowledge beneath the house though." Pennywise told them, and raised a strange, ornate looking key for the others to see.

They made quick work of exploring the large bookshelf that was built into a wall. Sadie was searching with both hands and suddenly one hand slid across a rough surface that didn't feel like a normal book.

She gripped it and pulled it out, then yelped in horror as a flat, leathery eyeless face stared back at her. In her shock she accidentally dropped the book, earning a chuckle from the others.

"Well done Sadie." Pennywise told her with a smirk. She rolled her eyes and took a calming breath. When she saw Carlos trying to hide a chuckle as he bent over the pick up the book, she couldn't help but smile despite herself.

"Yeah yeah. Laugh it up. Hilarious!" She snapped playfully.

Pennywise proceeded to lean in and look into the slot where the book has been and found a keyhole that looked fairly clean, as if it were used regularly. He pushed the key in and turned it, then watched as the bookcase slowly slid out of view.

What stood before them was a long dark stairwell dimly lit by strange torches with purple flames. An organic, earthy smell rose up from the darkness.

"How odd." commented Sadie as they made their way in. The bookshelf slid closed after they entered, and with a sigh of relief they saw a lever on the wall that would allow them to open it on their way out.

As they proceeded down a stone staircase, Penny's eyes began to glow. "Do you feel that?" He asked the others.

Carlos and Santiago nodded but Sadie was too new to recognize it. Energy of the Earth was accumulated there, thick like fog, permeating the air and everything around them.

"There's great power here, hidden from above. You have to be inside to feel it." He explained so Sadie would understand.

They continued down until they finally entered what appeared to be a large, cozy, dimly lit but very ornate, luxurious library.

The intoxicating scent of leather-bound books added to the musty, organic smell. Oddly enough the place seemed to be moisture-free, probably a spell of some kind to protect the books within. A quick walkthrough revealed a small restroom in addition to a lab of sorts where the witch had clearly spent time whipping up spells and concoctions.

"So... this is it. Look at all these books." Sadie marveled in a small voice, turning and looking all around them.

The others stood in the middle of the library now and looked around. They really had their work cut out for them. There were hundreds, perhaps even thousands of books they would need to scour to find the spell they were looking for.

"Well... let's get to work then." Carlos said.

Each of them took a section of the library and began the arduous task of sitting down and pouring through them. Even the history and reference books had to be thoroughly scanned for any mention of what they were looking for.

This went on well into night, but they kept going. At 4am, not a single one of them had stopped, all determined to find a way to save their loved ones.

Sadie's eyes were absolutely exhausted as she turned a corner and found a hallway leading down a few stairs and into a new room full of books. There was even more to the library than first met the eye, which was really no surprise. She sighed warily as she walked up to an oil lamp on the wall and turned up the flame a tad.

"If your tired, you can take a break Sadie." came Penny's voice from behind her. Her shoulders slumped a bit but she shook her head.

"No. I've failed Nera too many times already. I'm not doing it again." She told him and turned to a shelf of books to her left. She pulled out a pile of books and turned to carry them to a wooden table located in the center of the room.

Pennywise watched her almost stumble and used his power to lift the books from her hands and set them on the table.

He stepped forward and lifted her chin up so she had to look in his eyes. "If your doing this to save your own skin, it won't work Sadie. I am still going to kill you at the end of all this. There's no one who can stop me, and you know it." He told her cruelly, his eyes staring hard into hers without even an ounce of emotion.

She stared unblinking at him, her eyes wide with fresh fear. A tear rolled down her cheek when she realized with complete certainty now that she would never get to sit down with her friend and drink a glass a wine again and hear the comforting sound of her laughter. She'd never get to sit across the room and watch Nera cuddle with Ezra or Pennywise as they watched a movie together. No more cozy Christmas's with hot cocoa or late nights with her at the Falcon. They would never explore their powers together, flying beneath the glittering night sky. She'd never see Nera's baby, or be able to shower the little one with presents. Nothing. Once Nera was saved, her part in the story ends, as does her story with Carlos.

She pulled away then and looked down at the table of books. "It doesn't matter." She began softly, "I may not be part of the picture when she comes back, but she will be. She'll be with the ones she loves and she'll live the life she deserves. That's all that matters." She took a calming breath, then glared at him. "If I have to die to make that happen, then so be it." She told him defiantly, then sighed and added, "Can I ask just one thing? When it's time, can you take me somewhere private? I mean... I don't want Carlos or Nera to see it."

He listened to her words thoughtfully as he tested her. Well done Sadie, he thought. He had no intention of telling her that though. He wanted her to believe she was dying at the end of this. He wanted to see just how dedicated she really was to Nera.

"I can accommodate that. I'm pleased to see your beginning to understand the meaning of loyalty." He told her. "It's really a shame that you didn't learn it in time to save your life."

She sighed shakily and looked back at the books again. "Perhaps in another life." She murmured softly. He drew close enough to her that she could feel the heat rising off his body and she gazed up at him curiously.

He brought his hand to her face, using his thumb and dragging it mightily across her lips. She closed her eyes and allowed him the freedom to do as he pleased. "Even knowing I'm going to kill you, you're still so obedient." He whispered to her. He liked this Sadie much more than the old one.

I have changed a lot, haven't I? She realized. She knew Pennywise was going to kill her and after what she'd done, she didn't blame him. She trusted he knew what was best and if he thought her death was necessary she would accept it. The old Sadie was already dead and gone. What remained was an entirely different caliber thanks to Carlos's training.

With that he turned and walked away, leaving her to believe that she was on death row.


Weeks went by. It was now Christmas Eve, but in Hell there was no celebration. There was no Christmas.

Ezra and Heidi were stowed away in his quarters and had just finished another filthy, rough round of fucking. It was all they ever seemed to do. He loved her completely, yet the same questions nagged him nearly to the point he couldn't even enjoy the love he felt for her anymore.

He'd gone to the restroom alone to freshen up. Heidi seemed content staying dirty after sex, as usual. She never bathed afterward or anything. She just laid there and waited for him to be ready to fuck again. Despite enjoying sex, there was so much more to life and Heidi didn't seem to grasp that. It was as if all her years in Hell had made her forget all the other joys they could experience together.

He'd just put on a fresh suit when he heard a scream through the thick stone walls. Nera. Without evening thinking, he ran from the restroom, instinct taking over.

Heidi jumped in surprise as he started to head toward the bedroom door. "Um, what the hell are you doing?" She asked snobbishly as she dressed back into the same clothes from before.

"Something's wrong. Didn't you hear her scream?" He asked as he reached out for the door handle.

She looked at him, genuinely confused. "Well yeah. Why does it matter to you?" She snapped.

"Sweetheart... I love you, but if our Queen is hurt don't you think we should aid her?" He asked her.

She scoffed. "No. I don't. She's Lucifer's problem." She hissed toxically.

He shook his head. "No... Heidi..." he looked at her in disbelief. "What happened to you? You didn't use to be like this." He told her, finally calling her out on her behavior. "What happened to that sweet woman that I fell in love with?"

She simply scoffed and rolled her eyes. "The better question is what's happened to you?! We're fucking Demons. I can't handle anymore of this sappy sweet love shit." She snapped and stormed out, leaving him completely speechless.

It hurt his heart that she wouldn't have even one real conversation with him, but another scream from the next room pulled him from that thought.

He ran then and moments later busted through Lucifer's door. He found Lucifer next to the bed holding Nera's hand as she screamed, her knees bent and a look of extreme pain on her face. She wore a loose, black chiffon gown that looked beautiful on her, but almost too sexy for a woman about to give birth, probably Lucifer's doing.

Her silky, black hair was pulled up in a messy bun with little tendrils falling around her face and a few down her neck. If he hadn't been so deep in love with Heidi he'd have sworn just then she was the most beautiful creature in the world.

"My king, is she..?" Ezra asked breathlessly.

Lucifer glanced up, a look of worry on his face. "Yes, Asmodeus. She is." He replied tightly. He looked back down at her awkwardly, having no idea what to do for her.

Ezra snapped into action. With new powers instilled from his previous bond with Pennywise he was able to make a soft, sterile thick blanket appear beneath her so the baby would have a clean place to be delivered. He adjusted the bed so it was much shorter, then put a bottle of essential oils on the table next to Lucifer.

Lucifer glanced down questioningly at the bottle. "It's for her. Massage her with it. It'll help the pain." Ezra told him shortly. Lucifer didn't like taking direction but he had no idea what to do so he had no choice.

He took the oil and applied it to his hands, then began rubbing Nera's shoulders as he leaned down and kissed her cheek. Her eyes closed for a moment at the relief his hands were providing her. She'd take anything at this point, the pain was unbearable.

A folded pile of sheets appeared on the bed next to Nera. Ezra stepped slowly to the end of the bed and suddenly Nera's eyes snapped open, meeting his with resentment. There was so much she wanted to say in that moment. She was so angry at him. 'It was supposed to be you.' She told him in a moment of weakness.

His chest tightened. 'I know. Just let me help you.' A tear rolled down her cheek and she quickly wiped it, then looked away. Lucifer was no longer restricting their communication now that they no longer seemed to want each other. He assumed her tear was from the pain. He lifted her chin and kissed her as she struggled through another contraction.

"It's okay sweetheart, I'm here." Lucifer whispered to her. She tried to smile at him in appreciation but the pain was just too severe.

Ezra laid a blanket over Nera for privacy but placed a hand gently on her knee. "I need to check and see how far along you are, Nera." He told her. He glanced at Lucifer who nodded to let him know it was okay.

Nera just looked away as Ezra reached under the blanket and gently slid her gown back. He put a knee on the bed and reached down between her legs and used his claws to cut her panties off. He laid the matching black lace fabric aside then used his power to ensure his hand was sterile as he reached down and gently touched her.

She flinched, not being used to his touch anymore. Her eyes met his and he could literally read the confusion there. Lucifer was distracted with his simple task of massaging her which he'd also added in kissing and sucking on her neck, so he didn't see the awkward, confused look between Nera and her former lover.

Ezra slowly slid his fingers inside her. She was so soft and smooth, and the Demon in him began forcing its way up, powering through his intense feelings of love for Heidi.

Such a sweet, delicious little pussy, and it used to be mine. Why isn't it mine anymore?

Jaw clenched in apprehension and confusion, he pressed in further, feeling for her cervix as his thumb accidentally brush softly across her clit. He heard her breath falter and he watched as she looked away. If her skin hadn't already been such a dark pink, he'd have seen her blushing deeply at his accidental touch.

As his fingertips touched her cervix, his thumb caressed her little clit softly and he felt her tremble. He wasn't sure why he was doing it, but he couldn't seem to stop himself.

Even though she was looking away, he saw her bite her lip and close her eyes as he studied her, his face completely lack of emotion. Why am I doing this? I don't even want her. She feels so fucking good though.

By the time he slipped his finger through her cervix, she was beginning to grow wet. Her contraction had passed so she wasn't in as much pain. "Almost done." He muttered so Lucifer didn't start getting suspicious. He could tell she was only about 2 centimeters dilated so she had a ways to go.

He slid his fingers carefully out, then gently back in, stroking her clit as he did. She jerked a bit but said nothing. He began repeating the motion gently, and her legs began trembling. His fingers were soaked now. He didn't want to stop, but he also felt incredibly guilty for touching her this way, especially knowing she hated him.

"She's about two centimeters, Lucifer. It will still be awhile. Our best bet is to make her as comfortable as possible during this time." Ezra said as he continued to caress and finger her softly under the sheet.

From where Lucifer stood he couldn't see that his arm was even still under the blanket since her knees were up blocking the view. She looked at him with anger and confusion as he worked his fingers inside her again. She jerked a bit, trying to hide the pleasure he was giving her but having a hard time with it.

He finally pulled his fingers out. "It might help if she had a hot tub to relax in, it will help keep her comfortable until she's prepared for birth."

Lucifer nodded again and made a large in-ground stone tub appear in the floor. The water inside was nice and hot. "Are you ready baby?" Lucifer asked her. She nodded and he slowly helped her from bed and led her to the tub. She stepped in carefully.

"Oh god, that feels amazing." She murmured. She lowered herself into the water, but Lucifer didn't join her. She looked up and smiled expectantly at him. "Are you coming?"

He stroked her cheek as he knelt beside her. "No, my dear. Water is really not my thing." He told her. She looked disappointed for a moment, then the look faded as her disappointment was replaced with bitterness.

I shouldn't have expected him to. This is a fucking nightmare. My entire life is a joke.

"Then fuck off. I'll scream when I need you." She spat at him hatefully. Lucifer gritted his teeth and stood, his fists balled up in anger.

He glared at Ezra then. "You stay with her. Make sure she doesn't drown. I'll assume since you appear to hate each other that I don't need to worry about leaving you alone." He muttered as he stormed out.


Hours went by and Ezra watched from outside the pool in fresh clothes as Nera went through the pains of labor. She was beautiful and strong, but her eyes had turned red again and anytime she did look at him, she glared hatefully as if he was the most loathsome creature she'd ever seen.

The door swung open suddenly and in walked Heidi looking sourly in Nera's direction. "What the hell is this? Playing midwife to your ex?" She demanded.

Ezra quickly stood up and stopped her. "Baby, it's not like that. I'm the only one in hell with any experience that Lucifer trusts with her."

"Such a proper, classy Demon. You must be so proud, Asmodeus." Nera told him as she absentmindedly caressed her swollen belly. "I bet you can't wait to take her to Derry and show her off to everyone." She told him with a smirk.

His jaw visibly clenched. As much as he loved and adored Heidi, he felt no pride in the thought of being seen with her in the town where he'd built the best years of his life. He didn't even understand her, how would they?

Without warning another contraction started and Nera cried out, bowling over in pain. Ezra quickly transformed into a pair of black swim shorts and a black shirt, then stepped down in with her, kneeling on the underwater seat next to her to place a hand reassuringly on her shoulder.

"What the fuck are you doing?" screeched Heidi. Ezra looked back at her over her shoulder.

"Darling, she's in labor. She needs to be helped, to be monitored. I'm sorry if you don't like it but our King has left me in charge." Ezra told her in frustration.

As much as he loved her, he'd had about enough of her attitude. She was never like this before. If she had been he would have straightened her ass out.

"Get away from her now!" She screamed, stomping like a child.

Nera chuckled softly in derisive amusement, and he heard it. As angry as he was, for some bizarre reason he wanted to laugh with her. Her eyes caught his and for just a split second a mutual look of amusement passed between them. It was strange. It was like a momentary connection was made. It sent a pleasurable shockwave through his entire body. As soon as it began though, it was over and he was left feeling nothing except an intense anger toward Heidi for her behavior.

His eyes turned red and black, and the corner of his mouth curled up in a sadistic smile as his gaze continued to hold Nera's. Somehow she knew exactly what he was thinking and she couldn't help but smile deviously, knowing the little bitch had finally pushed him too far and she was about to be sorry for it.

It's time to put my love in her place, he decided. He then hopped out of the tub and advanced upon her quickly, her eyes widening as she realized she'd fucked up. His hand crossed over his chest, then swung forward and backhanded her hard, sending her skidding across the floor until her back hit the stone wall.

She rolled and looked up at him in shock. "Don't you ever speak to me that way again, Heidi. You were never like this before. If you had been, our relationship would have been very different. Now go to our room and wait for me there. I warn you not to do anything to make your punishment worse than it will already be." He snarled angrily and watched her leave the room.

He took a few deep breaths and calmed as he thought about what he'd just done. It was strange. Nera never gave him a reason to hit her. Every single other woman he'd ever cared for had, but not her.

Nera cried out in pain again, so Ezra hopped down into the hot tub again and to try to help ber. Nera cut her eyes hatefully at him and tried to move away from him.

He sighed in frustration. "Just let me help you." He demanded. He grabbed her hand against her will and she squeezed it hard as the contraction hit her again.

"It hurts!" She cried. He grimaced and his chest tightened. He wished he could ease her pain somehow. It bothered him. He laid her down in the water in a shallow part made to be like a bed.

"I know. Let me check you again. I need to see how far along you are." He told her. She simply looked away this time, too distraught with pain to care what he was doing. He positioned himself between her legs and reached down and slowly slid his fingers in again. She was much further along this time, about 7 centimeters. "Almost there." He muttered.

Lucifer's sake she feels so fucking good. The Demon inside him shot to the surface, and he found his breath deepening as he used his thumb to massage her clit. Her breath faltered but she refused to look at him. He slid his fingers out, then dipped them back in. She shifted a bit as she tried to ignore the pleasure he was bringing her.

He slowly increased his pace just a bit as his other hand gently opened her legs more. Her back began to arch and she took a deep breath. "There you go." He whispered softly to her.

"Fuck you Asmodeus." She muttered spitefully.

He snorted in amusement, circling her swollen clit. He could feel her juices even under the water, making her even slicker inside. His pace quickened more. She whimpered suddenly and spread her legs more. "Fuck." She breathed.

He studied her beautiful body as she writhed in pleasure under his hand. She grabbed on to the side of the hot tub and threw her head back, moaning in pleasure. "That feels so good..fucking asshole.... don't think this changes anything between us." She told him.

"I know it doesn't." He told her gently. She opened her eyes and looked into his. "Just enjoy it."

He leaned over her and slid his hand under the small of her back, caressing her as he worked her to completion.

"Oh god... just like that... yes." She breathed, her eyes fluttering closed as she began nearing her climax.

"You're so damn beautiful." He suddenly whispered, not even thinking about it before he said it.

She cried out then then as the orgasm finally claimed her and he felt her grow extremely slick as she rode it out. Slowly she calmed. He softened his touches, bringing her down from her orgasm in the most relaxing way. She panted heavily as she looked at him.

"Better?" He asked. She nodded and then looked away.

"I'm fine. Go to Heidi please. That's where you belong." She told him then bitterly. Suddenly the contractions started again. She screamed as this one proved to be the worst yet.

Lucifer finally reappeared next to the tub. Luckily by this time Ezra had moved his hands away and was holding her shoulders so she didn't fall over into the water.

"How is she?" He asked.

"She's close. Shouldn't be much longer." Ezra told him. Nera didn't look at them, she just stared straight ahead and started to mentally fade away from the world.

It wasn't supposed to be like this. I was never suppose to have the devil's child... but what did I expect? No one has ever been able to stay loyal to me. In the end they all betray me. Every last fucking one of them. I just want to die. Every day is the same as the last. Why can't it end....  and with that her mind sunk to a place that no one could reach her.

Lucifer and Ezra both looked down as Nera started rocking gently back and forth, and quietly she began chanting something.

They both leaned in to listen to what she was saying and as they did, Ezra noticed tears of blood welling up in her eyes, slowly beginning to creep down her dark pink cheeks.

"Broken promises and twisted dreams,
I'd rather die than be alive it seems.
I wake, I eat, I sleep so deep,
and through it all my soul will weep.
There is no reason to go on,
I'm just the Devil's little pawn.
There's peace and quiet in graves so deep.
I pray the Reaper my soul will keep.
I long tonight for just one thing,
That this will be the end of dreams..."

"Get her out of there." Lucifer told Ezra as he stared as Nera in worry. The world around him faded away as Ezra lifted her from the water, taking her back to the bed. She was so far gone. He never imagined losing Asmodeus would do this to her.

At the same time Ezra was thinking the same. How could he have broken the woman who once filled his life with joy? A joy that no other had ever given him? Even in love with Heidi, he knew he'd been happier with Nera. It was common fucking logic. How did I let this happen?

Silently, with heavy hearts and regret, they both thought, What have I done?

* Word Count: 6,320 *
A/N: Poem is my work, thanks!

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